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Resume Writing

Reasons Why You Are Facing Resume Rejections (1)

7 Reasons Why You Are Facing Resume Rejections

Job hunting can be a frustrating experience, especially when your resume gets rejected and you can not even land the interview and this might be a nightmare for many people. Well, understanding the reason behind the resume rejections is important and it can help you learn from the mistakes that you made. In this blog, we will discuss the seven common reasons why resumes are rejected and how you can avoid them. The common mistake that we make while making our resumes is adding lots and lots of information about ourselves that is not even relevant. Another mistake that we make is making typos or grammatical errors. These errors show that you were not even serious while making your resume to check or proofread it after making it. Another very common mistake that we make is making it very fancy and bright. Always remember that resumes are for professional purposes and hence you should always make your resume in a clean and professional look. We’ll discuss the common mistakes further in the blog. Keep reading! Reason 1: Lack of Customization When we make our resumes, customization is very important for any job application that you make. It shows employers that you are interested in the job and you have the skills that they need. You can’t make a generic resume that is not even suitable for the specific job, which often fails to meet the expectations of the hiring manager resulting in rejection of your resume because it doesn’t highlight the relevant experiences or skills that they are looking for and if you could not customize your resume then you must hire someone who does professional cv writing services. For example, if you apply for a marketing or sales job with a generic resume that you have. The employer may not see any specific difference or marketing skills that he is looking for. Here what you can do is make a customized resume based on the position and role you want, add the specific skills and achievements that you have for that specific job and use keywords relating to the job description, that will make your resume stand out from others. To customize your resume, read the job description for which you want to apply. Highlight the skills and experiences that match the job description. And make sure to adjust your job titles, responsibilities and achievements to match with the job you are applying for. Reason 2: Poor Formatting and Design A clean and professional resume layout is very important because it makes your resume easy to read and understand. Employers only spend a few seconds to view a resume and thus it will benefit you if you make a clean, neat, and organized design that can help your resume stand out. We often make very common formatting mistakes in our resumes that include too much text crammed together in different fonts and sizes throughout the resume and not having clear sections. This looks very messy and can be hard to follow. So it’s better to use a white space or you can use one or two simple fonts with the same font sizes and make sure that you have marked the sections clearly. You can use tools and templates available online to enhance the readability of your resume. Websites like Canva, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word offer free resume templates that are designed by professionals and if you cannot make a resume with proper formatting and design then you must hire someone who does resume writing for freshers. Reason 3: Typos and Grammatical Errors If you make typos and grammatical errors in your resume this will look very unprofessional. When recruiters see these small mistakes of yours, they might think that you don’t pay attention to such details or you just rushed through the application. This can lead to the rejection of a resume even if you have the right skills and experience and if you cannot make a resume without typos and errors then you must hire someone who does CV writing services. Some of the common errors that recruiters notice include wrong spellings, incorrect use of punctuation, or using wrong verb tenses. For example, mixing “there” and “their ” or “from” and “form” are mistakes that stand out. These common errors make it hard for recruiters to take you seriously. To avoid these mistakes, always proofread your resume carefully. Read it out loud and check the spelling thoroughly and you can even use grammar check tools like Grammarly or spell checker to find and fix the mistakes. Reason 4: Irrelevant or Outdated Information Your resume should only include relevant experiences and information that is important for the job description because it shows the employers that you have the skills they need and it makes you a good fit for them. Recruiters can quickly notice from your background whether you are qualified enough to get the role.  Outdated information or experiences make your resume cluttered and hard to read. If you include old job titles and skills that are of no use it can take more space in your resume and distract the recruiters from the important qualifications. Employers might have trouble finding the recent and relevant details about you.  To highlight the recent skills and experiences, focus on the recent job and achievements that you have made to match the job description. Use short paragraphs or bullet points to make it easy to read and if you cannot make a resume that has recent information about you and relevant details that are needed then you must hire someone who does professional CV writing services Reason 5: Lack of Quantifiable Achievements You should showcase measurable achievements in your resume that are very important to do. Employers want to see what you accomplished in previous jobs, not just what tasks you performed. When you include the exact numbers and specific details in your resume it makes your achievement more concrete and impressive. For example, instead of saying “improved sales” you could

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Resume writing trends in 2024

