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What Hiring Managers Look for in a Resume: A Comprehensive Guide

What Hiring Managers Look for in a Resume: A Comprehensive Guide

Your resume is often the first thing hiring managers see when deciding whether to bring you in for an interview, so your resume must be flawless. Employers have to read a lot of resumes to find the right person for their company, and knowing what they want can greatly help you get your foot in the door. Whether you are just starting or seeking to make some changes on your resume, that guide can help you write a resume with an effective structure. Here are the best tips on resume writing from crafting a layout to avoiding common mistakes to put your most professional experience and catch an employer’s eye. 1. What to add in a Resume Focusing on key aspects when crafting or updating your resume can go a long way. The following are the key areas that hiring managers look forward to: 1.1 Clear and Professional Layout It should be readable and concise. With a relatively quick review of resumes by hiring managers, having an orderly and clear layout gets the key details across immediately. Bullet points, neat formatting, and large font sizes keep it clutter-free and plenty of white space to make content readable. 1.2 Tailored Content Your resume should not be a generic one. This only shows hiring managers that you have gone out of your way to adjust the required essentials and make the resume as per the required skills. Read the job description thoroughly and ensure your resume reflects the skills, experience, and criteria that directly relate to it. 1.3 Strong Summary or Objective Believe it or not, a summary or objective can be the core of your resume. This section is your first impression to recruiters, so you need to show them who they are and why they should consider hiring you. Go with a Key Achievements summary if you are very experienced in your field. A brief objective, stating your goals and passion for the role if you are new to this. 1.4 Relevant Work Experience/ Skills The work experience on your resume should be related to the job for which you are applying. Highlight recent and relevant positions, listing your responsibilities in accomplishments and skills. Also, add a skills section and utilize this—the headings in your job description—and call out the hard/soft skill types you did above. This is usually the section hiring managers look at to get a brief sense of what you have done. 1.5 Education and Certificates In addition, hiring managers should take education and certifications into account to decide if you qualify for a job. Reverse order of degrees held, most recent first. List any certifications, or related coursework that could help give some context to the position. 1.6 Keywords to Restate for ATS Compatibility Most companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to eliminate resumes before the hiring manager ever sees them. This computer system scans resumes for particular keywords in the job description. That helps your resume to at least get past the initial ATS filter since you have used industry-specific keywords. An example is to use terms like “SEO Professional,” “professional SEO Executive“ when applicable. 2. What Not to Do in a Resume Though it is important to focus on what you should include, neglecting the common mistakes can make all your efforts in the wrong direction. Here are a few of the things hiring managers don’t want to look for in a resume. 2.1 Too Much Unrelated Information Make sure to always keep your resumes short and based on the job you are trying for. Also close to the list of negatives is listing every job you have ever had — particularly if they are not very relevant. Instead, focus on positions and skills that align with the role 2.2 Overloading You With Buzzwords While it’s important to use industry-specific keywords, not common buzzwords such as “synergy”, and innovate or results-driven. Instead, you should be able to provide concrete examples of how you exemplify each characteristic since hiring managers care about what the qualities mean, not just that they are on your CV. 2.3 Grammatical and Spelling Errors Making grammatical mistakes in your resume can be a problem as it could lead to a bad impression in front of your hiring manager. A single error could lead hiring managers to question your attention to detail. Always proofread your resume multiple times or use a resume writing service to ensure it’s error-free. 2.4 Inconsistent Formatting Make your resume look consistent in terms of formatting. Use the same font and bullet points for consistency in all of your sentences. Bad formatting can turn your resume into something that will not be easy to read for your employer. 2.5 Overly Long Resumes Though you do want to share your experience, most hiring managers appreciate resumes that are only 1–2 pages long. People who are told to keep their resume under 2 pages need this advice — Keep it concise and focus on the most relevant details. Conclusion: Put simply, balancing professionalism with clarity and relevancy is all about writing a resume that hiring managers can relate to. Emphasize accomplishments, put in keywords for ATS compliance and customize your resume to each job application. Common mistakes include personal information and an excessive use of buzzwords. Writing a good resume is important because it helps you to get an interview and even better job opportunities. If you are in doubt, a professional resume writing service can put the finishing touch to your resume. FAQs Q-1 How Many Pages Should My Resume Be? A resume should be no more than 1-2 pages long. A single page could be enough, especially for those of you early in your career. While more qualified professionals with a well-established track record can push that out to two pages, it is best not to exceed this if at all possible. Q-2 Do you have to put a photo in your resume? Typically, adding a photo is your choice. The only exceptions are modeling or acting-related

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linkedin recommendations

Why Do LinkedIn Recommendations Matter and How to Get Them?

