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Interesting facts about resume

Interesting facts about resume, Human resource management and Interviews

Facts about Resumes A resume is a formal document that a job seeker creates to list his or her qualifications for a specific employment. A resume is frequently accompanied by a personalized cover letter in which the candidate indicates interest in a particular job or organization and highlights the most important details on the resume. Here are some facts about resume’s: Recruiters spend 5 to 7 seconds on average going over resumes. 76% of the resumes are rejected due to an unprofessional email address. 88% of the resumes are rejected due to a picture on the resume 79 % of job seekers believe they are likely to use social media in their job hunt, with 86 % of younger job searchers saying they are likely to use it. On average, 250 resumes are sent for each corporate job opening. Only 4 of those are called up for an interview and finally only one will be selected. Most of the resumes are sent digitally via mail [ about 90 %] A single typo on your resume can take your dream job away. Recruiters will discard a resume if it has mistakes, according to 61% of them. Applicants with spelling problems will be disqualified by 43% of hiring supervisors. The percentage of resumes and job applications with inaccuracies is 53% 70% of college students surveyed said they would put false information on a resume to land a job. Recruiters use LinkedIn to screen applicants in 87 percent of cases. Employers prefer applicants with job experience 91 percent of the time, and 65 percent of the time, they prefer candidates with relevant work experience. 45 percent of the total  of the workforce are Millennials now, making them the most well-represented generation. Salary mismatch is one of the biggest reasons why 50% of the job opportunities are not filled. Professional career advancement and developing chances are crucial to 87 percent of Millennials in a job. Nearly 80% of Millennials are looking for people who fit their company’s culture, followed by career opportunities. According to 50% of the employees company is image is important to them and they would choose it over higher pay Interesting facts about Human resource management 92 percent of managers believe they are performing admirably. There’s one HR statistic in particular that’s worth noting among the many available for small businesses. Almost every manager, 92 out of 100, believes they are managing their employees well. The fact that only 67 percent of workers agree with this conclusion makes it much more amusing. Interesting Facts about interviews An interview lasts about 40 minutes on average. In a survey of 2000 interviewers, 33% indicated they know whether or not they will hire the candidate within the first 90 seconds of the interview. 70% of interviewers think that the applicants are too trendy. 67 percent said they’ve had an applicant who didn’t get the job because they couldn’t make eye contact. When asked how many times a candidate was rejected because they didn’t have enough knowledge about the firm they were applying for, 47 percent said it happened because they didn’t have enough knowledge about the company. Because of vocal quality and overall confidence level, as well as a lack of a grin, 38% of candidates were not hired. A candidate was rejected by 33% of interviewers because of poor posture during the interview. A candidate was rejected by 26% of interviewers due to a weak handshake. 21% of applicants are rejected just because they cross their arm during an interview! Hope you gained some knowledge from these fun facts about resume, HR, interview. If you are looking to get  some of the best resume writing services then approach Writrox.

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data analyst resume india

How to Write an Outstanding Data Analyst Resume India?

professional resume writing services to What Does a Data Analyst Do? Data analysts are an important part of every company’s organizational process. A range of critical procedures, such as sales and marketing, create numbers on a regular basis. As a data analyst, your job is to translate these figures, statistics, and apparently jumbled data into something that the typical person can read and understand. Collecting, organizing, extrapolating, analyzing, and reporting this data to persons who need it to make key choices will be among your tasks. Communication, creativity, attention to detail, organization, and time management are all necessary for success in this position. This example of a data analyst’s CV is a brilliant example of a well-written document that covers the necessary information. To come up with answers, data analysts must first comprehend the problem’s nature. They must be able to communicate with their coworkers in their own language, delving into real-world business difficulties and examining what kind of data can provide viable answers. The hard part isn’t getting data; it’s ensuring that you’re gathering the right data to tell you what you need to know. • Your data analyst summary You don’t need to add a summary or objective on your resume for most data analysts. They usually only take up valuable space that could be better spent discussing another project you worked on. When I was applying for data analyst positions, I made this error. I believed I needed to add something generic in my synopsis, so I did. It’s ok to leave this out if it doesn’t offer any value to your application. • How to Present Your Contact Information • How should a data analyst’s education be listed on a CV? Include a few essential digital abilities in your core credentials area, especially if they are listed as desired skill sets in the job posting. To catch employers’ attention, you could wish to mention these skills in your summary statement as well. In your experience area, include details of how you apply these talents. As seen in our data analyst CV sample, you are most likely a data analyst with a bachelor’s degree in statistics or another similar discipline such as information technology. Display your degree in the education part of your resume. • How should you mention certificates on your data analyst resume? Because many candidates for data analyst jobs have identical statistics or IT degrees and analytical capabilities, it’s a good idea to include relevant credentials in your application to stand out. One method to draw attention to your certificates is to establish a distinct section for them. Put your certificates in your education section if you simply want to use the primary components that our data analyst CV sample contains. Place them underneath your post-secondary degree and mention the certificate’s official title. • How should a data analyst CV contain digital skills? • Data still comes first Your prospective employer will be skeptical if you do not discuss how you acquire and evaluate data in your summary. Don’t allow your business knowledge to overpower your data analyst skills. Discuss the issues you’ve resolved, the size of the data you’ve dealt with, and the applications you’ve used. How to beat the ATS Data analyst resume India format Here are some short formatting suggestions for your data analytics resume: Keep it to one page (otherwise, the reviewer will scan your work) Break down bullet points into bite-sized chunks of information. Avoid using the pronouns “I” or “we” since it comes out as unprofessional. Keep your conversation focused on your job and tasks. Quadruple, treble, and double Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. A single blunder here might send your resume straight to the “No” bin. Each bullet point on your resume should be a complete thought in itself. Keep it to one page (otherwise, the reviewer will scan your work) Break down bullet points into bite-sized chunks of information. Avoid using the pronouns “I” or “we” since it comes out as unprofessional. Keep your conversation focused on your job and tasks. Quadruple, treble, and double Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. A single blunder here might send your resume straight to the “No” bin. Each bullet point on your resume should be a complete thought in itself. Your aim with your resume is to make it as simple as possible for the individual reading it to realize that you’re a good fit for the position. This purpose is served by all of these resume formatting suggestions. Conclusion up to 50% off Data analysts are in high demand, yet there is fierce competition for the finest data analyst jobs. Demonstrating how you turn analysis into productive action is required. Work on your communication and persuasion abilities, as well as your ability to translate statistics to others. In an end-to-end process, share the specifics of your most important initiatives. Your work history should include detailed information about your technical talents. Emphasize your contribution to your firm – how do you make a difference on your own? Be careful to include any relevant information about your education and work experience. Data analysts are in high demand, yet there is fierce competition for the finest data analyst jobs. Demonstrating how you turn analysis into productive action is required. Work on your communication and persuasion abilities, as well as your ability to translate statistics to others. In an end-to-end process, share the specifics of your most important initiatives. Your work history should include detailed information about your technical talents. Emphasize your contribution to your firm – how do you make a difference on your own? Be careful to include any relevant information about your education and work experience. resume templates