Resume writing trends in 2024

Resumes are the turning point in your career which can either make you stand apart or mix you with the crowd, therefore working on it becomes a priority. As we get close to the start of the 2024 financial year, it becomes a necessity to keep up with the Resume writing trends upcoming in the job market. It refers to going parallel with the new trends and opportunities and staying an edge ahead of your contemporaries. With the rapid technological advancements in the 2023 job market and the focus on digital presence, recruiters need candidates who can adapt, create, and demonstrate themselves as a brand. The shifts in the ways resumes are presented and crafted mark the need to adopt the recent resume writing trends to be able to showcase your experiences and skills. It has become a necessity to have the trends reflected in your resume and evolve with the requirements of modern trends either by yourself or via CV writing service. Key resume writing trends for 2024 It is essential to keep up with the resume writing trends to be ahead in the job market. Whether you go for a resume writing service or do it yourself, knowing about the trends is essential. 1. Skills-Based Resumes 2024 is the era of digital presence and the advancement in technologies has demanded job seekers to cut through the gap cripping in digital skills. The focus has shifted to resumes that cater to the display of skills, both hard and soft of the candidate rather than just qualifications. It has been found that there is a significant rise in the creation of learning programs and that 93% of companies look for candidates with soft skills according to the reports published by CNBC on 13 july, 2022. 2. Personalization and Customization How will you feel when you look for a specific company with certain qualities but all you get is an irrelevant list? The same happens in the case of recruiters: they look for specific skills in an employee. Tailoring your resume according to a specific job has become a trend. You can no longer use the same resume every time but address specific points that are relevant to the job. It is one of the latest trends in CV writing where you customize the CV according to the Job. For example, if the job demands marketing experience, you must highlight marketing skills and experiences. 3. Visual Resumes What if we tell you that you can create a dynamic, visually striking resume? The change in the trend has come up with the introduction of visual features in resumes to help you with a compelling representation. Add a video introduction to your resume, and links in your portfolio to visualize the experience of the resume to catch the attention of your employers. You can also go for adding bar charts, pie charts or line charts to showcase your skills, the data or growth of the company because of you over time to convey things in a more attractive manner aligning with the new trends in resume writing.  4. Storytelling Approach Crafting a narrative of your journey, experiences and skills can be interactive, engaging and compelling which has become a new trend in resume writing. Understand the job description and the requirements and then go on drafting a compelling narrative of your skills and professional experience. Use a catchy headline, and bullet points to highlight your story but don’t overdo it. You can instead consult a resume writer for your aid. 5. Data-Driven Resumes Don’t have enough skills and qualifications, let the numbers talk! Quantifying your resumes and letting data slide in can be a big breakthrough in getting to your desired company and is another resume writing trends in 2024. Data-driven resumes have more potential to gain the attention of the recruiters as it is concrete evidence to what you say and provide visible proof of your excellence. For example, go for “increased productivity by 20% within a year”, “developed strategy resulting in 30% increase in the conversion rates ” instead of “managed a large team”. 6. Mobile Optimization With the world synchronizing in the tiny screens of your mobile, you must realize that your CV is no longer looked at only through a laptop but scrolled on mobile as well. It is essential to have your resume fit into the screens of mobile and be visible in any of the Android or iOS devices without any glitches. Edit and format your resume by making it simple, with visible fonts, and a mobile-friendly format to tailor it to the current trends in resume writing and make it accessible for anyone, anytime. 7. AI Integration With the best increase in the use of AI and NLP tools like Bard or ChatGPT, the use of AI in resume-making has increased rapidly. Around 25% of GenZ already use AI to generate their resume. But, relying on AI can backfire, so a wise use is required. Seeking advice and having a glance at AI-generated resumes can help like you can extract specific keywords from job descriptions and add it in your resume along with formatting it. Also, give your resume a human touch while going for the latest trends in CV writing, by being specific in the use of AI like asking it to improve your existing resume, creating drafts or giving specific pointers Also Read Top 10 Best Fonts for CVs in 2024 Practical Tips for Implementation 1. Updating existing resumes to align with current trends Change the format to an easy-to-read format and modern design and avoid extravagant decoration. Try to keep it simple and engaging. For example, avoid colourful borders or over-used graphics and use bullet points and clear headings. Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description so that your resume can be tracked by the applicant tracking system (ATS). For example, if there’s a job description with “management skills”, make sure you highlight your management skills. Go for adding numbers and data to your existing resume to quantify your

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The Power of Personal Branding in C-Suite Resumes