As the largest professional networking site in the world, LinkedIn is an essential tool for establishing your brand and growing your career. LinkedIn recommendations are one of the many features it provides and are important because they build credibility for your profile. These recommendations from coworkers, supervisors, or business partners help to provide others with an indication of your ability, work ethic, and professionalism. Today through this blog we will see why LinkedIn recommendations are important and how you can get more of them which helps in enhancing your professional portfolio. Why LinkedIn Recommendations Matter 1. Boosts Credibility and Trust A strong LinkedIn recommendation acts as social proof, validating your skills and traits with the voice of other people. A recommendation from a trusted source to future hiring managers, agency recruiters or potential clients will validate you are suitable for the role. Think of them as a testimonial or letter of recommendation that proves your success, for current job searches and future career advancement. Also Read: 10 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Network 2. Boosts Visibility on LinkedIn Search LinkedIn supposedly considers recommendations in the algorithm for the search ranking of profiles. When employers, recruiters, or clients are searching for someone with your skills in your local area using LinkedIn Recruiter search, the top results will be the profiles most relevant to their interests. Profiles with multiple high-quality recommendations are prioritized when surfacing these results This kind of visibility can provide a massive advantage, especially in well-known industries. 3. Validates Your Skills On LinkedIn, you can note skills within your profile, but a recommendation provides proof. This gives the potential new employer some actual examples about where you demonstrated these skills in a professional setting. For example, if your profile says you are a good leader, then someone can post about a project where they saw those leadership qualities. Having this context makes you more concrete and credible to anyone reading your profile. 4. It expands your network of professionals Asking for and providing recommendations also creates and maintains relationships in your professional connections. Also, writing a relevant recommendation for another person could make that person feel more connected to you and it works the other way around too. You also may be able to keep yourself in the back of your network people mind so when opportunities arise in a year or two, you are first on their list. How to Get LinkedIn Recommendations on your Linkedin Profile? 1. Choose The Right People To Ask The first thing you do is decide who to ask for recommendations! These could be: This means you should pick people who have seen your work in person and can specifically list what your skills are exactly. Basically, you want people in your industry/profession who are weighty opinion-holders to recommend. Pro Tip: If you are relatively new in your field, try speaking with a mentor or someone who understands your work. You do not have to use your boss; use anybody who can speak on your behalf with authority. 2. Personalize Your Request Never send generic messages whether you are asking for a recommendation. By customizing your request, you demonstrate that you put some thought into it and can make the recipient more likely to say yes. Highlight which of your skills or projects you want them to emphasize, and how you worked together normally. People might write, for instance, instead of Can you write me a referral Consider this approach: “Hey [Name]– hope all is good with you. Right now, I’m going through my LinkedIn profile and I was wondering if you could write me a recommendation? It was fantastic partnering with you on the [specific project] and if you can note my competencies/specific contribution. Thank you for asking, realize it almost might!! This type of message contains more introspection and is, therefore, much more likely to get a positive response. 3. Make It Easy for Them Chances are pretty good that your fellow co-workers and bosses are busy, so help them out when asking for a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile. You can mention that you are happy to draft an outline or bullet points for them to expand upon. This way you are more likely to get the type of recommendation that showcases your strengths, and it will be easier on them because they will know what you want. Don’t overlap and write the entire recommendation in a scripted way. Just offering to remind them of the main value you delivered may be beneficial without sounding like you are shaping the narrative. 4. Reciprocate the Gesture To Them A great way to get recommendations is to first offer them. If you’ve had a positive experience working with someone, take the initiative to write them a recommendation. Not only is this a kind gesture, but it also increases the chances that they will return the favor. When writing a recommendation for someone, focus on their strengths and provide examples of how they excelled in a specific situation. Detailed, thoughtful recommendations are always appreciated and more impactful than generic praise. 5. Send a Follow-Up Reminder In some cases, people will not respond back to you on the first attempt, and that is perfectly okay. A gentle reminder could then be sent two weeks later. A reminder of your request that shows your appreciation for the time they took to consider it. For example: Hey [Name], I understand you are a very busy person but wanted to follow up and if sometime in the week or two, will you be able to write that recommendation I mentioned earlier. Thank you so much for all your help! They recognize that you respect their time, but it also serves as a gentle reminder of what you asked for. 6. Be Grateful If someone has gone through the effort to write a recommendation for you then make sure you thank them, both privately but more importantly publicly too if it is appropriate. You can thank

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How to Address Employment Gaps on Your Resume