How to Write an Outstanding Data Analyst Resume India? Read More »

best LinkedIn profile tips


In 2022, LinkedIn is already the hottest place to look for a job LinkedIn profile Professional Resume Writing Services Furthermore, your LinkedIn profile will assist you in developing a personal brand that highlights your insight to prospective employers while also increasing your online visibility. Instead of the other way around, recruiters and recruiting managers come to you. You get several offers, and recruiters waste their whole day on LinkedIn searching for recruits just like you. The career opportunities you get are often tailored to your qualifications and interests. I’m going to share some of my top LinkedIn profile tips to help you stand out to recruiters, managers, and everyone else looking for potential on the platform. I’m going to share some of my top LinkedIn profile tips to help you stand out to recruiters, managers, and everyone else looking for potential on the platform. 1. Create an Engaging Profile It’s crucial that your LinkedIn profile is comprehensive, informative, interesting, and readable. In reality, your LinkedIn profile should serve as an online resume. It should have all of the same material as your resume, as well as additional details. Remember to make your profile public so that the rest of the world will see it. Customizing your URL also gives you a connection that you can easily share on your resume as well as with prospective employers and contacts. Use your given name if it is available. 2. Thoroughly Fill Out your Profile Okay, there’s a reason we put this tip first: it’s important that you fill out your LinkedIn profile completely. Since the accounts with the most information appear first in a recruiter’s scan. While this isn’t the only thing that influences your ranking among hiring managers, it’s probably the most critical. 3. Write a Professional Headline Since it’s the first thing recruiters see when they look at your resume, the headline is crucial. It should articulate who you are and what you stand for in a short, straightforward, and succinct manner. Because many recruiters just look by title, having the correct headline means you get identified for the right, appropriate work. It’s also fine to have profession-specific skills and names, as long as they’re applicable and don’t go on for too long. Instead, use the room to convey the essence of who you are as a specialist in a single sentence or a few words. It’s best that you can be as precise as possible on what sets you apart from the competition. 4. Choose Professional Profile Picture First and foremost, having one is important. Members that have a profile shot get up to 21 times the number of shares! Here are few pointers on how to get the perfect profile picture: Here are few pointers on how to get the perfect profile picture: You don’t have to wear your best outfit, but you still shouldn’t be wearing your old worn-out shirt. Look at what those in your field are wearing and choose something similar. Strive for a nice appearance, not too stern, not too goofy. A profile photo draws attention to your face. But, instead of a full-body shot, go for a close-up. Your profile photo must be current; don’t depend on that one photo from high school, no matter how fine you look in it. Quality is important; low-resolution photos are not acceptable. You don’t have to wear your best outfit, but you still shouldn’t be wearing your old worn-out shirt. Look at what those in your field are wearing and choose something similar. hot Strive for a nice appearance, not too stern, not too goofy. A profile photo draws attention to your face. But, instead of a full-body shot, go for a close-up. Your profile photo must be current; don’t depend on that one photo from high school, no matter how fine you look in it. Quality is important; low-resolution photos are not acceptable. Do you want to be noticed? You certainly will. Go for it if you have a high-quality shot of yourself doing something special, such as a fun hobby or a professional interest. As long as it isn’t too weird, it will draw favorable interest. Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a technical networking site. 5. Add Cover Photo which Reflects your Profile Your cover photo will be placed in the blank banner above your profile image. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your website, so you want to make a positive first impression. However, you can use a photo of yourself doing your job or personalize a banner with text. You can provide a link to your personal website, a few main attributes, resources you provide, or even a meaningful quote. Simply maintain a neutral tone. 6. Use Keywords in terms of Skills Keywords assist you in being included in LinkedIn search results. Every day, recruiters conduct a large number of searches in order to locate candidates. However, this isn’t likely to come as a surprise to you. What you do not realize is that your abilities can be used as keywords. And if you don’t have the word or expression anywhere else on your profile, adding it as talent will make it appear when someone looks for it. LinkedIn allows you to add up to 50 of them. It’s the safest way to stuff a bunch of keywords without looking spammy. Take advantage of the situation and go for it. Sure, you might try to jam 50 keywords into your most recent work or description, but it would totally detract from your profile (and turn off anyone who reads it). Instead, make use of this!       7. Avoid Buzzwords Buzzwords are words that appear often on LinkedIn and in job descriptions but don’t really reveal anything about an individual. Consider the words “creative,” “inspired,” “hardworking,” “productive,” “good,” and “motivated.” These terms don’t mean much of their own, or they’re a given, according to Hallow. Consider if a potential keyword or expression needs more meaning to