Stand out from the crowd: The Power of Personal Branding in C-Suite Resumes

Most of the C-suite resumes look like corporate wallpaper that’s beige in color. It’s just a bland piece of information that represents nothing about the candidate. Same Buzzwords, the same format, and the same kind of yawn-inducing content lacking anything new and innovative. But, in today’s landscape, blending in with others is like career suicide. You need a resume to stand out from the crowd in the crowded job market. It’s time to ditch this beingness, and become like a shining star. You have to brand yourself and become a spotlight-stealing masterpiece. The basics of C-suite resumes The Term C-suite refers to the resumes of Top-level positions through the company. The C in C-level refers to the Chief level and management positions in the company.A C-suite resume is a resume for executive-level positions. Craft Compelling info, not a shopping list Forget listing each accomplishment and success story like a robot doing autopilot stuff. Instead, tell a story through your resume. Tell the story of your career, your success stories and your challenges, and how you conquered them with finesse and courage. Highlight the impact you have created, not just that task you have done. Numbers and data are great, but always remember people connect with emotions, not data-driven spreadsheets. Personalize Your Resume When you are sending the resume, you have to add a little bit of personalization in that resume.You can start by researching about the company and complex challenges that you have solved in other companies you worked in. You can also check the company you are applying for, research out the content and add information on how will tackle the challenges and Also, Read  How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Speak like a Human and Ditch those Jargons Unless you are leading a big starship in space, then you need that jargon. Talk like you are talking to a fellow CEO at a party, not like presenting a complex thesis at a hedge fund event. Just remember this “Clarity is key” and remember, even the most intelligent minds do appreciate personality and wit. Quantify Your Success, But Never Brag Numbers have power, and you should use these numbers to talk but don’t talk completely on numbers. Show how you increased the revenue of the company from X% to Y% or helped the company in saving Z% of money. Never brag too loudly and let your results speak for themselves. Remember to add humility to your resume. Showcase Your Leadership Powers Don’t just become the master of spreadsheets but let your vision and excellence steer your resume. Don’t forget to show your leadership qualities like your delegation, and your ability to inspire people and navigate difficult problems in the company. Also, show how you have created some of the most innovative and high-performing teams and fostered a culture of excellence. The most important aspect of all this is to care for the people under you. If you are not caring for people in your leadership position, you should never be in those top-level positions. Some great resume writing services will help you to show your personal experience without over the top and undermining the experience. Be Bold And Brave Yes, be respectful about the format, but don’t be scared to break the mold. You can use visuals and infographics to grab that attention and showcase your unique features. Remember, you are not just applying for a great job, you’re selling your brand in that process. It’s your brand that’s on the line, and you’re in the process of creating an even bigger appeal of yourself as the brand in it.  There’s a difference between being bold and brave and becoming boastful and going overboard. If you feel you can’t decide what to write, you can take help from professional resume writing services. They can design resumes with ease. Tailor Your Resume Just one resume for every job role. Well, that’s not gonna work out. Every position you’re applying for needs a specific skill set and area of creation. Highlight those skills first that are relevant according to the position you are applying for. Show the people who are interviewing that you’ve done your homework and understand all their needs and wants. You can even customize the “About Me” section to add in your relevant successes and how you can help the company as well. Leverage The Power Of Online Media Your resume is the main show of your professional life and a big aspect of your life. Link your resume to your Online Platforms like Linkedin and link it to your profile there. You can also use your website and link your resume to it ( if you have a personal website). You can also link your resume to other online platforms as well. Just show the world your professional awesomeness and get noticed more. This will even help other companies reach out to you to hire you for their job roles. Including a Brand Statement When you are creating a C-suite resume, it is important to do a personal brand statement. The personal brand statements are important as these use less space and leave visual space on the resume. The Personal brand statements are great at creating emotional responses. These statements help the person know a lot about you. This provides a real human character to you and you have an edge over other candidates applying for the same position. Remember Authenticity Is The Key: You have to be yourself and you can list some of your flaws as well. Remember, they want to hire a human, who can understand other humans, not just corporate robots with zero emotional understanding about humans. Concise And Simple: Keep your Resume short and simple. Hiring managers are very particular about their time. Respect their time. A short and witty resume can easily get you hired instead of a multiple-page resume that just confuses the hiring managers. Proofread is Must: any type of typos or mistakes in the resumes are like Kryptonite that

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Additional Information

What to Put for Additional Information on a Resume + Examples

Resume writing service can help you create a more informative “Additional Information” section on your resume Identifying the most relevant information to include: A professional resume writer will work with you to determine what additional information is most relevant to the job you are applying for and will help you stand out as a qualified candidate. The “Additional Information” section of a resume is a place where you can include any additional details that may be relevant to the job you are applying for, but that don’t fit into the traditional sections of a resume (such as education, work experience, and skills). A professional resume writer will also be able to advise you on what information is not necessary or relevant to include in the “Additional Information” section, helping you to avoid clutter and keep your resume focused and concise.  In this article we will understand what additional information on a resume should be added while creating a professional resume. Examples of information you might include in the “Additional Information” section of your resume include: We will have to keep in mind that the “Additional Information” section is not meant to be a catch-all for any and all information about you. It’s important to be selective about what we include in this section and only include information that is relevant to the job and that will help us stand out as a qualified candidate and a resume service provider help us do so. A professional resume writer will also know how to present the information in the “Additional Information in resume for freshers”” section in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to read. They will also know how to format the section to make it stand out and draw the reader’s attention. A resume writing service can help us to create a more informative and effective “Additional Information” section on your resume by identifying the most relevant and impactful information to include and presenting it in a clear and professional manner. How to Include Additional Information on Resumes? Relevancy is the key: Think about what additional information on a resume you have that is relevant to the job you are applying for and will help you stand out as a qualified candidate. When deciding what additional information to include on your resume, be sure to consider its relevance to the job you are applying for. Only include information that is directly related to the job or industry and that will help you stand out as a qualified candidate. Separate section for the additional information on a Resume: You should create a separate section on your resume specifically for the additional information. This will help the employer to easily find and review this information. You can label this section “Additional Information,” “Additional Skills,” or something similar. Clarity and Conciseness: Be sure to present the additional information in resume for freshers in a clear and concise manner. Use bullet points to list the information, and keep each bullet point brief and focused. Avoid including too much information or going into too much detail. Keep it Crisp: When deciding what additional information on a resume to include on your resume, be sure to consider its relevance to the job you are applying for. Only include information that is directly related to the job or industry and that will help you stand out as a qualified candidate. Publications and awards can be a valuable addition:  In a section of your resume, publications and awards can demonstrate your expertise and accomplishments in your field. Create a separate section on your resume specifically for your publications and awards, this will help the employer to easily find and review this information. You can label this section “Publications” or “Awards,” or something similar.  In the “Publications” section of your resume, list your publications in reverse chronological order, with the most recent publication first. For each publication, include the title of the publication, the name of the journal or publication in which it was published, and the date of publication. In the “Awards” section of your resume, list your awards in reverse chronological order, with the most recent award first. For each award, include the name of the award, the organization that presented the award, and the date the award was received. It’s important to be selective about what publications and awards you include in your resume Volunteering: “Additional Information  in resume for freshers” section of your resume, as it can demonstrate your commitment to community service and your ability to work effectively with others. A separate section on your resume specifically for your volunteering experiences. This will help the employer to easily find and review this information. You can label this section “Volunteering” or “Community Service,” or something similar. Be sure to highlight any skills or achievements you gained through your volunteering experiences. This can include things like teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. Conclusion: Hopefully, you found this guide useful. What should you use for additional information on a resume? That all depends on what your goals are, but in most cases highlighting the details of your projects will be more helpful than anything else. Just remember that additional information is supposed to give you an edge over other candidates. If putting information on your resume makes you stand out from the crowd, you should definitely put it on your resume. Plus, you don’t have to add everything at once. Include each factor in its influence and express yourself in your work. Creating a resume is a challenging task but if you connect with some good resume writing services like us. At Writrox we provide you the professional resume writing services you are looking for in your career, we help you with creating editing and crafting a professional resume for the job role you are applying for! FAQ’s: Ques1. What is “Additional Information” on a resume? Ans: Additional information on a resume often includes information about your qualifications but is limited in standard sections such

