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10 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Network

10 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Network

We live in a digital age now, and networking has changed from the traditional face-to-face to online. We all know LinkedIn is the king of professional networking among different social media platforms. A well-built LinkedIn network can be invaluable for you as an individual, helping advance your career or grow a new business after all it has one of the largest online professional communities. So, over 5 million people use LinkedIn, and it’s like a goldmine for professionals. It is not just having a profile, but using it to network with the right people. When you have a strong network, not only can it lead to new opportunities and industry knowledge that cannot be learned in class but also helps you make your way through the workforce. How to Build a Strong LinkedIn Network But how do you even build a network – not only one that is vast but also deep? Below are ten LinkedIn networking tips that you can act upon, right away: 1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Like the real-world resume, your LinkedIn profile is its digital version! It is published around the web and it’s what people see when they connect with you so get it right the first time. You can start with good quality professional photos, it’s as simple as that (profiles with photos are 14 times more likely to be viewed) A headline that includes more than your job title: What you do and provide. Create a long-form summary detailing your background, accomplishments, and what you care about Also Read : How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile 2. Be Selective with Connections Remember, when it comes to your LinkedIn network, quality is more important than quantity. A network of a thousand random profiles won’t do as much for you as one hundred relevant ones. You should never send out a connection request without a personalized note to remind the person of your connection or explain why you want to connect. You can interact with others from your industry, potential clients, mentors, or those who can share their experiences. This way, you will ensure your network remains relevant and helps you grow professionally. 3. Engage with Your Network Networking is not just about who you know but also how and when to engage. Engage with the series of posts made by your connections frequently to keep you on their feeds. Provide articles, insights, and updates that are familiar to your industry so that users can see you as a leader in thought. Moreover, join LinkedIn Groups of your industry. Participate in discussions, comment on posts, and engage with group members to increase your visibility and positioning within the professional community. 4. Provide Value To Users If you give value, people can relate to you. Write content providing information, advice, or news of interest. Step up to help others by introductions, opportunities, and insights Not only does that establish your credibility as someone people turn to when they need information, it helps create a sense of community and give before you ask for anything in return from your network. 5. Stay Consistent Just like anywhere, consistency is key for a solid LinkedIn presence. Strive to post weekly, so that your profile is at least active and remains in the back of mind for those connections. Just reach out to some of the posts and connect with others for a bit each day. It ensures you stay engaged on the platform daily so that momentum builds and not go inactive on the app. 6. Personalize Your Profile URL Change your LinkedIn profile URL for ease of communication and a better professional appearance. A nice URL, e.g. LinkedIn Linkedin/com/yourname, is a little easier to put on resumes and business cards. Small things like these can drastically determine how professional and put-together you look to others online. 7. Use LinkedIn’s Features LinkedIn has all these features to make your profile and visibility stand out. Get information from co-workers, clients, and supervisors as testimonials of your work. They might end up endorsing you back. Also, use LinkedIn Learning to get educated on certain topics and add certifications demonstrating your interest in professional development. 8. Attend LinkedIn Events If you can network or learn from something with a dedicated purpose, then LinkedIn Events is the tool for you. Join the LinkedIn webinars, workshops, and virtual networking events to keep yourself updated on industry trends as well as try to find people who have similar goals. Follow up with other attendees or even speakers by requesting to connect, and mentioning the event in which you met to help rekindle that common point of interest.    9. Showcase Your Portfolio Work Put Your Work in a Portfolio on LinkedIn Load presentations, papers, videos, and other media to your profile that showcase your experience. Pin important posts, articles, or work samples to the top with Featured This not only makes your profile seem more active but also helps potential connections understand what you can do and have done best. 10. Monitor Your Analytics Keep an eye on your LinkedIn analytics to see what is and isn’t working. Track profile views and connect with others that make sense to be making connections. Carefully review the data on your posts and change how you are doing what works best for your performance. Being a data-driven marketer, keep using this simple guide to improve further and make your LinkedIn efforts count. Conclusion Gaining a LinkedIn presence can be intimidating, but it is worth building one up. With a profile that is optimized, through involvement with connections and giving value always you will build a network that not only grows your professional brand but also opens doors to new opportunities. Your LinkedIn profile is effectively your digital business card, resume, and portfolio rolled into one – making it super important to ensure that it accurately reflects exactly what makes up you as a professional brand.  This is what makes you different, and thus more interesting to profile connections. Your relationships are more about genuine