cv for phd application

How to write a CV for PhD Application?

So you’re reaching the end of your current degree or returning to school, and you’ve chosen to pursue a Ph.D. as the next move. Although the road ahead is sure to be exciting, you’ll need to first protect your position. All will start with a good Ph.D. submission, as well as an equally excellent academic CV and personal statement or cover letter. Your CV for phd application, along with your personal statement or cover letter, will demonstrate who you are as a person and what you have to give. To persuade your chosen university and boss that you are the right student for the assignment, it must be succinct, well-formatted, and well written. It is recommended to use a Professional Resume Writing Services to give more value to educational qualifications. This step-by-step tutorial will help you create an impressive academic CV for your next Ph.D. submission. We’ll go through the parts that your CV should be divided into, what each one should include, and how it should be composed. We’ll also provide you with helpful hints that are sure to pique your readers’ interest. What Is an Academic CV for Ph.D. Application? The full name of Ph.D. is a doctorate of philosophy. When applying for a Ph.D. position, the university will most likely ask you to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) with your submission. While an academic CV can resemble a typical CV used for work applications, the two documents are somewhat different. A scholarly CV focuses on your academic background, successes, and memories, as opposed to a regular CV for phd application, which focuses on your past obligations and accomplishments. A Ph.D. boss can look at your academic PhD CV and see if you’re up to the task of completing a demanding Ph.D. research project, something not everyone is capable of. The same basic rules and advice extend to an academic CV as they do to a regular CV. Maintain a competent, up-to-date, appropriate, descriptive, and succinct tone throughout. In reverse-chronological order, all data should be viewed (most recent first). How to Write an Academic CV for Ph.D. Application A strong academic CV is divided into nine sections: Contact Information Research Interests / Personal Profile Education Research and Work Experience Teaching Experience Relevant Skills and Experience Publications and Conferences Professional Memberships Referees/References Funding & Award We’ll go into what both of these sections should have and how they should be written in the sections below. 1. Contact Information Full name – Your name should be the title of your paper, bolded and in the middle. Email address and contact number Location – It is not mandatory to have your full home address; your town/city and country. Profiles – Include any technical profiles you have, such as LinkedIn or Research Gate. 2. Research Interests / Personal Profile Your ‘research priorities’ segment will double as your ‘personal profile’ in an  CV written for a Ph.D. spot. This segment will serve as a short introduction to yourself and will give the reader their first impression of you. To summarize who you are, your specific credentials, your research interests, and your relevant expertise and experience use bullet points or a short paragraph. Follow the steps below to establish an effective research interests section: Tailor to each research project you apply for: One of the simplest ways to do this is to read the project outline that comes with the Ph.D. advertisement, choose two or three of the most important keywords, and use them in your writing. Keep it short: Since this is just an introduction, make it short and snappy rather than lengthy and detailed; 50–60 words is a decent goal. Make every word count: Since you only have 50–60 sentences, be as descriptive as possible. Avoid clichés like “I am dedicated to study and pay close attention to detail” at all costs; they’re not only generic and overused, but they also don’t give the reader any interesting information about you. 3. Education Since a Ph.D. CV is all about academic achievements and credentials, your education portion should take precedence and make up the majority of your CV, particularly because it will be used to decide if you possess the key skills needed for the job. Provide the full name of the degree, the degree type, and the period in terms of the start and end years when listing the credentials. You don’t have to restrict this to your previous qualifications; whether you’re already training or taking an external course, add that as well, just make sure to mention that it’s continuing and include an estimated score if applicable. Have a list of the modules you completed and their associated grades if your degree is applicable to the Ph.D. project you’re applying for; the same goes for your final year dissertation course. 4. Research and Work Experience Your study and related job experience are almost as critical as your professional record, if not more so. Since the majority of candidates for the job would have identical credentials, the testing skills can also be the determining factor when all other factors are equal. Paying and unpaid jobs, full-time and part-time work, as well as university project work, can all be part of the study experience. In all circumstances, though, the expertise you list should be applicable to the project you’re applying for or should have aided you in developing skills that make you a better researcher. When discussing any projects, including the following: What the project was about, What research methods do you use, Some noteworthy accomplishments or result 5. Teaching Experience Teaching is becoming a more critical part of academia, and having teaching expertise or experience on an undergraduate CV is beneficial (provided they are relevant to the application). Demonstrate your familiarity in coaching, preparing, demonstrating, mentoring, and supervision. Include the students’ grade level (undergraduate, graduate), as well as any other work you did to support this, such as grading, preparation, or organization. 6. Relevant Skills and Experience This portion should include any additional knowledge

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difference between a Resume CV and BioData

What is the difference between a Resume, CV, and BioData?