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are resume writing services worth the money

Are Resume Writing Services Worth It?

Resume writing services can be helpful for individuals who are not confident in their ability to write a strong resume or who want to ensure that their resume stands out in a competitive job market. A professional resume writer can help you identify your strengths and achievements, format your resume in a way that is visually appealing and easy to read, and tailor your resume to the specific job or industry you are targeting. However, it is important to keep in mind that a resume writing service is only as good as the writer who is creating your resume. It is worth taking the time to research different resume writing services and carefully considering their reputation, pricing, and the level of personalization they offer. Ultimately, whether or not a resume writing service is worth it will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. If you have a strong understanding of your career goals and the skills and experience you have to offer, you may be able to write a strong resume on your own. However, if you are struggling to put together a compelling resume or are applying for jobs in a highly competitive field, a resume writing service could be a valuable investment. Why hire a resume writing service? Resume writers services are professionals with experience in crafting effective resumes for job seekers. They have a deep understanding of what employers are looking for and can help you present your skills and experience in a way that is tailored to the specific job or industry you are targeting.Writing a can be a time consuming process hiring a resume writing service can save you time and allow you to focus on other aspects.A well-written and visually appealing resume can make a strong first impression on potential employers and increase your chances of getting hired. A well-written and visually appealing resume can make a strong first impression on potential employers and increase your chances of getting hired. A resume writing service can tailor your resume to the specific job or industry you are targeting, ensuring that it is relevant and aligns with the employer’s needs and expectations. This level of customization can help your resume stand out among the competition. What type of resume writing service is best? It is important to choose a resume writing service with a good reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from past clients to get a sense of the service’s quality and effectiveness. The best resume writing services will offer a high level of personalization, taking the time to understand your unique skills, experience, and career goals.Consider the cost of the resume writing service and whether it is a good value for the level of service and quality you will receive.Be wary of services that seem too cheap, as they may not provide the level of expertise and personalization you need to create a strong resume. Good customer service is important when choosing a resume writing service. Look for a service that is responsive, helpful, and willing to work with you to ensure that you are satisfied with the final product. Is a resume writing service worth the money? A well-written and visually appealing resume can make a strong first impression on potential employers and increase your chances of getting hired. A resume writing service can provide expert advice on how to present your skills and experience in the most effective way. They can also provide valuable feedback on your resume and offer suggestions for improvement. Resume writers are professionals with experience in crafting effective resumes for job seekers. They have a deep understanding of what employers are looking for and can help you present your skills and experience in a way that is tailored to the specific job or industry you are targeting. Ultimately, whether or not a resume writing service is worth the money will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. If you are struggling to put together a compelling resume or are applying for jobs in a highly competitive field, a resume writing service could be a valuable investment. Include a Selected Achievements section at the top of your executive resume A Selected Achievements section at the top of your executive resume allows you to highlight your most impressive achievements and accomplishments, giving potential employers a clear understanding of your capabilities and value as a candidate. Demonstrate your value to the employer: By including a Selected Achievements section, you can demonstrate to potential employers how you have added value to your previous organizations and how you can do the same for their company. Showcase your skills and expertise: This section can also showcase your skills and expertise in specific areas, such as project management, leadership, or financial analysis. Set yourself apart from other candidates: Including a Selected Achievements section can help set you apart from other candidates and make your resume stand out in a competitive job market. Capture the reader’s attention: Placing a Selected Achievements section at the top of your executive resume can capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading. This can be especially effective if you are targeting a specific job or industry and want to ensure that your resume is relevant and tailored to the employer’s needs.  Here are 5 reasons as to why one should include a Selected Achievements section at the top of your executive resume:

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How to Negotiate a Job Offer

