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Resume Tips

How To Write An Executive Resume? Here are a Few Tips

How To Write An Executive Resume? Here are a few tips What is the first thing that attracts a recruiter’s attention towards you? Is it your work experience or qualification or professional accolades? Actually, none of these. It is your resume that either generates more interest in the mind of the recruiter about you or becomes on the main reasons behind not getting an interview opportunity. You may well be the best-suited guy for the job but for the recruiter, you are one of the many candidates with similar skillsets. To stand out amidst the pool of candidates, you need a well-crafted resume. So here are the few tips of executive level resume format. Think about yourself as a product and the recruiter as a customer interested in you. Your resume, commonly known as CV is all you have to impress the recruiter!   Let us take a quick look at a Few things that you need to keep in mind to build a professional & high Level Executive Resume. 1. Highlight your credentials The position that you have hold in the past and your current designation is a direct indicator of your capabilities. So, make sure that your credentials are the first thing that the recruiter sees in your CV. 2. Share your skillset For the execution of any job, a particular set of skills is required. One of the fundamentals of an impressive resume is projecting the skill sets in a way which match up with the necessities of the job. You may be highly experienced and may have multiple skills but mentioning all your skills may simply lead to wastage of precious space without adding any value. So, showcase on those skills that are relevant to the job that you are applying for. 3. Show executive background on portfolio A resume that comes with a portfolio is always more impressive. Remember, you are an unknown product to a prospective customer (recruiter). While your resume gives a brief idea about you to the recruiter, showcasing your portfolio will help you to win the recruiter’s trust since he/she gets to see the real-time works that you have done. Thanks to upgraded cloud storage facilities, all you need to do is put the link to your online portfolio in your resume. Read more- https://writrox.com/how-to-upgrade-to-a-executive-resume/ 4. Your recent experience holds more value While writing about your work experience, dive into the details of your most recent or on-going work. Highlight the value that you added, the problems that you solved, the results you achieved and your key learning from the project. Also, don’t forget to highlight how your current or most recent work experience is going to be helpful to your next recruiter. It may so happen that you have a vast work experience which is making it difficult for you to choose the details that should feature withing your work experience in your resume. The best thing to do here is to think from the perspective of a recruiter. Before putting any detail, ask yourself if it is absolutely necessary to get featured in your resume. If the answer is no, don’t hesitate to chuck it out. If you possess work experience of more than 15 years, then it is advisable to mention the details of the past 15 years only. 5. Exhibit your laurels While mentioning the projects that you were a part of, don’t forget to mention your achievements and career highlights, if you have won any accolade or laurel. Your achievements will add brownie points to your resume, thus increasing your chances to get an interview call. 6. Education comes at the end One of the most common resume mistakes that make a executive profile stretch in size is an elaborate description of the educational history of the candidate. The harsh truth is a recruiter hardly recruits by viewing the education history of the candidate. The work experience and the skillset of the candidate carry maximum weightage. Of course, the case is different for freshers. For them, educational qualification is a big factor.  Read more- https://writrox.com/ready-for-executive-role-and-tips/  7. Keep it precise Remember, your recruiter sees resume day in day out. A big fat resume outline with a lot of details may turn him or her off. The more you make the resume lengthier, the more you add unnecessary details leading to a cluttered resume. The irony is people think that making their resumes longer will help them get a job. The reality is lengthy resumes are not appreciated. These are some basic guidelines that you need to follow to create an attractive resume. However, many people find it tough to chose what to keep and what to discard from their resumes to make it more attractive. We come handy here! Being a team of experienced professionals who write Executive level resume writing services in delhi, we create exceptional resumes for our clients. After receiving the details of work experience, skill sets and educational qualifications of our client, we create the CVs keeping in mind the areas that need to be focused in the CVs. Our professionals deploy their visual communication skills to tell your story to your recruiter in a way he or she will like to hear the most. We leave no stone unturned for our clients because we value their passion for their jobs. We hate the usage of templates while writing the resumes for our client since the requirements of each client is different. Being one the best in cv writing services, we highly emphasis on the language used in our clients’ resumes. When you choose us to write your resume, you can be sure that your resume will be free of grammatical errors. We also design the layout of the resumes in a way which makes it easy to read. As far as our charges are concerned, we are proud to provide our services at an extremely competitive and reasonable price. So, if you need professional help to make your resume look professional and attractive feel free to