In the world of Job Hunting, we have three contenders: The Resume, The CV and the Biodata. Which will come with you and showcase your skills the best and get that job you want for a long time.  There are three contenders, The Resume, The CV and the Biodata. All three are different and work differently in different stages of their career. Use The Right Tool At The Right Time Getting a job becomes a very difficult endeavor, if you don’t even know what you are dealing with. Getting the wrong tool for a specific job profile is like cooking with the wrong ingredients. The result will be a horrible-tasting dish. Don’t make this mistake. Before we delve into the core differences between them, let’s run through the basics of what is the difference between these as fast as we can. So here it is: Resume CV Biodata Detailed Or not Just relevant info Full Detailed Info Simplified format Length 1 or 2 pages No Limitations Max. 1 Page Content Main Focus on Experience , Education and Skills Main Focus on Experience , Education and Skills Personal Information Order listing Reverse Chronological Reverse Chronological Chronological Use or Purpose Job Application Academic & job application Marriage and Job application Are CV and Resume the Same Thing Although we have cleared your doubts. You must be wondering whether these two can be interchangeable or the same thing. Let’s Look  at these one by one to clear the doubts like Can I replace CV with Resume or Can we send CV instead of Resume or Do employers Prefer CV or Resume or How can we convert CV to resume. We will clear all the doubts related to it soon. What is a Resume? RESUME is derived from the French word résumé which means summary. A resume portrays an overview of one’s education, experience, and competencies. A resume is used to apply for a new job/position. A resume should be kept 1 to 2 pages long, precisely best if kept in one page. The resume should be tailored according to the targeted position. In today’s job market resume is a very, very essential tool, your resume can make a whole lot of impression on the potential employer. Most people have the impression that a resume will get them hired, but it is wrong. Employers want to know the potential of a person before they decide to see them. A resume is a tool that will get you an interview and potentially the job. Key Pointers of Resume Read More: What to Put for Additional Information on a Resume + Examples What is a CV (Curriculum Vitae)? CV is derived from the Latin word Curriculum Vitae which means “course of life”. A CV is more comprehensive than a resume, ranging from 2 to 3 pages. Curriculum vitae typically list all your qualifications, skills, professional affiliations, and experience in chronological order. Key Pointers of CV (Curriculum Vitae) What is a Biodata? A BIO-DATA is the outdated term for Resume or C.V., it is the short form for Biographical Data. Bio-data emphasizes on personal information such as date of birth, religion, sex, ethnicity, nationality, residency, marital status, and so on rather than on professional information.  Although details of education, work, and other qualifications are included eventually. Key Pointers of Biodata The Difference between Resume, CV, and BioData Basic of Differentiation Resume CV (Curriculum Vitae) Biodata Purpose Resumes are tailored for a particular job. CVs are more from a general perspective. Bio-data is mostly used for personal purposes or sometimes for government positions. Skills Emphasizes on particular skills. Does not round upon one particular skill or profession. Emphasizes on personal details such as age, sex, nationality, ethnicity, etc. Page Size Resume should be strictly kept within a page sometimes 2. CV can exceed more than 3 pages. The page limit of bio-data depends on the requirements. References Reference(s) should not be included in a resume Reference(s) can be added to a CV. Including references can be based on circumstances. Format A resume should be in reverse chronological order A CV should be in chronological order Bio-data can be in either of the formats. Size The resume should be concise. CV can be a comprehensive document. Bio-data should also be kept concise. Purpose Resumes can be used by freshers to seek job(s). CV can be used for internships, to grab higher positions, or for fellowships. Bio-data can be used to apply for government positions or during the marriage. Photographs Photographs Generally not included Photographs Generally not included Often included, especially for matrimonial purposes Skills and Education Relevant skills, work experience, achievements Academic history, research, publications, presentations Personal details, family background, education Work Experience A resume is a concise summary of a person’s skills, qualifications, and work experience A CV is a comprehensive document that provides a detailed overview of a person’s academic and professional background Biodata is an archaic term for a resume or CV that is commonly used in some countries. Phone number Emphasizes personal details such as age, sex, nationality, ethnicity, etc. While personal information is not the main focus of a CV, it may include some details. CVs often include basic personal information like name, contact details, and sometimes date of birth or nationality Biodata provides more personal information compared to a resume or CV. It can include details such as age, gender, marital status, religion, caste, and even family background Advantages of having a Professional resume When to use what After you have cleared the doubts regarding whats the difference between CV or a Resume you must be wondering, which job requires which type, whether you should take a CV or Resume or a Biodata for the next job interview. Well, the Biodata is already out of the question, as it’s just the basic details about your life, so the employer will get zero idea about your academic or career life. When to use a resume? When to use a CV? When to use

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How to write a winning resume for executive profile /management profile in 2025