How to Negotiate a Job Offer: Step by Step Guide

Negotiating for a job offer is an important art to learn because it  helps you get the desired salary and benefits that you deserve. It can also help you secure job perks and opportunities for professional growth that may not have been discussed during the initial job offer. Resume writers can provide guidance on how to negotiate for a job offer by offering tips and advice on what to consider and how to approach the negotiation. By negotiating effectively, you can make sure that you are starting your new job on the right foot and setting yourself up for success. Being able to negotiate well can also help you build and maintain positive relationships with your employers, which can be beneficial for your career in the long run. Below, are some important tips for you to help and understand what to do and How to negotiate  for a salary package for your new job: 1.Understanding Average Salary Trend-   One way to understand the average salary trend when negotiating is to research the average salary for the position you are applying for in your area. This information is often available through online job boards, professional organizations, and industry publications. A resume writer can help you giving all of these informations,making you aware of the salary standards. You can also talk to people who work in similar positions or reach out to industry contacts to get a sense of the average salary range.Once you have a sense of the average salary range, you can use this information to inform your negotiator. For example, if the average salary for the position is higher than the initial offer, you can use this information to justify asking for a higher salary. On the other hand, if the initial offer is higher than the average salary, you may want to consider accepting the offer without negotiating, as it is already above market rate. 2.Know your Value- When you understand your own value, you can more confidently and effectively negotiate for a salary that is fair and reflective of the value you bring to the company. To determine your own value, you can start by researching the average salary for your position and industry in your area. A resume writing can help you understand the criteria you could follow according to your skills and experience and help you know how worthy you are for a job/salary. You can also consider factors such as your level of experience, education, and the specific skills and expertise you bring to the job. By understanding your own value and being able to articulate it effectively, you can negotiate a salary that is fair and reflective of the value you bring to the company.  3.Be Prepared for Obvious Questions- Negotiating can become a little uncomfortable for someone who would be negotiating its salary for the first time. Some very obvious questions as why do we pay you this much? Or the salary raise you’re asking for isn’t it a lot compared to your previous company? And much more which is probably going to be valid from an HR’s end coz that is their job.  Few tips below can help you know how to be prepared for such questions: Knowing as much as possible about the company and the position you are negotiating for can help you anticipate and prepare for questions that may come up during the negotiation  the HR may raise objections or concerns about your salary request. Think about what those objections might be and prepare responses in advance Practise your responses, before the negotiation, practice responding to potential questions and objections. This can help you feel more confident and prepared during the actual negotiation Be prepared to explain the value you bring to the company, be prepared to explain why you are worth the salary you are asking for. This may involve highlighting your skills, experience, and achievements, and explaining how they will benefit the company. Be to the Point- Being to the point is important during a negotiation because it can help you communicate your needs and interests clearly and effectively. By being concise and focused, you can avoid confusion and misunderstandings and make sure that your message is heard and understood by the other party. Negotiations can often become long and drawn out, with both parties going back and forth on various issues. By being to the point, you can avoid getting sidetracked and stay focused on your key objectives. If the negotiation is not going well, be prepared to walk away from the offer. Remember that you don’t have to accept an offer that is not fair or that does not meet your needs. By being clear and direct, you can show that you respect the other party’s time and are serious about reaching an agreement. Negotiate,don’t Bargain- The main difference between negotiation and bargain is that negotiation is a process of communication and problem-solving between two or more parties,bargain is a specific type of negotiation that involves exchanging goods or services for something else of value. We are not shopping here, are we? No, right? Hence we do not bargain but negotiate. It is generally best to approach negotiations with an HR representative in a professional and respectful manner, and focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution. This can help you build a positive relationship with the HR representative and increase the chances of reaching a successful outcome in the negotiation. Don’t Be Afraid To Take Decisions-   It is always best to not take a salary that does not make you happy. By being willing to make decisions and commit to a course of action, you can more effectively advocate for your interests and increase the chances of reaching a successful outcome in the negotiation. Being afraid to take decisions can also make you appear indecisive or unsure of yourself, which can weaken your position in the negotiation. The other party may be less likely to take you seriously or to consider your

