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How to write a CV for PhD Application?

cv for phd application

So you’re reaching the end of your current degree or returning to school, and you’ve chosen to pursue a Ph.D. as the next move. Although the road ahead is sure to be exciting, you’ll need to first protect your position.

All will start with a good Ph.D. submission, as well as an equally excellent academic CV and personal statement or cover letter.

Your CV for phd application, along with your personal statement or cover letter, will demonstrate who you are as a person and what you have to give.

To persuade your chosen university and boss that you are the right student for the assignment, it must be succinct, well-formatted, and well written. It is recommended to use a Professional Resume Writing Services to give more value to educational qualifications.

This step-by-step tutorial will help you create an impressive academic CV for your next Ph.D. submission. We’ll go through the parts that your CV should be divided into, what each one should include, and how it should be composed. We’ll also provide you with helpful hints that are sure to pique your readers’ interest.

What Is an Academic CV for Ph.D. Application?

The full name of Ph.D. is a doctorate of philosophy. When applying for a Ph.D. position, the university will most likely ask you to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) with your submission. While an academic CV can resemble a typical CV used for work applications, the two documents are somewhat different.

A scholarly CV focuses on your academic background, successes, and memories, as opposed to a regular CV for phd application, which focuses on your past obligations and accomplishments.

A Ph.D. boss can look at your academic PhD CV and see if you’re up to the task of completing a demanding Ph.D. research project, something not everyone is capable of.

The same basic rules and advice extend to an academic CV as they do to a regular CV. Maintain a competent, up-to-date, appropriate, descriptive, and succinct tone throughout. In reverse-chronological order, all data should be viewed (most recent first).

How to Write an Academic CV for Ph.D. Application

A strong academic CV is divided into nine sections:

  • Contact Information
  • Research Interests / Personal Profile
  • Education
  • Research and Work Experience
  • Teaching Experience
  • Relevant Skills and Experience
  • Publications and Conferences
  • Professional Memberships
  • Referees/References
  • Funding & Award We’ll go into what both of these sections should have and how they should be written in the sections below.

1. Contact Information

  • Full name – Your name should be the title of your paper, bolded and in the middle.
  • Email address and contact number
  • Location – It is not mandatory to have your full home address; your town/city and country.
  • Profiles – Include any technical profiles you have, such as LinkedIn or Research Gate.

2. Research Interests / Personal Profile

Your ‘research priorities’ segment will double as your ‘personal profile’ in an  CV written for a Ph.D. spot. This segment will serve as a short introduction to yourself and will give the reader their first impression of you.

To summarize who you are, your specific credentials, your research interests, and your relevant expertise and experience use bullet points or a short paragraph.

Follow the steps below to establish an effective research interests section:

  • Tailor to each research project you apply for: One of the simplest ways to do this is to read the project outline that comes with the Ph.D. advertisement, choose two or three of the most important keywords, and use them in your writing.
    • Keep it short: Since this is just an introduction, make it short and snappy rather than lengthy and detailed; 50–60 words is a decent goal.
    • Make every word count: Since you only have 50–60 sentences, be as descriptive as possible. Avoid clichés like “I am dedicated to study and pay close attention to detail” at all costs; they’re not only generic and overused, but they also don’t give the reader any interesting information about you.

3. Education

Since a Ph.D. CV is all about academic achievements and credentials, your education portion should take precedence and make up the majority of your CV, particularly because it will be used to decide if you possess the key skills needed for the job.

Provide the full name of the degree, the degree type, and the period in terms of the start and end years when listing the credentials.

You don’t have to restrict this to your previous qualifications; whether you’re already training or taking an external course, add that as well, just make sure to mention that it’s continuing and include an estimated score if applicable.

Have a list of the modules you completed and their associated grades if your degree is applicable to the Ph.D. project you’re applying for; the same goes for your final year dissertation course.

4. Research and Work Experience

Your study and related job experience are almost as critical as your professional record, if not more so. Since the majority of candidates for the job would have identical credentials, the testing skills can also be the determining factor when all other factors are equal.