Hey there! Showing your skills in the resume in the best possible way can create a strong job profile. You can mention your skills, expertise, and experience to leave a strong impact of yours on the employer. If you are looking forward to working as a manager, you should always present your abilities and respective skill set. Motivation, leadership, and systematic skills can also work. These will help you in attracting more and more employers and convince them to choose you. MASTER TIP: Remember to locate the priority information at the start. Other than this, it would help if you put the stuff related to you and your career in the most visible place. It would be best to place it at the start. MASTER TIP : For management-related resumes, you can include your concept for an ideal management employee and the work environment. Writing some accomplishments and quotes from others regarding your management skills will leave a significant impact. This gives an additional value to your work history and enhances the relevance of other associative information. For management-related resumes Below, you’ll find detailed information, where you shall get an insight on skills that you need to highlight on your resume. You shall also be seeing some management resume examples for various management jobs (including customer service, finance, human resources, operations, technical, and general management positions). There are also a few valuable tips to help you craft a successful resume. Things to consider while writing executive profile resume for manager’s profile: 1.List your specific management skills. The first and foremost thing that companies need is effective managers who can help accomplish their goals and objectives. Managers are the backbone of any company. Management skills are uniformly used across all levels of a company, from human resources to revenue targets. The managers’ ability to delegate different responsibilities is an essential asset for a company. It gives employees a sense of worth, drive, teamwork, and the opportunity to learn new skills as each goal is met. Business leaders also use their management skills in many areas. They mainly use it to coordinate employee output with third-party vendors, suppliers, and other external companies to reach targeted objectives. Here is an interesting tip for you: The best way to showcase your management skills in your resume would be to arrange them in a list, in its respective section, or table at the starting of your resume. Here is an interesting tip for you: Some of the best titles that we can recommend for this section are: “Key Skills and Strengths,” “Core Skills and Competencies,” “Skills and Qualities,” or “Skills and Abilities.” 2.Focus on keyword phrases that you choose in your resume: Use an employer’s job listing to get an idea. This will help you in deciding the best skills and achievements that you should mention in your resume. You should present the management skills you possess under the “Preferred Qualifications” section of the job listing you’re applying for. This will help you increase your chances of getting selected. 3.Using action verbs The language you use in your resume should be active (describing what you have done) rather than passive (what has happened to you). Some action verbs that demonstrate critical leadership skills include: initiated, directed, innovate, originated, guided, coached, led the path, developed, inspired, motivated, established, dominated, achieved, influenced, planned, and forecasted. Action words for managerial positions that show your ability to manage, delegate and supervise, are: organized, administered, assigned, supervised, controlled, coordinated, oversaw, took charge of, worked, maintained, handled, and dictated. 4.Quantify and boldface your achievements Throughout the beginning of your resume profile, you need to be sure to describe tangible examples of your careers. Quote some of the best and successful results you have produced during your management career. Different resume formats and templates: One size cannot suit all when it comes to formatting resumes. The format is variable for everyone. To discover which structure will be the most efficient for you depends upon your level of management experience, your work history, and your industry. You can opt for CV & Resume writing professionals of Writrox having more than seven years of experience in this industry, and they will be more than happy to help you craft a perfect resume. For example, a management resume for a tech manager would be formatted differently from a factory manager, with sections dedicated to specific technical competencies. The most common resume formats for a management profile or an executive profile are: The most common resume formats for a management profile or an executive profile are: Combination Resume – A combination resume is a mix of a chronological resume and a functional resume. Chronological Resume – A chronological resume lists experience in order from most recent to oldest. Functional Resume – In this resume, the attention is on applicable skills and experience rather than a sequential listing of positions. Targeted Resume – The attention is on meeting your skills and experience requirements according to the job listing. Resume with Accomplishments Section – This part is a place to show off your most significant hits in the workplace. Resume with Skills Section – You can incorporate both hard and soft skills in this section. Combination Resume – A combination resume is a mix of a chronological resume and a functional resume. Combination Resume – Chronological Resume – A chronological resume lists experience in order from most recent to oldest. Chronological Resume – Functional Resume – In this resume, the attention is on applicable skills and experience rather than a sequential listing of positions. Functional Resume – Targeted Resume – The attention is on meeting your skills and experience requirements according to the job listing. Targeted Resume – Resume with Accomplishments Section – This part is a place to show off your most significant hits in the workplace. Resume with Accomplishments Section – Resume with Skills Section – You can incorporate both hard and soft skills in this section. Resume with Skills Section – Resume with Summary