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powerful resume

How to create a powerful resume that win recruiters in 7 seconds

Have you ever considered what one can accomplish in 7 seconds? Probably not much at all. It turns out that’s exactly how much time recruiters spend scanning through resumes before determining whether or not to evaluate the application. You have 7 seconds to persuade the recruiter that your resume is relevant and that they should read the rest of it. So, how do you go about doing that? Well, you must use the appropriate resume sections and fill in the contents as thoroughly as possible. Not sure which sections of your resume are required and which are optional? Are you having trouble organizing the sections of your resume? When you feel like what you have isn’t enough, you can overcompensate by including as many categories as possible on your resume. In these situations, remember the golden rule: less is more. Rather than trying too hard and ending up with a bloated resume, stick to the essentials. Also, depending on your career, provide any optional sections that will complement it. So, how do you create your own resume? you must follow these two simple guidelines for powerful resume Which sections are required and which are optional? Sections of a standard resume Every resume should include the following five crucial sections: (a) Personal details (b) Objective or resume summary (c) Work experience (d) Education Qualifications (e) Skills For a recruiter, these are the most crucial sections of the CV. You should not exclude any of them. You’ll have created a conventional resume with all of the relevant information if you include these five sections. Following these basic resume categories, you can add some more areas based on your experience and skill levels. As an example: (a) Volunteering Experience (b) Projects (c) Honors and Awards (d) Extensive Leadership Experience (e) Interests and Hobbies (f) Licenses and certifications (g) Extracurricular Activities (h) Accomplishments (i) Publications (j) Trainings Sections of a resume to include  The sections on your resume, the order in which they are organized, and the titles you choose are all critical components of your resume format. Let us begin with the five areas that every resume should include: 1. Contact Details Contact information is the most fundamental section of every resume. After all, if a potential employer doesn’t know your name or how to contact you, they won’t be able to offer you an interview. At the very least, your resume heading should include the following information: (a) Name and surname (b) email address (c) contact number (d) You may also want to include the following additional information: (e) Professional title (f) LinkedIn profile URL  (g) Mailing address A link to a portfolio or personal website is another useful addition. If you work as a graphic designer, animator, or in a career that relies heavily on graphics, employers will want to see samples of your work. 2. A resume’s opening This is a concise section at the top of your resume that summarises your main qualifications and strengths. It’s also your first and best chance to catch the eye of a hiring manager, and you just have seconds to do it. There are two main types of resume introductions, and which one you choose will be determined by your circumstances. Resume Summary A resume summary is a concise statement that emphasizes your most important work-related accomplishments and talents in a short paragraph or four to five bullet points. Summaries are one of the most common ways to begin a resume and the best approach if you want to advance in your current field. Resume Objective A resume objective is a brief statement that emphasizes your intent and motivation. An excellent resume objective emphasizes how you will help the organization reach its goals rather than your abilities and relevant expertise. If you’re an entry-level candidate drafting a CV for your first job or changing careers, objectives are the way to go. Work history section One of the most important compartments of a resume is the work experience section. This is the place where your professional achievements should really shine. Include the following information for each position you’ve held: Three to five bullet points highlighting your primary tasks and accomplishments If you’re drafting a chronological resume, put your most recent position first, then your previous positions in reverse chronological order. Resume section for skills The skills part of your resume should include a mix of all skills (hard and soft) that are relevant to the job you want. If the position you’re seeking requires specialized technical skills, list as many of them as possible in your skills section. You can also include other hard talents that recruiters like, such as Microsoft Office, language fluency, and computer skills. Soft skills are equally necessary for a positive and productive workplace. These are the personality attributes that influence how you approach work and interact with people, such as adaptability, creativity, and communication skills. Demonstrate that you have all the skills required to succeed in the role to persuade a hiring manager that you are qualified for the position. Resume education section Your highest level of schooling should be listed in the education section of your resume. This could be a high school diploma, an undergraduate diploma, or a graduate diploma. You do not need to enter your high school details if you have completed your undergraduate courses. You must include the following details: If you’re preparing an entry-level resume for a new graduate, you can enlarge your education section to make up for a lack of work experience. In this scenario, include any relevant coursework, awards, honours, and academic achievements on your CV. If you lack work experience, you might also include your extracurricular interests here. Writing a CV as a fresher can be overwhelming because this is the first step in your career ladder, and making sure you get everything right can be difficult; however, you can always get help from professional resume writing services at this time. Writrox is a leading and one of

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C-Suite resume

What Exactly is the C-Suite Resume?