How To Write An Executive Resume? Here are a Few Tips Read More »

common mistakes in resume

What Are the Common Mistakes in Resume Writing Made by the Candidates

What Are the Common Mistakes in Resume Writing Made by Candidates Which Costs Them in Interview? It’s oddly easy to make errors in your resume, and it’s incredibly difficult to undo the error once it is in the hands of the employer.Even if you’re a qualified applicant, a seemingly small mistake such as a typo or a misspelled word in your resume can make you look unprofessional and unqualified and is just enough to make the difference between a job-landing interview and a lost opportunity.The fastest way to get your resume into the hiring manager’s hands is to get past the tracking system To do this your resume should be flawless hence it is important to ensure that there are no cringe-worthy resume-writing errors. Check below what are the common mistakes in resume? • Resume Length The most common mistakes in resume writing is making it way too long.  People often tend to add anything and everything to their resume just to impress the recruiters but this is not going to work as a recruiter typically goes through your resume for a minute or two. If they find your resume exceeding a page or two, they might really lose interest in reading it even the ATS might not take it well. So, keep it within one page unless you have experience over 7 years you can make it two but a typical perfect resume should be a page long not more than that. • Typo errors and grammar mistakes Your resume must be flawless in terms of grammar. It is necessary to edit your resume mistakes to remove typos and grammatical errors, there’s simply no excuse for inappropriate words, incorrect Spelling, or overuse of punctuation in your CV. Once you finish your resume mistakes rectification, take a break and start proofreading it again and again until you are sure that there is one mistake in it or ask a friend or family to look at it for you or print it out and read it out aloud or use tools such as Grammarly, ginger to find conceptual errors • Using a Career Objective Career Objective is a thing of the past. Using one signifies that you are not up-to-date with the latest resume trends. Give employers what they are looking for; something unique and significant, something that centers on their interests as well as your own. Instead of the objective section use a professional summary. Your professional summary must include two to four sentences that are an honest review and emphasis on what you can bring for the company. • Putting Unnecessary Additional Details in Resume The recruiting manager or the employer cares all about your skills, accomplishments, and what you can bring to the company. So, do not put unnecessary information such as your nationality, marital status, irrelevant hobbies, etc. • Dishonesty Once you have been found lying in your resume the employer shall be entitled to terminate the employment contract. From the employer’s point of view, this deception is seen as a serious defect of character. When someone has lost a job because of dishonesty, there’s a fair chance that the word will get out. Some recruiters have also been seen to flag applicants who have been found to have false information in their resumes. A simple lie can deeply affect your career. So, it is better, to tell the truth about your unemployment or your skills instead of getting caught by the little white lies. • Not Highlighting Experience and Skills Each section in your resume contains important information that adds value to your application. The skill section and experience section of your resume demonstrates to the employers that you have the skills and ability they are looking for. Employers pay particular attention to the skill and experience sections to understand whether you are capable to play the role or not and to decide who shall pass to the next level of the hiring process. get more information The skills segment gives you a chance to show just that. Moreover, you should highlight unique skills that may not even be relevant to work but maybe very important or skills that are in high demand at the moment. In addition, highlighting your experience is another top-up for your resume. • Folding the resume Folded resumes can not be handled and often join the pile or the recycle bin. Folding your resume and submitting it to the recruiters is one of the bizarre ways to make an impression, instead mail your resume or use a big envelope that fits in the unfolded document. • Improper resume formatting less is better when it comes to the resume format. Stick to a clear, crisp, clean resume template that prefers white space and makes it easy for the reader to skip your details quickly and understand your skills and career background. The more elaborate or imaginative you get in your resume style, the more likely it gives a headacheto recruiters to look for the details they care about, and the most likely it is that they will leave your application entirely unnoticed. • Unprofessional Email Address One of the biggest resume mistakes is to attach an unprofessional email id to your resume, well this will create a bad impression about you immediately. A professional resume is a must for people looking to apply for jobs. If you put a silly mail id which you created in your high school or early teen years it will cost you your job. It will take no more than 2 minutes to create a mail id containing your first and last name. • Bad and outdated fonts It is very important to use simple and professional fonts in a resume.The font you select has a huge influence on the readability of your application, so do not use fonts that may be hard to read or fonts that are too lavish.Your choice of fonts should be very significant. Choose the correct form of the font for

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3 best resume formats

What are the 3 Best Resume formats In 2024?