How to Address Employment Gaps on Your Resume

Career breaks are a natural part of many careers, whether you were out of work to look after your children or elderly parents, spent some time in education, or took a much-needed break for personal reasons. Even if it may be difficult to apply for a job with these resume gaps, they should not make you lose hope and give up. If done well, you can break these to illustrate your growth or perseverance. Learn how to answer your resume gaps realistically and productively so you can better identify yourself as a strong candidate for any job, in this guide. Identifying Gaps on Your Resume 1. Be Honest, But Strategic The most important rule when it comes to addressing employment gaps on your resume is honesty. Lying about dates and workmanship is not only unbiased but also if it gets detected your repute could be significantly damaged. But this doesn’t mean you have to detail in your resume all the reasons why you haven’t been at work. Instead, so long as you are being honest, accentuate the positives of how you spent your time outside of formal employment. Example: For example, if you took a break to care for a family member, you could say: “Interrupted career to provide full-time caregiving to a family member; learned quickly that the skills needed for caregiving included organization, problem-solving, and time management 2. Create a Functional or Hybrid Resume Format One of the most common ways to organize a resume is in a reverse-chronological format where you present your employment history in order, beginning with your current or most recent job. This is effective when you have a strong work history but can also highlight if you have any gaps in employment. Moreover, A functional resume highlights your skills and experience above all else. You can divert your experience into categories (leadership, project management, technical skills) and accentuate what you did rather than just the time frame.  3. Address Gaps in Your Cover Letter While your resume is not the ideal place to elaborate on breaks in your employment, use your cover letter as an opportunity to address why this happened briefly—remember to keep it professional and upbeat. You do not have to get into too many personal details — just give them a bit of insight so that they feel secure in the knowledge gap was usefully or fortunately taken as part of your story. 4. Highlight Activities During Your Employment Gap You may not have been formally employed, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t productive. Whether you were freelancing, volunteering, or pursuing additional education, there are likely activities you can highlight during your employment gap that demonstrate your commitment to growth. Freelance or Consulting Work- Whether it was full-time or not, you should list any freelance work, consulting projects, or contract positions you held during your employment gap. Community Service: If you spent part of your time unemployed doing community service this can demonstrate to an employer that you were working in a giving capacity and maybe even hold leadership or management role. Continued Education or Certifications: If you completed any online courses, or received any certifications while you were out. Any new qualifications or skills that I have gained over this period 5. Emphasize Soft Skills Gained Even if that does not lead to paid work, an employment gap may have given you some valuable soft skills that can be brought into the workplace. Running a household, keeping up with new technology, or weathering life’s ups and downs demonstrate competencies employers want. You might be a strong problem-solver, especially if you have dealt with and overcome several obstacles in your private life or through volunteer activity. 6. Keep the Focus on the Future If you have employment gaps, orient both yourself and this narrative forward to what you can do now as opposed to singling out your past. Turn the discussion into how his or her gap experiences have related to preparing you to be able to successfully… contribute towards achieving your future employer’s success. Show your excitement to return to work and explain how the talents you gained during your time off have made you more prepared for the job. 7. Filling Frame Gaps With A Positive Experience View employment gaps as learning experiences—don’t position them as something you should be embarrassed about! Just your point of view. The world of volunteering, visiting friends and family, freelancing, learning, caregiving, or working full-time came to an end. There is a lesson to be learned in every experience, and hiring managers love hearing about the positive outcomes that can come from adversity. Conclusion Addressing employment gaps on your resume does not have to be a hurdle. That is, gaps you encounter can be utilized as potential missions upon which to prove your growth and resilience with a new strategic view. If you are forthright, and focus on your abilities and talents, rather than a brief time of unemployment, while making your gap seem like an opportunity to learn or prepare for the future, employers will see that you are prepared to add value right away. Be confident, play to your strengths and another awesome position will soon come. If you are not sure about how to write and present your gaps, any professional resume writing services can assist you with that. They will include the experience you already have, and also convert any gap in employment into a tale of well being and professional readiness on your resume and want to help you make that impression and get the job that you deserve!

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LinkedIn Summary

How to Write an Engaging LinkedIn Summary?

Linkedin is a platform that helps  people to engage on a professional level and maintain a personal portfolio that is useful for career growth. It allows individuals to create profiles/pages showcasing their professional experience, skills, and education. It is used by people for improving their professional presence to reach out to professionals, recruiters, brands and many other people.  Now when  we speak about LinkedIn , then linkedin summary becomes a very important thing to consider to maintain a professional profile. Your LinkedIn summary is not often a first impression, but it is your first impression where you can talk about your personality, and demonstrate achievements and unique selling points. Because LinkedIn profiles are frequently visited by recruiters, employers, and industry types, having an eye-catching summary is important for being noticed. Because in the real world of job searching, and most importantly when dealing with reading LinkedIn profiles all day every day — your summary is what’s going to get you across the line. A top-performing LinkedIn Summary must balance clear storytelling, purposeful keyword inclusion, and an authentic voice. This blog post takes you through the process of writing an amazing LinkedIn summary that can help you get other people to sit up and take notice. How to Write a LinkedIn Summary 1. Start With a Strong Opening Line You need a bold first sentence to kick off your LinkedIn summary because only the first 2-3 lines show up before someone has to click “see more”. The first few lines of your writing should be those that are bound to attract attention and convince the reader to keep reading in order to create more authority. Create curiosity: You can do this by asking a question that strikes your audience, like “Wanna know the easiest way to double your digital marketing results in half of the time? Get excited about what you are doing. I love to help build brands and tell their story, helping them grow their reach and revenue. 2. Clearly Define Who You Are You have to lead with a clear statement of who you are and what you do to establish credibility right after you’ve gotten the reader interested. This will be what you are currently doing, the key skills and areas of expertise that you have, and what experience you have had in the past which is also relevant. For example  I am a digital marketing strategist and will help you harness the power of SEO, content marketing, and paid advertising. For more than 10 years I have helped around 100+ companies to help companies to create their web presence and enhance it in a better way. 3. Showcase Your Value Proposition This section of your LinkedIn about needs to be about demonstrating the worth you create, by illustrating how what makes you different from anybody else in your field. Emphasize the brilliant skills, experience, or some excellent results for you. You can also share a short success story, for example, finishing a tough project or applying an out-of-box solution that can work like magic for you.  4. Incorporate Keywords for Search Optimization As with websites and SEO, the use of appropriate keywords in your LinkedIn profile can help you appear higher in search results when others are looking for someone with your skills. Use terms relevant to individual industries and position titles that match similar roles, so hiring managers and even clients are more likely to find you. Sneak in keywords that indicate something about what you do and how you do it: think “SEO,  “content marketing. For Example  I have experience in SEO, content marketing, Google Analytics and paid advertising helping businesses increase their visibility online and grow sustainably By doing so, you would be optimizing both for the keywords and an attractive profile to avoid any possibilities of your application being rejected 5. End With a Call to Action (CTA) Every powerful LinkedIn summary ends with a strong Call to Action (CTA) to have the reader do something next. From asking them to connect, contacting you for a collaboration, or simply exploring more content on your site, a CTA is just that so the reader knows what you would like them to do next. It also creates a memory and provides an opportunity for the future Also Read : Top LinkedIn mistakes to Avoid For Example, You might say something like “Increase Your Brand’s Online Exposure. Connect with us and see how we can help you hit your marketing goals: A closing like this encourages engagement — it lays out a clear next step for others to follow and helps in creating a decent linkedin profile summary. Conclusion So, to sum it up, an illustrative LinkedIn bio summary is a major way in which you can catch attention and get noticed in the professional field or business. A strong introduction, knowing who you are, stating your competitive advantage, and having an optimized summary featuring keywords will help make your profile more attractive to those providing opportunities. Remember to finish with a strong CTA, so employers or partners who read your bio know how to reach out. A perfect LinkedIn summary not only showcases…. but also attracts many other interactions and forthcoming in your career. FAQ’S 1. Why is the opening line of a LinkedIn summary so important? The first two or three lines are visible before someone clicks to see more, so your opening line is key. A powerful opening will hook the reader and prompt them to read your summary in its entirety — increasing the chances that they will feel compelled to write to you or consider enlisting you for opportunities 2. What should I include to define who I am in my LinkedIn summary? During the opening, you must define what your current role is, how proficient you are, and key skills and previous experiences. By doing this, you quickly position yourself as an authority and help readers to orient themselves to your professional track. 3. How can I showcase my unique value in my