Paying and unpaid jobs, full-time and part-time work, as well as university project work, can all be part of the study experience.

In all circumstances, though, the expertise you list should be applicable to the project you’re applying for or should have aided you in developing skills that make you a better researcher.

When discussing any projects, including the following:

  • What the project was about,
  • What research methods do you use,
  • Some noteworthy accomplishments or result

5. Teaching Experience

Teaching is becoming a more critical part of academia, and having teaching expertise or experience on an undergraduate CV is beneficial (provided they are relevant to the application).

Demonstrate your familiarity in coaching, preparing, demonstrating, mentoring, and supervision. Include the students’ grade level (undergraduate, graduate), as well as any other work you did to support this, such as grading, preparation, or organization.

6. Relevant Skills and Experience

This portion should include any additional knowledge or perspectives that can make the application stand out. They should be relevant to your Ph.D. project or show that you have the ability to be a capable researcher. This contains the following:

  • Technical knowledge and expertise, such as using computer software packages or laboratory equipment that is relevant to the project you are applying for.
  • Languages you speak and their levels of proficiency.

7. Publications and Conferences

The majority of students may not have scholarly journals, but if you do, include them in this section. Formal papers will range from academic articles to written papers, with the latter most likely being an adaptation to your final year dissertation project if you have one.

If you have these, list them in reverse chronological order using the university’s reference system, since this is what the Ph.D. supervisor would most certainly be familiar with.

TIP: Consider attending some forthcoming conventions or workshops related to the study field you’re involved in if you haven’t already.

Not only is this a wonderful way to learn more about the field’s most recent advances and differences, but it may also be a good way to beef up your academic CV if it’s actually lacking in research experience.

8. Professional Memberships

Being a member of an academic group, culture, or professional organization shows your passion for your field and the desire to engage with other like-minded people in your neighborhood. Include the name of the party, the dates of your membership, and the role you held within it when mentioning these.

9. Referees / References

The last part of your academic CV will be your sources. If your Ph.D. application does not state the number of referees you should include, at least two, but preferably three should be included.

You can use a trained referee if you don’t have two academic referees, as long as they are both important to the project you’re applying for.

When making your reference list, arrange your referees according to their importance and familiarity with you, rather than alphabetically. The following information should be included:

  • Full name,
  • Professional title,
  • Name of current university,
  • Phone number and email address.

10. Funding and awards

funding for phd

You should list any grants, honors, bursaries, scholarships, or fellowships you have earned in this section.

This may be for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Research projects
  • Conferences
  • Presentations
  • Academic posters
  • Travel
  • Anything else appropriate


For a new research student, it should be no more than two pages long, but it can be extended to four pages if necessary. Smaller specifics matter more than you thought – write concisely, use clear formatting, avoid jargon and general statements, double-check spelling and grammar, and get at least one academic, preferably in the same field that you are applying to, proofread it for you.

Take your time writing the first draft and then set it aside for a few days. Display the second draft to a few academics (preferably those who aren’t afraid to point out flaws!) once you’ve finished it. Make the required adjustments and double-check for errors in spelling and grammar.

Simply scan for “Academic CV Template” in Google or Yahoo to find examples of academic CVs. Writer, for example, is a company that can provide you with guidance and also helps you write your CV.

It offers the best CV writing services in any sector. If you want your CV to make a statement about you, you can go with it.

Rahul ranjan
Rahul Ranjan

Rahul Ranjan is the founder of Writrox Solution Private Limited, a Creative Writing company dedicated to transforming the professional journeys of countless individuals seeking employment. With unwavering commitment, to empowering people in their career endeavors Rahul has played a role in shaping the futures of, over 15,000 job seekers through solutions and strategic insights. It's worth noting that Rahul Ranjan holds a position and has been recognized as one of the entrepreneurs to watch in 2023 among 15 inspiring Indian entrepreneurs.

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