Your curriculum vitae is one of the most valuable elements that a prospective employer use to consider when deciding whether you are going to move on to the next level. of the hiring process. A good curriculum vitae or resume format  will help you capture recruiting attention and make you stand out from other candidates. There are certain things that need to be part of every resume. Whether it’s planned by you in 2024 or any other year. 1. 3 Best Resume formats Formatting  best CV for freshers is a significant step in developing a professional, visually appealing CV.There are multiple ways to format your curriculum vitae. The first thing to sort out is to decide which type of curriculum vitae that you want to write: chronological, functional, or combinational. All of these formats of CV benefits individuals from different background, experiences, and skills. the aim is to provide a document that helps employers to understand why you area good fit for the job. I. Reverse chronological order The name itself is self-evident. That the reverse-chronological resume describes your work experience in reverse-chronological order.This involves explaining your employment history from the most recent job moving to each corresponding place backward in time.The reverse chronological resume format contains your responsibilities, achievements.It begins with the header and display dates, past work experience and education institutions, Professional affiliations,technical skills, volunteer work, and other succeeding sections.This format emphasizes a steady background of work with a clear ascending pattern. II. Functional Resume Format A functional resume is an overview type which showcases the skill and knowledge of an applicant. Unlike the chronological resume which gives a rundown of your job experience; a functional resume aims to draw attention to the transferable skills. The first thing to sort out is to decide which type of curriculum vitae that you want to write: chronological, functional, or combinational. All of these formats of CV benefits individuals from different background, experiences, and skills.the aim is to provide a document that helps employers to understand why you area good fit for the job. III. Combinational Resume Format A combinational resume is also known as a hybrid resume. Combining 2 traditional resume formats that are a combination of the reverse-chronological resume and functional resume format. A combination resume gives equal importance to both your skills and work experience. It includes sections reflecting on your relevant skills at the top of the page and followed by a segment that outlines your work experience. Your skills and work experience are listed as comparatively equal companions in this way. 2. Summary Resume summary or summary statement is a short description i.e. 1 or 2 descriptive sentences to demonstrate your skills and experience. It allows you to highlight your skills and help the employer to determine whether you are fit for the job or not. 3. Keep it simple and easy-to-read The resume should be simple and straightforward. Use professional fonts and clear section headings Do not overload your resume and form a clutter Focus on accomplishments 4. Keep it Short Make sure you give out all the information within a single page, don’t overdo or elaborate your resume for more than a page. 5. Bulletins Information in the form of paragraph looks compressed and is difficult to understand as recruiters take seconds to review your resume. Writing in the form of bulletins will help them to skim through your resume easily without missing any details. 6. List Your Social Media Profiles Today, several recruiting managers screen applicants’ social networks. Stay ahead by providing them your profile links on your resume. Your social media profiles can be a valuable tool to showcase your knowledge, experience, and position in your profession. You can integrate URLs for your LinkedIn profile, Twitter account, and blog. Don’t list them on your resume unless they are professional accounts 7. List Down Your Significant Skills&Experience Experience is the one section in your resume that employers will look out for. To see what job titles you have held and what’s your expertise.You need to highlight all the skills, experience, and responsibilities you have developed over the period of time in your career to provide a sense that you are an optimistic individual who will be a great asset to the company. 8. Include Numbers Numbers are the best way to illustrate your achievements. Add numbers wherever possible. For example; Instead of telling “how you created a strategy to increase sales” you can say “78% of the increase in sales after the adoption of your marketing strategy” 9. Error Free Submitting an error-packed resume is enough to prevent you from getting an interview, no matter how qualified or eligible you are for the post. Hence, you need to make sure your resume is free of grammatical errors and typos. Read more- https://writrox.com/common-mistakes-in-resume/ Final Words Make sure you keep these tips in mind when you are crafting your resume for the year to land up your dream job. For best resume writing services connect to writrox.