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Personal Website

How To Use Your Personal Website For Networking?

Your website is your first impression in front of people when they see it and a base to establish yourself professionally. It is not just your online portfolio, but a true interactive place where you can easily build valuable networks and exchange ideas. Your personal website can provide great value, whether you’re a freelancer seeking new clients, an entrepreneur looking to increase your business network, or simply a professional wanting to showcase thought leadership. Having a website can help other people understand what services you are going to offer and what things you exactly do. Your Personal Website For Networking 1. Create a Strong First Impression Your website will be the first impression many people have of you, so it needs to look good and be user-friendly as well as give them a feel for who you are. This also includes the color scheme, font display, and most important of all its layout. The more consistent you are in these elements, the easier it will be to build trust and remain top of mind for repeat visits. 2. Communicate Who You Are Your site should answer in the first 10 seconds: Who am I? You do this by having a thoughtful bio in place, a distinct headline, and clear about the services offered or the skill set. It also promotes your brand even further by including a high-quality photo of yourself and connects on a more personal level. 3. Add a Blog to Showcase Expertise: Creating great content that relates to the field you are in will show off your knowledge and keep your site updated. Through a blog post, you can interact with others in the same field because it is possible to share on social media and be commented on or referred to by people. That engagement can drive connections and partnerships that actually matter. 4. Make It Easy to Contact You: A contact page should be added to your website listing a form, email address and social media profiles. This way any potential client, collaborator or employer could contact you with ease. Also, a call-to-action (CTA) on your website home page such as connect with you on the LinkedIn button or signup for email newsletters, etc. would assist in networking. 5. Incorporate Social Proof: Your testimonials, case studies, and portfolio show people are willing to pay you. Social proof is credibility and what convinces people to trust you enough for the first touch. When you put your work out there through detailed case studies and a portfolio, it gives others insight into the quality of what you deliver which might lead to networking opportunities when they are interested in your services. 6. Integrate Social Media Presence: Yes, you should simply add social media icons of different platforms at the most noticeable positions on your website for visitors to easily be able to migrate towards your other posts. This also gives you an additional platform to distribute your website content in addition to driving traffic back to the site through the improved social network. 7. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO): If your website was updated to be search engine friendly, then others in the industry should have no problem finding you. This will further help you with more chances of getting discovered by anyone looking for an expert in your area. While the creation of a site and content, using SEO-friendly words, Meta tags & structural Sites can help you to enhance your SERP score. Also, Read Web UI developer resume Conclusion So, use your website to network wisely! Having a personal brand and being able to show your past work can give you an edge and make people find it easier to approach you for collaborations so ensure that all makes out in the best kind of way. Regardless of your plans to develop your professional circle, recruit more clients, or become a credible information source, the optimal use of your website can play a greater role than you expected. Keep in mind that your website is not just an online representation; it is a way to share with others your ideas and thoughts and stay engaged in the digital environment.