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ats friendly resume

Reasons & the guide on why you should switch to an ATS-Friendly resume in 2025

The process verification and shortlisting of resumes have improved over the years. HR tech has been enhanced in the way applications are selected for further processing. With umpteen applications for a job vacancy, it is easy for an HR function to sort and prioritize job applications. The best ATS-compliant resume writing services in India provided by Writrox are one such function that can ease the employer’s work and the applicants with their resume & CV writing professionals. What do you mean by ATS-resume? There is a job description prepared by HR for every job, and there are keywords included in it. The applicant tracking system (ATS) verifies each electronic application and processes it by matching the keywords in your resume and the keywords, recruiter has added to the ATS system. This system works so fast that it processes hundreds of applications within a few minutes. Why does a resume need to be ATS-friendly? It decreases the time required for a person to go through the application. The HR function is super busy when it is the hiring season. Multiple vacancies applications flood through the systems that may go up to even 100,000 at times. ATS screens the ATS resume keywords and shortlists the application that finally reaches the HRs inbox. It filters unwanted applications. For the vacancy of a teacher in Mumbai, you might see hundreds of applications. From teachers who are qualified and not qualified to take up the position. ATS filters work experience relevant to the job description reducing the total number of applications to valued applications. It can track the exact application. ATS can read “ accountant with five years of experience in preparing profit and loss,” it cannot read “five years of experience in building financials.”  It will prioritize the application’s ranking based on keyword matches in the resumes and present it to HR with the most relevant resumes first in descending order. This process is even more straightforward when the application is written electronically on the system. ATS is far more beneficial for an organization than traditional hiring. It may be a pricey attempt at first, but the benefits outrun the software’s cost in the long run. You need to have an excellent resume to further your rank in the system. The better and relevant use of keyword optimization, the better your ranking will be. You get short-listed on an ATS-friendly resume than a regular summary. The question is, are you willing to invest your time in creating an ATS-compatible resume? It is a decision that every job applicant must think about. However, you can always hire resume writing professionals in India to write an ATS-friendly resume for you and help you get called for an interview. Why should job applicants be aware of ATS resumes? ATS-scanning of resumes is the future of hiring. You are competing with applicants with the same qualifications and experience and their CV & Resume ranking in the system. The CV and best ATS-compliant resume writing services in India by Writrox have repeatedly studied the job market and employers’ latest hiring techniques. When it comes to ATS, we have seen based on the keywords an applicant has selected. Here are some reasons why you should too understand the importance Your resume is the first step. When you hire resume writing professionals, they always ensure to get the maximum keywords for a job description. Once your application is in the employer’s database, it’s all tech and Artificial intelligence at play. You do not have any information apart from application confirmation from the system. So why risk the very first step. You need to modify your resume as per the systems requirements. The Job Description is the key. The ATS is built on what the employer is seeking and not what you have to offer. You may have experience in two to three industries, but the ATS will only pick what is relevant to the job description mentioned by the employer. If you don’t know how to select the keywords for your resume, you must seek advice from a professional CV & resume writers in India. Resume & CV writing services provided by Writrox will increase your chances of up to 40% of being hired. Letting go of the infographics and you should use a Text resume The three formats you can choose to write a resume are chronological, combination, and functional. A resume’s flow is more difficult to see and capture if it is in a functional layout. So, recruiters mainly prefer to use the two formats, i.e., chronological & combination. Some point that you should consider when it comes to selecting the format and writing a resume is: Avoid graphs and charts. ATS does not read headers and footer notes and information Stick to simple language and heading ATS turns the resume into a single color, so avoid using colorful fonts Use circle and square-shaped bullet symbols, which are the easiest to read. The resume should be in PDF or word format. PDF is one of the best formats to keep all your text in order. However, the docx/word file format is most recommended as the applicant tracking system accurately passes it. You must always consider what type of document the ATS or a recruiter asked you to submit. Sometimes it may only accept a PDF file format and sometimes a simple docs/word resume. ATS is not tables and columns friendly. Yes, data entered in tables and columns give an excellent impression to the person reading your CV. But lest ye forget, this is a computer application working on the CV and hence less is more: simpler the text format, the better. When it clears the resume’s formatting, the columns will disburse, and the words will be uneven or all over the place. Therefore applicants are encouraged to have an info graphic CV but not with too many tables and columns. This advice is what we always give to our customers when they seek our best ATS-compliant resume writing

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resume objective for fresher

The guide on how to write a Best Resume Objective for Fresher in 2025 [Examples & master tips included]

After Covid-19 and the year 2020, millions lost jobs worldwide. Everyone is looking eagerly to get a job at the earliest possible. With the markets picking up and the job recruitment started, it’s time to apply for your dream job. If you are applying actively and not receiving the interview call from your dream job, you were not shortlisted. Or to say that your Resume is not shortlisted. No need to worry, as we are here to help you out. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of writing strong resume objectives, examples, common mistakes to avoid in resume objectives, and all the important aspects of a resume that gets selected. What is a Resume Objective & Why is it important? Matching skill-set is an important criterion as today, hundreds of people apply for a single job opening, but only around 10-15 resumes reach recruiter’s mailboxes for final checks. We have seen recruiters requesting to apply if the job is a perfect match only. Yet, recruiters receive 100’s of resumes that are not a match. We recommend you to apply for an ideal match job and build your resume precisely according to the job you are applying for. If you apply to the match criteria jobs and still are not through the shortlisting process, it’s time for your resume makeover. Don’t want to do it yourself? No worries, you can also hire professional resume writing services by India’s best & leading resume writing company-Writrox to get your resume written by writers having more than seven years of experience in this industry. Here are some of the suggestions you can take care of while writing your resume the career objective which professional resume writers also follow. So, what do you mean by resume objective? A Resume Objective is a goal statement provided on top of the Resume, which comprises a group of words of one or two sentences defining your employment goals. After knowing about a Resume Objective, let’s have a look at the Pros and Cons of having a Resume Objective in your resume. Cons of a resume objective are- Some recruiters or their employers may agree that it won’t add value to your Resume. Few jobs themselves don’t call for a Resume Objective. Some recruiters believe writing resume objectives are old-fashioned and outdated and so not required. After reading the cons, it might put you in a dilemma. Hold on till you look at the advantages a good resume objective has. If the resume objective is written perfectly then it is no longer considered a disadvantage. You can also take the help of affordable resume writing services to write a selection-oriented and resume for you. Pros of resume objective (Why it is essential) Sometimes, you might pass through the initial shortlisting procedure just by writing a perfect objective in your resume. The recruiters’ will understand your goals and how you’ll fit in the job posting.  It will give more details on your experience and the skill-set if you’re an experienced candidate. It will give an overview of your future career goals and vision so that they will understand whether you can be the best suit for the job or not. Understanding the need for including or excluding the Resume Objective is a critical skill. If you need assistance in this regard, Writrox provides the best & affordable resume writing services in India. The resume & CV writing professionals of Writrox will assist you in and step you ahead in your process of getting shortlisted. This article will tell you: How to understand and write perfect resume-objectives that employers will see. How to use a resume objective to stand out from other candidates. How to write a resume objective that will land you the interview even if you are a fresher with no experience. The examples of perfect career objectives that can be copied and used directly on your resume? Why is having objectives in your resume even required? A perfectly-written resume objective helps your resume stand out whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional with the knowledge till now. It will be helpful and becomes essential to add a Resume Objective for the following reasons: Best Resume objective for Fresher with no experience If you just completed your academics and new to the job market, a Resume Objective will be a great help. A recent site Engineer job graduate will have little or no experience, so entering the job market will be challenging for the first time. Including the career objective in resume for freshers shows the recruiting manager more knowledge on your career plans and how they will fit with their job opening. You can even mention a brief insight into the career or the future you see with the company. For a Career change: Suppose you have plans to make changes in your career path. In that case, A Resume Objective will help you provide information on your aspirations and past industry experience and how it will be used in the current job you are applying for. It will also let the recruiting manager understand your future career goals and why you are looking for this career change. For a job in a different location away from your current location: The third benefit of a Resume Objective would be when you are planning to move to another geographic region. The Resume Objective would be a great helping hand at this juncture. It will show the recruiting manager why you are planning to move and make them understand that you are currently not located at the job location, that you are looking to move to this location and hence applied for the job. Consider it; if this clarity is not given, your resume would be rejected straight away based on the job location. However, if you need some suggestions of what resume objectives you can include according to the job you are applying for and need professional resume writing services,