The C-suite, sometimes known as the C-level, is a term used to describe an organization’s most senior executives. The term “C-suite” is derived from the titles of top executives, which often begin with the letter “C.” Understanding the Executive Suite The C-suite is the most powerful and influential group of people in any corporation. Significant business experience and leadership qualities are required to join the C-suite. C suite executives play a strategic role in an organization and are expected to make difficult decisions that affect the company’s strategy. As a senior executive, you are compensated for making a limited number of high-quality judgments. Members of the C-suite have advanced technical capabilities relevant to their roles. A Chief Marketing Officer, for example, should be an expert in marketing, whereas a Chief Financial Officer should be an expert in finance and accounting. They also have a strong strategic perspective and great leadership skills, can make high-quality judgments and manage disagreements, and are adaptive. What exactly is a C-suite resume? As discussed, the phrase “C-suite” refers to a company’s executive-level jobs. Executive-level C-suite positions typically indicate c-level—or chief-level—management positions. An executive resume is a C-suite resume. It should be unique and sell your skills as an important asset and person of influence inside a company or organization. • Chief Executive Officer • Chief Financial Officer • Chief Operating Officer • Chief Technology Officer • Chief Information Officer • Chief Compliance Officer • Chief Analytics Officer • Chief Brand Officer • Chief Commercial Officer • Chief Data Officer • Chief Human Resources Officer • Chief Investment Officer • Chief Legal Officer • Chief Medical Officer • Chief Research Officer • Chief Security Officer The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Operating Officer are the three most frequent C-suite job titles in a corporation.  Each title is described briefly below. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) In a business, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) marks the pinnacle of the corporate ladder. The CEO is in charge of the organization’s success and oversees all corporate operations and decisions. Other members of the C-suite often report to the CEO. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) oversees the organization’s finances. Financial planning and analysis (FP&A), liquidity management, and evaluating investment opportunities are all responsibilities. Chief Operating Officer (COO) The Chief Operating Officer (COO) oversees the execution and alignment of the organization’s business goals and strategy. After the CEO, the COO is usually the second in command. Designing and implementing company strategy, defining organizational policies, and managing the activities of each business unit are all responsibilities. C-Level Responsibilities C-level employees collaborate to ensure that a company’s strategies and operations correspond with its set plans and policies. Activities that do not produce earnings for shareholders are routinely remedied in public businesses by C-level management staff. C-suite executives work in high-stakes, stressful environments and are thus compensated well. How Does One Begin a Career That Leads to the C-Suite? There is no one-size-fits-all path to the C-suite. Being proactive and thinking about your professional path will be critical for some, while others may get by simply being aggressive and rubbing elbows with the appropriate people. Hard work and a proven track record are required in any circumstance, and there is no room for complacency. A suitable education, such as an MBA from a top business school, is also advantageous. Guidelines for Writing a C-Suite Resume Here are five pointers for creating an impressive, memorable, and easy-to-read C-suite resume: 1. Consider incorporating a photograph. Adding a photo to a CV is becoming more popular. Hiring managers and recruiters frequently receive a large number of applications for the positions they are interviewing for. Including a photograph on your CV can help it stand out. It may also give the reader the impression that they are meeting you in person. If you choose to include a picture when applying for a C-suite position, it should be a professional headshot. This means that the image should be clean and high-definition, with simply your head, neck, and shoulders visible. You should also be well-groomed and dressed professionally. 2. Concentrate on your accomplishments and abilities. Chief-level jobs in a corporation necessitate that a person is extremely skilled and capable in their industry. The chief officer is the highest-ranking individual within a firm department, and they collaborate with four to seven other top officers to ensure smooth and profitable operations. As a result, your resume should emphasize your accomplishments and competencies. You are more likely to stand out as a high-achieving and highly successful applicant if you include an achievement section near the top of your document and discuss your professional influence in your job experience section. 3. Include recent experiences It is critical that you only provide material that is relevant and recent to your professional background when listing or discussing your job experiences, professional successes, and abilities. The majority of C-suite personnel have been in their field for a number of years. Unless the honour or achievement you’re highlighting is particularly prominent, you should strive to incorporate information from your experiences in the last 15 years of your profession. 4. Create your professional brand When designing a resume for a c-level position, keep your personal and professional brand front and centre. The first step is to include your personal branding statement near the top of your document, but you should also ensure that the accomplishments, details about your work experience, and skills you list help the reader further develop their understanding of your personal brand and what you represent as a professional. 5. Check for readability A C-suite resume should be simple to read, skim, and browse. Your document demonstrates your competence to lead an entire department and make company decisions. A scannable CV helps recruiters and hiring managers to regard you as efficient, precise, and organized. It also demonstrates your ability to effectively and persuasively present information. People seeking C-suite roles frequently have a long list of awards, accomplishments, work experiences,

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Extremely Unprofessional Resume Errors You Need To Fix