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ATS resume pitfalls

Why Your Resume Isn’t Getting Noticed: Common ATS Pitfalls

According to studies, it is assumed that 70% of résumés are never seen by a human recruiter. They are filtered out by an ATS ( Applicant Tracking System). That is why the eligible candidates are not getting shortlisted for a job opportunity. Their résumés do not meet whatever standard the technology has set. This has become an important issue for job seekers who wait to be shortlisted for interviews. This article highlights the importance of Resume writing as per ATS and some widespread pitfalls that can result in rejection. By identifying and avoiding these mistakes, job seekers can increase their visibility and chances of getting noticed. The following sections will reveal the most essential reasons why resumes often fail to pass ATS filters, with tips on what to do to optimize their applications for success. 1. Understanding ATS and Its Role in Recruitment An ATS enables any company to organize candidates for hiring and recruiting. They can also be used in businesses of any size and industry to collect candidate information, organize prospects by experience and skill set, and filter applicants. ● What is an ATS? An ATS ( Applicant Tracking System) refers to software used by organizations to facilitate recruitment efficiently. It automates the gathering and analysis of job applications by scanning resumes for keywords and qualifications. The ATS streamlines the hiring process by filtering out unqualified applicants. Hence this is giving recruiters enough time to spend on the more suitable ones. In this respect, understanding how ATS works is very important for job seekers to ensure that their resumes get through these automated filters to the hiring managers. 2. Common ATS Pitfalls to Avoid There are some common ATS pitfalls to be aware of while Resume writing. If the formatting is too complex like elaborate layouts, images, and non-standard fonts it confuses the system and could misinterpret your qualifications. If the relevant keyword is not used in the resume or there is high use of graphics, or a proper file format is not used, the ATS gets confused to certify the resume and eventually it fails. ● Overly Complex Formatting One of the most common errors on most resumes is complicated formatting, which misguides the applicant tracking systems in most cases. Elaborate designs with pictures and fonts that are not the usual variety are most likely to create misinterpretations of critical information by the ATS. Clean formatting and standard fonts like Arial or Calibri will enhance the prospect of getting through the filters of the applicant tracking system. Bring out your qualifications clearly with simple headings and bullet points to make your resume easy to read. 3. Missing or Incorrect Keywords Keywords are important to be included in the resume because they make sure, first of all, that your resume matches the job description and will go through to human eyes, and it helps both the ATS and human eyes realize how well a candidate fits the job. Look for keywords directly in the posting and other identical positions. These words should be used naturally throughout the resume in the skills, experience, and achievements sections. This shall be done without the risk Dof overstuffing to ensure readability. Keyword insertion is best done by using pipes to separate the keywords and placing them either above the ‘About’ section or below the main title of the resume. 4. The Role of Resume Writing in Navigating ATS One of the effective ways through which applicant tracking systems are helpful to companies to sort through the great number of resume applications is by scanning through resumes for keywords related to any particular job description. This will let a recruiter go through all of the resumes efficiently and pick out those that best fit the position. Through the use of ATS ( Applicant Tracking System), companies will be able to optimize their hiring process and make sure only the best-matched applicants move forward to the following steps. ● Tailoring Your Resume for Each Job Application The most important thing when applying for jobs these days is to tailor your resume to each job application. Doing this might get you past the applicant tracking systems that all companies use nowadays. Applicant tracking systems look through your resume, seeking particular keywords and phrases that appear in the description itself. For that reason, no such general resume will pass the very first screening. To increase your chances, go through the job posting very carefully. Look for the necessary key skills, qualifications, and specialized terms in that industry. Next, work on your resume by filling it with keywords such as skills, experience, and summary. Use standard fonts to make the resume ATS friendly, and avoid complex layouts. When you get your resume as close to the job description as possible, it increases the chances of it getting through the ATS and into the hiring manager’s eyes. ● Balancing ATS Requirements with Human Readability Make a resume that works both for the ATS and human recruiters as provided by Writrox. They include relevant keywords from the job description in clear and concise language to provide the best Resume writing service. The formatting should be simple, with normal headings like “Experience” and “Skills,” so it’s compatible with the ATS. Avoid extremely complicated designs or graphics that will mislead the ATS. At the same time, structure your content logically, touting achievements and qualifications which is easy for human recruiters to read and understand. Conclusion Common mistakes regarding ATS are complicated formatting, missing essential keywords, and having the same one-size-fits-all resume. This can cause your resume to face problems in passing through ATS and will reduce your chances of being noticed by hiring managers. Opt for the best CV Writing service  by Writrox and get you resumes shortlisted by top companies. Call to Action Act now, and begin with your resume to make it ATS friendly. It should be cleanly formatted and keyword-optimized, but most importantly, tailored to the specific job one is applying for. These changes can make a big difference in getting

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10 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Network