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hr manager resume

How to Write a Powerful HR Manager Resume?

HR Managers handle the human resources activities of a business. Recruiting workers, improving employee retention rates, promoting organizational growth, enforcing HR policies, and counselling employees are the main responsibilities described in an HR Manager resume example. On HR Manager resume categories, traits such as leadership, organization, communication, people skills, report writing, computer aptitudes and time management are also appreciated. Employers pick candidates in their resumes that show a Bachelor’s Degree in human resources. Previous experience is also needed in the field. A significant move in your job search process is writing a perfect HR Manager resume. Be sure to reference the job description when writing your resume and highlight any talents, awards and certifications that fit the criteria. You may also want to provide a summary or headline statement that expresses your objectives and qualifications clearly. Start with a Powerful Headline The purpose of a resume title is to make a first impression, grab the attention of the hiring manager, and make them read on. Good resume headlines are snappy one-liners summarizing the business career of the job seeker. The overview of your job profile, stated in a few lines or phrases, is the resume headline. The headline of the resume is intended to be written shortly and succinctly. In reality, within 250 characters, the resume headline section allows you to write your resume headline. A headline shows the main resume “selling points.” Managers quickly see who you are and what separates you from others. Putting a title on your resume indicates the advantage they would get if you were recruited. It gives you the work you are doing and a little bit of why you’re doing it so well. Headlines should be powerful, brief, punchy, and unforgettable. They’re packed with great details as well. The shortest and least formula-driven ones are the best. HR Manager Resume Format Always use the best format for the hr manager resume which is chronological format. HR Manager Resume Sample Write About your Educational Qualifications and other Certifications, Languages You need a solid retention plan, like a great HR boss, if you are to keep the employer’s eyes on your resume. That implies: In a way that keeps them interested, list your educational history on a resume. On a human resource manager resume, here’s how to list your education: Start at the top with your latest and highest grade, and go backwards from there (just like in the job description). Add your acquired degree, college name, date of graduation, and place of school. If applicable to HR manager jobs, relevant coursework or Latin honors, certificates that provide additional information. If you’re still completing college, do not have a high school on your resume. Add how many languages you can speak fluently Share your Work Details of your Previous Organizations Any good HR manager knows that the heart of your resume is to add relevant job experience. First, list your most recent work, then the previous one in any company or organization and so forth. Place business titles on top, then the dates worked, the name of the organization, and a few (5 or 6) bullet points outlining the duties of your HR boss. Start with resume action words at each bullet point (e.g., spearheaded, initiated, etc.). With statistics, rather than just broad claims, give them concrete accomplishments. Instead of sending in a generic resume, tailor your resume to one particular HR task. Write About your Human Resource Managerial Skills and your Career Highlights Human resources skills are those that are required to recruit and train job applicants and administer employee benefit programmes for individuals or a department in a business. Human resources jobs include managers of HR, specialists in HR, recruiters, managers of training, generalists and more.  Human resource is a sector needing the requisite leadership and management preparation to improve the skills employers are looking for. More prospects in the business world are provided by HR practitioners who have a wider knowledge of specific areas and more practical skills. here are some of the integral skills to constitute on your resume Writing Services: Communication skills Decision-making skills Training and developmental skills Empathic skills Finance skills Organizational skills Business management skills Leadership skills Add other Skills and Sections in the Resume that Makes you Special Human resources manager positions are projected to grow between 2016 and 2026 by 9 per cent. Which is almost 12,000 fresh HR executives to face for the job. To kill them— By designing the best HR manager skills resume segment, you’re better than the rest. Human Resources Manager Resume Skills can be:- Human Resource Administration Recruiting & Staffing Dispute Management Training & On boarding Employee Relations Succession Planning Nonetheless, each applicant for HR management will include those sections above. Have some optional extra parts to stand out as special. For a human resource manager resume, here are great additional options: Certifications Foreign languages Portfolio for the project Accomplishments associated with work Memberships & licenses Private interests Volunteer work resume Highlights HR Keywords for your Resume For both human readers and electronic eyes reading your resume, you know how important keywords are. You will be viewed as unqualified and your resume will be skipped over if you don’t use certain all-important terms. Let that not happen to you. Look for openings in your resume to add keywords. At the top, you can build a “Core Competencies” or “Summary of Professional Skills,” but that’s not enough. Throughout every section of your resume, you want keywords to be popular. Every resume sample of HR managers should be distinct (remember: tailored), so don’t use into your resume these exact human resources skills. Instead, demonstrate due diligence by doing this: List both soft skills linked to HR management and hard skills when incorporating technical skills into your resume. Get the work summary of the HR manager to which you are applying. Highlight the skills you are searching for in the career qualifications section and find the right keywords to use on a resume.