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certified profesisonal resume writers in india

How to choose a Certified Professional Resume Writers in India?

Experts can differ if you are looking ahead to hire a Certified Professional resume writer or you wish to write on your own. You must use a professional resume writer if you have little or no idea how this small piece of crucial paper is the first thing recruiters check while hiring an employee for an organization. And in case you have a lot of experience and still looking for that dream job, then it is the right opportunity to use resume service in helping you acquire one. HR recruiters often check the resumes for a few seconds before making a call for that interview. So your resume has that only little time window to get their attention. So professionals must understand that highlighting the right skills for that job requirements is the foremost requirement for any job. There are many resume writing companies that can help you in making ideal resumes for matching your specifications. Here are the essential tips to precisely choose a Professional resume writing services in india Hiring a resume writer can be easy if you know the quick tips to find the best professional for writing resumes for you. Let us know about them: Have a look at the samples: Always have a look at the samples for the best resumes. Judge the resumes based on their layout, content quality, word processing, etc. If you can get to speak to the writer or expert, it will work best for you. Do consider samples matching up with your industry before finalizing the services. You must check out the history of clients, their reviews, and placement to know the scope of the organization. These samples help you to know the company’s understanding of the various industry prospects and job acquisition skills for resume writing. Hire a certified professional resume writers agency: Many agencies have certification and can help you with finding the best writer for you. You can have a look at the experience level of the writer and speak to the agency about the kind of resume writers they have employed. Look for the agencies that are rewarded with certificates and can help you with the best professional resume. Check out their social media profiles and the way they have connected with clients or feedback to check their solutions. You can also check their team credentials and connect directly to make sure resumes match your industry skills as well as experience. Prepare your target resume: The concept of the targeted resume is old and focuses on a theme, measurable achievements, etc. It should match up with the position or career field you are looking forward to. If you are hiring a professional resume agency then they will surely know the meaning of targeted resumes. In this digital age, every organization and jobs have specific responsibilities and ask for skills to match with their profession. You must understand to make changes as per your requirements and then highlight them on the resume to increase the chances for selection. Consultation from professional resume writers in india. Before you place your order for the resume. Try speaking to the writer for strategizing the general requirements. It will help in being sure of the writing process, and you also know what you have been looking for a perfect job. Resume Writers can guide you with their best proposals and the way of writing you are looking to match. This small free consultation keeps both the client and company satisfied in building a long term effective solution. And in marketing, word of mouth is still one of the best ways to get more clients. You never know one good client can convert into 10 to 15 clients to build a strong market presence. Know the latest trends: Knowing about the industry trends is also very important, especially if you are wishing to look for professional services. You can search on LinkedIn or job-related sites to know about the resume trends. It will allow you to ensure that you know about the prevailing trends and you can help yourself with them. With continuous changes in the industry and skill requirements, professionals must have the awareness to meet with the latest trends and resume HR recruiters select. Companies offering resume writing services will provide you with these opportunities and ideal format to match with industry specifications. Initiation form: The client usually fills a form for hiring a resume writer. Companies must ensure to get the right information from the clients. You need to know every piece of education, past work experience, hobbies, aims, objectives, skills, and future ambition to build an ideal resume And make sure to arrange a direct communication with the writer to get the crux of the solutions. Words can convey an effective message still direct communication offers a way for the writer to understand the client’s requirement. Pricing: You also need to compare prices from multiple companies and make sure to find a fair pricing company to match your budget. Resume pricing may differ from one organization to another. There is no set of industry specifications. For beginners, it may be around Rs 500 to Rs 2000, while for intermediate and premium this may go onward from Rs 2500 to Rs 6000.  Always look for slabs to match with your present skill and experience before finalizing on the right choice. Resume writer companies with teams will have multiple slabs and pricing options for their clients to secure an idea resume in landing that dream job. An effective resume writer can help you enhance skills, opportunities, and experience to match the organization’s requirements to land you that dream job. At Writrox, we have an amazing pool of writers with 10+ years’ experience in this niche industry. Our supervisory team consists of former recruiters, HR professionals, and esteemed professionals who have made a name for their proficient solutions in the industry. For more help, guidance, and getting a call for that top job in the MNCs get connected now!

How to choose a Certified Professional Resume Writers in India? Read More »

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