10 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Network

We live in a digital age now, and networking has changed from the traditional face-to-face to online. We all know LinkedIn is the king of professional networking among different social media platforms. A well-built LinkedIn network can be invaluable for you as an individual, helping advance your career or grow a new business after all it has one of the largest online professional communities. So, over 5 million people use LinkedIn, and it’s like a goldmine for professionals. It is not just having a profile, but using it to network with the right people. When you have a strong network, not only can it lead to new opportunities and industry knowledge that cannot be learned in class but also helps you make your way through the workforce. How to Build a Strong LinkedIn Network But how do you even build a network – not only one that is vast but also deep? Below are ten LinkedIn networking tips that you can act upon, right away: 1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Like the real-world resume, your LinkedIn profile is its digital version! It is published around the web and it’s what people see when they connect with you so get it right the first time. You can start with good quality professional photos, it’s as simple as that (profiles with photos are 14 times more likely to be viewed) A headline that includes more than your job title: What you do and provide. Create a long-form summary detailing your background, accomplishments, and what you care about Also Read : How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile 2. Be Selective with Connections Remember, when it comes to your LinkedIn network, quality is more important than quantity. A network of a thousand random profiles won’t do as much for you as one hundred relevant ones. You should never send out a connection request without a personalized note to remind the person of your connection or explain why you want to connect. You can interact with others from your industry, potential clients, mentors, or those who can share their experiences. This way, you will ensure your network remains relevant and helps you grow professionally. 3. Engage with Your Network Networking is not just about who you know but also how and when to engage. Engage with the series of posts made by your connections frequently to keep you on their feeds. Provide articles, insights, and updates that are familiar to your industry so that users can see you as a leader in thought. Moreover, join LinkedIn Groups of your industry. Participate in discussions, comment on posts, and engage with group members to increase your visibility and positioning within the professional community. 4. Provide Value To Users If you give value, people can relate to you. Write content providing information, advice, or news of interest. Step up to help others by introductions, opportunities, and insights Not only does that establish your credibility as someone people turn to when they need information, it helps create a sense of community and give before you ask for anything in return from your network. 5. Stay Consistent Just like anywhere, consistency is key for a solid LinkedIn presence. Strive to post weekly, so that your profile is at least active and remains in the back of mind for those connections. Just reach out to some of the posts and connect with others for a bit each day. It ensures you stay engaged on the platform daily so that momentum builds and not go inactive on the app. 6. Personalize Your Profile URL Change your LinkedIn profile URL for ease of communication and a better professional appearance. A nice URL, e.g. LinkedIn Linkedin/com/yourname, is a little easier to put on resumes and business cards. Small things like these can drastically determine how professional and put-together you look to others online. 7. Use LinkedIn’s Features LinkedIn has all these features to make your profile and visibility stand out. Get information from co-workers, clients, and supervisors as testimonials of your work. They might end up endorsing you back. Also, use LinkedIn Learning to get educated on certain topics and add certifications demonstrating your interest in professional development. 8. Attend LinkedIn Events If you can network or learn from something with a dedicated purpose, then LinkedIn Events is the tool for you. Join the LinkedIn webinars, workshops, and virtual networking events to keep yourself updated on industry trends as well as try to find people who have similar goals. Follow up with other attendees or even speakers by requesting to connect, and mentioning the event in which you met to help rekindle that common point of interest.    9. Showcase Your Portfolio Work Put Your Work in a Portfolio on LinkedIn Load presentations, papers, videos, and other media to your profile that showcase your experience. Pin important posts, articles, or work samples to the top with Featured This not only makes your profile seem more active but also helps potential connections understand what you can do and have done best. 10. Monitor Your Analytics Keep an eye on your LinkedIn analytics to see what is and isn’t working. Track profile views and connect with others that make sense to be making connections. Carefully review the data on your posts and change how you are doing what works best for your performance. Being a data-driven marketer, keep using this simple guide to improve further and make your LinkedIn efforts count. Conclusion Gaining a LinkedIn presence can be intimidating, but it is worth building one up. With a profile that is optimized, through involvement with connections and giving value always you will build a network that not only grows your professional brand but also opens doors to new opportunities. Your LinkedIn profile is effectively your digital business card, resume, and portfolio rolled into one – making it super important to ensure that it accurately reflects exactly what makes up you as a professional brand.  This is what makes you different, and thus more interesting to profile connections. Your relationships are more about genuine

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Is Copying Someone’s Resume Right?

Is Copying Someone’s Resume Right?

As the job market becomes more and more competitive, your resume is often what decides whether or not you will get that dream job. However, creating a copy resume from someone else’s might not be the best approach. A great resume is always about your experiences, skills, and achievements coming off uniquely.  Now, it is the right of someone to seek inspiration from successful resume examples but, should you copy someone else’s resume?  This practice is so widely discouraged for various reasons, which we’ll discuss in this article, and also tips to create a good Professional resume. Why Should You Not Copy Someone’s Resume? While copying someone else’s resume may seem like a simple solution for those who are looking to create the perfect document that will land them their dream job, it does have quite a few consequences as well. Your Resume is a reflection of who you are – your qualifications, experiences & what aspirations do have in your career. This will not only bring down your credibility but also have ethical and legal issues. Authenticity is a huge thing for employers, they want to see you and your personality not another version of someone else. Reasons Why You Should Not Copy Someone’s Resume You Lose Credibility If you copy someone’s resume, you will lose a chance to tell your story .Your resume is your personal document showcasing your own individual skills, experience, and character. You are essentially going to be projecting qualities and accomplishments that aren’t actually yours by copying in this context. If your resume is not real enough, so will the employer know you lack credibility. Because it allows employers to get a sense of who you are and how well you would work with their team Inaccurate Representation In copying from somebody else, you may incorrectly represent your skills and experiences. This can make an employer expect you do to things that you cannot. If you get a job with the resume copied, and then are unable to fulfill these expectations – disappointment or dissatisfaction. Representing your skills accurately aligns with everyone’s expectations of you and of course the one who hired you. Loss of Confidence Using somebody else’s CV as a base can reduce your confidence in what you have achieved and are capable of doing. Writing your resume on that tells you more about what you have been doing with your career is also a good reason. This does not only increase your self-confidence but also when you go for an interview and get to discuss what skills or work experiences make you better than others. Missed Opportunities for Personalization The copied resume may not be customed to the job for which you are applying. Having your resume reflect the most recent experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for will show off what you have learned, versus filling up space with information from 5 years ago. Customizing your resume illustrates that you have done some research and are actually interested in your position. Hiring managers are more likely to notice a resume that is created specifically for them. Lack of Growth An important professional skill is writing your own resume as it requires you to introspect about your career journey, recognize what sets you apart from others, and convey the same. This process can be extremely eye-opening and empowering as it forces you to dig deeper into your professional story. You would even become more expert in advertising yourself, which is an important trait you need of so many when it comes to taking advantage of career advancement opportunities. Also Read : What are the 7 basic steps to write a Perfect resume for Job? Best Practices for Resume Writing Create  a Personalised Resume You need to personalize your resume for each job application and you want to list out some features that separate you from the current employee and match you with this specific role. You need to be researching the job description and look into the company. Tailoring each resume to every job post is important. Begin by showcasing your special talents, experience, and qualifications that relate to the job you are targeting. Use of Templates and Examples Well-prepared templates and good examples will help make the resume writing process easier, keeping your document clean (structured) as well. Templates help in structuring your information, ensuring that you do not leave out any important sections; contact details, summary or objective statement, work experience, skills, and education Seeking Guidance and Feedback Asking for help and input during the process is essential to creating a resume that you can be proud of. In the meantime, you could also seek advice from a career counselor, mentor, industry expert, or resume writing expert as they will be able to offer more specific feedback catered to your field of work. So, they can help you with some information like this is what the resume trends are these days or something such as it. Conclusion Writing a good resume is about striking the right balance between making it personal, and structured and having feedback. By tailoring your resume with an emphasis on highlighting who you are, what value can bring to the table, and managing how awesome it (i.e., aligning them with their requirements) developer is; instead of telling a hiring manager that be damned their needs – which want this job. Templates and examples are great for helping sequence your resume well and make it look decent, adapting to focus on showcasing the things you do can maintain its elements. Work with a professional career expert and ask for feedback from someone who you trust to get your resume in a professional format.