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Video Resume script

The master-guide for creating a Video Resume Script

The master-guide for creating a Video Resume A video resume is a video of around 60-seconds that a person creates for employment to get hired in companies. You can upload it either on the internet or share its link by mail directly to the employers. It is an easier and digitized way of sharing your resume.  Instead of spending so much time reading lengthy traditional resumes, the recruiter can comfortably look at a short video resume. A creative video resume promotes you as a job seeker and it includes all the things which are included in a traditional written resume but in the video form. It is also known as video CV or Visume.  To pass the visume test the candidate needs to impress the employer in the first 6 seconds. what is a video Resume?Why do we need it? Usually, an employer spends less than 10 seconds while looking at a resume. But a video resume helps you stand out among a sea of candidates applying for the same job. It is a modern and innovative way of making your resume, and it also simplifies the hiring process for the job seeker and the recruiter.  Instead of spending hours writing tiring and bland resumes, you can record a creative professional video recording to showcase your abilities. It displays your innovative traits. You can show your additional skills, which you might not have been able to offer, using the traditional written resume. Along with this, it intensifies the process of job searching.  What do you say in a video resume? When you’re making a video resume script , try to keep it interactive and engaging. Try to use your creative side. You should be specific in what you’re choosing to say in those 60-90 seconds as it can make or break your chance to get your dream job. Talk about your qualifications, skills, employment history, work experience, and list your accomplishments. Don’t forget to add job-specific skills to your video resume. In addition to this, mention your contact details for prospective recruiters. How to create an impressive video resume? You can look at a video resume as a short one-side video interview, including all the things a typical traditional resume includes in the video form. Here are some tips which you can follow to create a selection-oriented video resume.  You should make sure that the content that you’re putting in your video resume is related to the job that you’re applying for.  Your language, outfit, and the matter that you’re speaking in the resume should be job-appropriate. To keep your video resume engaging and interesting, you can think of it as storytelling. You can share your employment history and accomplishments from your past to impress the employer; this will portray you as the perfect candidate for the job. You should aim to keep the video concise and clear. The video shouldn’t be more than 90 seconds long. Before recording the video, you can practice in front of the mirror.  Be extremely specific about the skills that the job demands. Mention your qualities in a way that highlights the ones which are required for the job. End your video with your contact information or your LinkedIn profile etc. When you’re recording your video resume, try to keep it as professional as you can. If your video resume comes as unprofessional to the hirer, it can cost you the job.  It can be quite challenging to make a video resume as it is different from the traditional way of making a resume. So, it would be best to hire video resume professionals who can help you make an impressive video resume script in such cases. Resume writing services in Mumbai are among the best service providers out there when making a video resume. They offer a range of services that assist you while making your video resume. What services do resume writing services in Mumbai offer? Resume writing services in Mumbai provide you with a wide array of services to create a video resume. Their services include video resume script writing for you to follow when you’re making your videos. They assist you in professionally recording your video. In addition to this, they provide editing facilities. With the help of resume writing services in Mumbai, you can write an admirable video resume without breaking a set. What to avoid while recording a video resume script? As mentioned earlier, it might not leave a good impression on the employer if your video resume seems unprofessional. Here are few simple tips which you can follow to avoid these mistakes which people generally make while creating a video resume: Don’t go too deep when providing information about yourself. Keep it brief, simple, and relevant to the job you are applying for. Don’t provide personal information like your social media address on your video resume. However, you can include your LinkedIn profile link at the end of your video resume. Not all recruiters are fond of video resumes, so make sure you also have a written resume along with it. Writox, can help you write a traditional resume along with a video resume. Conclusion A video resume is a unique way of showcasing your capabilities. Using a video resume instead of a letter resume boosts your chances of being hired as it helps you stand out. To enhance your video resume, it would be best if you consult a professional. There are very different resume writing services available on the internet offer impeccable services.  Writox provides the best resume writing services in Mumbai is among the most outstanding companies that provide you with services to make your resume look impressive. The services offered include reviewing and providing you with professional advice. If you choose Writox, you can be sure to land your dream job as it can increase your chances of up to 40% of being hired and called for an interview. So, for which thing are you waiting for? Just get in touch and

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