7 Extremely Unprofessional Resume Mistakes to avoid-Fix and Format

One of the most remembered saying is that the “First impression is the best impression”. For Resumes, it is absolutely true. And if the recruiters find even a minute error on the first look, they will reject the resume to move on to the next one. So basically, you have only a few seconds to impress them and get selected.  A Resume is a short descriptive paper that defines your personality, skills, experience, and interests to the recruiters. One might have sent resumes to hundreds or thousands of companies. Still, only a get a handful of call-backs. The main reason for these rejections lies in the small things that we often ignore or mistakes that result in not shortlising your resumes from HR recruiters.  List of Extremely Unprofessional Resume Errors  1. Generalization of the Resume2. Less/No focus on Your Strengths!3. An Unprofessional Email4. Typing Mistakes (Typos)5. Using Too Much Styling6. Bad Objectives7. Making Multiple Page Resumes Here are the seven Extremely unprofessional resume errors you need to fix before sending them to recruiters.  1. Generalization of the Resume In this competitive environment, sending a general resume will not land you any calls or selection. Each job has specific skills requirements that companies are looking for in a future candidate. Recruiters will look for these skills and relevant experience to select resumes.  Sending the same resume to each company or job will not match the relevancy in any case. All your efforts will are wasted and won’t count for anything. You have to make specific changes in your resume for every job to highlight facts for HR and recruiters to visualize for getting shortlisted.  2. Less/No focus on Your Strengths! Every individual takes a different course and acquire particular skills & experience that becomes strengths for their Career success. You have to write a resume to give these strengths the importance for recruiters to gain their attention and select you based on that.  But most often, this is not the point. We see unnecessary skills, sections, and experience that does not match the job requirements. These needless points become the CenterPoint rather than the main strengths.  We have to make bold, highlight experiences and put them in front of the recruiter’s eye. So it will help HR teams to quickly glance over your resume and find the relevant skills and experience for selecting you. So rather than wasting time on misleading information that does not require attention.  You can approach Resume Writing Services in Mumbai to connect and prioritize your resume for quick selections in the top MNC jobs.  3. An Unprofessional Email Your resume represents your identity. Using an unprofessional email can misguide the HR teams towards rejecting resumes on first look itself. Email IDs such as Masterbot_45 or livelifelikeaking_23 will not work as companies will take this as an unprofessional email or an individual taking things seriously.  You may be free-spirited in life and can take things for granted. But on the professional front, you have to be objective in keeping things simple and understandable.  A simple name, last name, and an additional number should do the trick precisely. For instance, Sarthak_trivedi12, Karthik_sharma30, etc., look fine and impart a positive sign.  4. Typing Mistakes Another quite common mistake is the typing mistake. We often are not able to find our own errors. These small and silly mistakes can hamper your chances of selection and put a negative reader’s view. You might have put hours of effort into resume formats, composing and writing sections, skills, experience, and personal information. But these typos can knock off your candidature in no time.  These Typos are easy to catch and often imply a lack of approach, reckless behavior, and unprofessionalism. You have to be proactive in keeping your resume impeccable in avoiding these typos.  5. Using Too Much Styling Adding too much styling also imparts a negative impact on the viewers. As styling with these bullets, bold texts and pointers take the centerstage, rather than your skills and experience. May fresher candidates add decorative items, curvy fonts, and background marking to their resumes to make them more catchy. These styles only combine the negative values from the recruiter’s point of view for short rejections. One has to be selective in using these styling and put them only whenever required. You have to use style based on English grammar rules and keep things simple for viewing. 6. Bad Objectives All resumes have objectives. But these objectives must be in sync with career and life goals. We either ignore or are not able to write them precisely from our life perspective.  In Objectives, one of the essential missing factors is the lack of substance. 7. Making Multiple Page Resumes Simply writing multiple pages resume will not give you a priority or additional value over the others. Now the resume trends show that recruiters enjoy short, crisp, and to the point information for selecting individuals rather than the longer ones. Long resumes only give an essay-type vibe and are also often ignored, with ATS resumes getting a preferable choice among the professionals and HR recruiters. In the early part of the 21st century, candidates gave 3-4 resume page sizes, but the trend has changed for small and more precisive resumes. 8. Conclusion To Err is Human. But, to keep making these errors will hamper your interview calls and job selections. These seven unprofessional resume errors highlight common issues that candidates face with a resume. As a Professional, You must avoid them all and stay on the right path for success ahead in your career.  Writrox is a complete Resume Writing Service in India for professionals to stay ahead of their competition and lead a more successful career in the future. 

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What Hiring Managers Want to See in Your Resume?

What Hiring Managers Want to See in Your Resume?

Hiring managers do have a lot of pressure from their organization to recruit the right people for the right position. They analyze hundreds of resumes throughout the day, and a resume is the first document they go through for every candidate. It lays the first impression and allows the candidate to impress the employer in the first few seconds. In the future let’s have a look at some of the characteristics that every hiring manager looks for in a resume: Suitable Length: Suitable Length: Excellent grammatical and spelling skills Excellent grammatical and spelling skills Organize Sections Organize Sections Specific Job Relevant Skills Specific Job Relevant Skills You must be precise, measurable, and actionable when adding your experience and accomplishments; simply mentioning your past job titles and day-to-day responsibilities will not be enough. It demonstrates the candidates as they understand the value they are providing to the organization and their willingness to go beyond their abilities to help the organization in succeeding. As per the industry experts, they do not find any essence in job roles. Rather, they like to hear about your achievements, like how you can improve the department, make any project successful, and create conversions; most importantly, they are interested in knowing what you’re going to bring about. Practical skills: Practical skills: The employers are very interested in knowing how you intend to connect to your present job and how you will be interested in creating a friendly environment around and linking your job responsibilities with your skills. Usually, the employer asks their candidates to link up their skills for the situations to prove their abilities. Practical skills are talked about to showcase your successes, talent, and experience to align with the job title. Customization Customization www.pollenpetals.co.uk The days of sending out your resume in bulk are long gone, and it was never a good idea, to begin with. While companies must attempt to locate qualified candidates, you must tailor your CV for each company to which you apply. Small modifications that emphasize why you are uniquely qualified for the post at X firm and why you would like to work for them — can make a big difference. Consider it equivalent to dressing for your dream job in resume writing. Do you want to work for any company, or do you want to work for this specific company in this exact role? Hiring managers can spot a vague, generic CV a mile away. Value Proposition: Value Proposition: What are the most significant characteristics you’d bring to the job? Do some preliminary research on the position, the company, and the culture before writing your CV. Make a professional elevator pitch (a 30-second explanation of who you are, what you do, and why you’re the ideal candidate for the job) and prominently display it. Keep this in mind as you write your resume. Are you effectively communicating your potential value to both the role and the company? Are you communicating who you are and why you should be hired over the guy with the 14-page, pasted resume? Education Education Whether you’ve taken classes, are working toward another degree, or have become a regular Quora expert, take advantage of this opportunity to promote any education or certifications you’ve achieved. Many firms engage in employee continuing education. Demonstrating that you’ve already taken the effort and are committed to extending your skillset and keeping on top of your game will raise your worth to future employers and put you ahead of the competition. Hiring managers do look for certain things in their candidates, and if they can find the same in the resume, he is shortlisted. That’s why every candidate should be precise in keeping things perfect for the future employer. Writrox

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