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Reasons Why You Are Facing Resume Rejections (1)

7 Reasons Why You Are Facing Resume Rejections

Job hunting can be a frustrating experience, especially when your resume gets rejected and you can not even land the interview and this might be a nightmare for many people. Well, understanding the reason behind the resume rejections is important and it can help you learn from the mistakes that you made. In this blog, we will discuss the seven common reasons why resumes are rejected and how you can avoid them. The common mistake that we make while making our resumes is adding lots and lots of information about ourselves that is not even relevant. Another mistake that we make is making typos or grammatical errors. These errors show that you were not even serious while making your resume to check or proofread it after making it. Another very common mistake that we make is making it very fancy and bright. Always remember that resumes are for professional purposes and hence you should always make your resume in a clean and professional look. We’ll discuss the common mistakes further in the blog. Keep reading! Reason 1: Lack of Customization When we make our resumes, customization is very important for any job application that you make. It shows employers that you are interested in the job and you have the skills that they need. You can’t make a generic resume that is not even suitable for the specific job, which often fails to meet the expectations of the hiring manager resulting in rejection of your resume because it doesn’t highlight the relevant experiences or skills that they are looking for and if you could not customize your resume then you must hire someone who does professional cv writing services. For example, if you apply for a marketing or sales job with a generic resume that you have. The employer may not see any specific difference or marketing skills that he is looking for. Here what you can do is make a customized resume based on the position and role you want, add the specific skills and achievements that you have for that specific job and use keywords relating to the job description, that will make your resume stand out from others. To customize your resume, read the job description for which you want to apply. Highlight the skills and experiences that match the job description. And make sure to adjust your job titles, responsibilities and achievements to match with the job you are applying for. Reason 2: Poor Formatting and Design A clean and professional resume layout is very important because it makes your resume easy to read and understand. Employers only spend a few seconds to view a resume and thus it will benefit you if you make a clean, neat, and organized design that can help your resume stand out. We often make very common formatting mistakes in our resumes that include too much text crammed together in different fonts and sizes throughout the resume and not having clear sections. This looks very messy and can be hard to follow. So it’s better to use a white space or you can use one or two simple fonts with the same font sizes and make sure that you have marked the sections clearly. You can use tools and templates available online to enhance the readability of your resume. Websites like Canva, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word offer free resume templates that are designed by professionals and if you cannot make a resume with proper formatting and design then you must hire someone who does resume writing for freshers. Reason 3: Typos and Grammatical Errors If you make typos and grammatical errors in your resume this will look very unprofessional. When recruiters see these small mistakes of yours, they might think that you don’t pay attention to such details or you just rushed through the application. This can lead to the rejection of a resume even if you have the right skills and experience and if you cannot make a resume without typos and errors then you must hire someone who does CV writing services. Some of the common errors that recruiters notice include wrong spellings, incorrect use of punctuation, or using wrong verb tenses. For example, mixing “there” and “their ” or “from” and “form” are mistakes that stand out. These common errors make it hard for recruiters to take you seriously. To avoid these mistakes, always proofread your resume carefully. Read it out loud and check the spelling thoroughly and you can even use grammar check tools like Grammarly or spell checker to find and fix the mistakes. Reason 4: Irrelevant or Outdated Information Your resume should only include relevant experiences and information that is important for the job description because it shows the employers that you have the skills they need and it makes you a good fit for them. Recruiters can quickly notice from your background whether you are qualified enough to get the role.  Outdated information or experiences make your resume cluttered and hard to read. If you include old job titles and skills that are of no use it can take more space in your resume and distract the recruiters from the important qualifications. Employers might have trouble finding the recent and relevant details about you.  To highlight the recent skills and experiences, focus on the recent job and achievements that you have made to match the job description. Use short paragraphs or bullet points to make it easy to read and if you cannot make a resume that has recent information about you and relevant details that are needed then you must hire someone who does professional CV writing services Reason 5: Lack of Quantifiable Achievements You should showcase measurable achievements in your resume that are very important to do. Employers want to see what you accomplished in previous jobs, not just what tasks you performed. When you include the exact numbers and specific details in your resume it makes your achievement more concrete and impressive. For example, instead of saying “improved sales” you could

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linkedin branding drives business profit

How LinkedIn Branding Drives Business Profit?

A strong online presence is more important for companies in today’s world of business and competition than ever before. LinkedIn is the world’s leading professional networking platform, giving businesses the chance to strengthen their brand, confront important industry figures, and reap huge financial windfalls. LinkedIn is the best tool for business and Marketing Development Today, with more than 700 million users worldwide, LinkedIn has gradually evolved it is not only a social network but also can be used as an invaluable business development tool and a great asset in marketing and personal branding. LinkedIn branding is crucial for businesses. Business owners can position themselves as industry leaders and get high-quality leads, not to mention developing valuable professional relationships. By utilizing LinkedIn’s unique characteristics and large user base, companies are able to display their expertise, communicate with the audience that is most important to them, and create a business that is profitable.   The Power of LinkedIn Branding – Let’s Know How? 1. Establishing Authority and Trust LinkedIn is a platform where expertise is recognized and valued. Regularly share insightful content, participate in discussions, and show your accomplishments: This way you can make your brand an authority in your industry. If you own the authority, something just as important as that grows trust between you and your audience. 2. Networking with Key Decision-Makers LinkedIn writer offers access to all kinds of people who are decision-makers in any field. Having a sound presence on LinkedIn enables it to introduce you to influencers and these may develop into some significant opportunities to grow your business/ brand to see profitable growth. 3. Generating Quality Leads LinkedIn is the best for lead generation as it provides you with advanced search criteria and more relevant lead targeting, thus allowing you to find potential clients among our In-Mail connections who are likely interested in what we offer. According to HubSpot’s research, LinkedIn is a 277% more effective lead generator than Facebook and Twitter. 4. B2B Marketing Promotion For B2B companies, It is hard to over-emphasize the importance of LinkedIn. Here you can publish articles in order to get your initial audience and pay for sponsored advertising to everyone alight. One messaging platform directly posts to companies! On LinkedIn, If you do get good results though, effective B2B marketing on LinkedIn can get all that driving substantial traffic to your site. 5. Helps In Recruiting Top Talent A strong LinkedIn brand attracts top talent. When potential employees see your active presence and thought leadership, they are more likely to consider your company as a desirable place to work. Talented employees are important for driving innovation and growth in any brand 6. Strong LinkedIn Brand Attracts Top Talent. If you want to attract the best team members to your business LinkedIn offers a perfect opportunity for doing just this. If prospective employees know that you are willing to openly share your knowledge and thoughts, they will be more at ease about coming on board. The main reason why having a talented employee is so important is that he helps in bringing new ideas, which will help to grow your business 7. Engaging Content Creation By publishing compelling LinkedIn content on your posts, you keep your followers in the loop and engaged with your brand. Valuable content may help create engagement, increase your reach, and attract relevant customers whether it is in the form of an article, infographic, case study, or video. Engaging people with interactive content like polls, quizzes, and live streams can also create meaningful interactions between your audience members and foster a sense of community around your brand. 8. Provides Analytics & Insights It includes valuable data that can inform you about the type of content that resonates with your audience, who is engaging with your posts, and the demographics of your followers. These insights will help you optimize your plan and get the most from your marketing campaign. Analyze these metrics to discover trends — such as the best times to post or the most popular content formats — and then adjust your content strategy accordingly. Looking at LinkedIn analytics will give you insights to make fact-based decisions, scale your marketing activities, and develop more success on their platform. Conclusion LinkedIn branding is not just an online presence; it’s a strategic move for business profit, and an optimized LinkedIn profile is crucial for your company’s success. This platform can have a major impact on the growth and success of your business by building authority, lead generation, B2B marketing, recruitment, and company culture. Using the platform’s unique capabilities and extensive reach, companies can form essential partnerships, build a reputation as trendsetters in their industry, and tap into new growth areas. Begin developing your LinkedIn brand today and experience how it can help launch your business to new heights of success. LinkedIn affords a spotlight for companies to share their brand and vision, sharing wins big or small, and the multifaceted voices make up who they are. Compelling stories, sincere connection-building, and transparency can turn a crowd of customers into an army of advocates who proudly go to bat for your business. 1. How often should I post on LinkedIn? Consistency keeps you in the loop on LinkedIn. Ultimately shoot for once a week to keep your audience aware of you. But ideally, we recommend posting 2–3 times a week for high engagement and impact. Consistent posting helps maintain your audience and strengthens the exposure of your brand as well as trust in it. 2. What type of content performs best on LinkedIn? The best-performing content on LinkedIn is typically that which adds value to the professional lives of your audience. This type of content includes informative industry analysis, step-to-step how-tos, engaging case studies, and thought leadership content. Furthermore, supplementing popular visual and video formats within your content is another way to boost interaction with your audience which also leads to more shares and views of your material. Q3: How can I increase my LinkedIn following? You

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