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LinkedIn Pages vs. LinkedIn Profiles

   LinkedIn Pages vs. LinkedIn Profiles

LinkedIn is one of the most used social media platforms today by the masses and the user base of LinkedIn ranges from young students, college-goers, professionals, and founders. Today, being present and active on LinkedIn is the need of the hour and no longer a choice. A solid web presence is essential in the modern digital world, especially considering the growing reliance on virtual communication. This provides an opportunity to present your skills, accomplishments, and experiences to a broad audience, potentially leading to new partnerships, connections, and employment opportunities. The two very important aspects of LinkedIn include the LinkedIn page and the profiles. For instance, there is a well-known fashion designer named Vaishvi. She has her LinkedIn profile, and now to expand her reach, she also started her LinkedIn page with the name of Fashion Label by Vaishvi. This adds credibility to her label by having an official page associated with her name. In this guide, we will discuss the difference between the two aspects of LinkedIn: LinkedIn pages vs. profiles. Keep reading! What is a LinkedIn profile? A LinkedIn profile functions similarly to a digital resume, letting you showcase your accomplishments, experiences, and qualifications to prospective employers, business partners, and coworkers. 1. Professional Headline: Your current job title, areas of experience, and career goals are highlighted in the professional headline, which is a brief statement that displays beneath your name. You only get one chance to make a good first impression because it will be the first thing that people see when they visit your profile.  For example: Founder & Growth Strategist | Empowering Career Transitions and Driving Business Success. 2. Summary: Your professional experience, accomplishments, talents, and career goals are briefly summarized in the summary section. It gives you a chance to draw attention to your distinctive value proposition and attract recruiters or contacts You can also include thorough explanations of your roles, duties, and major achievements in each section here. For Example –  Enthusiastic about growing stable solutions and operating with interdisciplinary groups to foster creativity. Capable in Python, JavaScript, and Java; centered on generating high-caliber code that satisfies enterprise dreams. Together, let’s connect and look for possibilities to increase software programs that have an effect! Work Experience: Start with the most recent and work your way backward. Include your present role, and roles in the past and before that. Use this section to detail your most important and relevant experience. Your position, the company’s name along with the dates you worked there A concise overview should follow that, detailing what you have accomplished combined with if you have been responsible for any LinkedIn pages or profiles. Feel free to talk about who you worked with and the skills you have implemented. Don’t forget any opportunities for more professional growth. The purpose of this is to give a complete picture of your professional history and impress upon potential employers. 3. Professional Skills You can list your professional skills, competencies, and areas of expertise in the skills endorsement section. Connections can also endorse your skills to validate your proficiency, adding credibility to your profile. Endorsements can help recruiters and potential employers understand your qualifications and suitability for specific rules. 4. Education: Your academic credentials, such as degrees, diplomas, certifications, and the colleges you have attended, are displayed in the education area, which is quite significant. Your academic accomplishments, relevant coursework, and any honors or distinctions you have won throughout your academic career can all be highlighted. What is a LinkedIn page? A section of LinkedIn that is specifically designated to represent your business, group, or even institution is called a page. Your target audience may be reached, relationships can be cultivated, and engagement can be increased with the help of your official LinkedIn page. 1.Company Pages: Having a LinkedIn company page means it adds to the credibility of the company, as people do check out the page. Adding good-quality content to the page helps form connections with the target audience. A well-maintained company’s LinkedIn page optimization acts like a lead magnet, which attracts potential customers. 2.Thought Leadership Page: Thought Leadership pages are for industry leaders and professionals who offer exciting resources.  These Thought Leadership pages help in becoming industry leaders, adding credibility and help with connecting the target audience on a huge scale. Benefits of LinkedIn pages LinkedIn pages make it very easy for you to regularly post updates, articles, and other multimedia content to keep your followers informed about your company’s news events, product launches, and industry insights. This feature allows you to maintain your active online presence and engage with your target audience effectively. To learn more about the features of LinkedIn pages, you also need to understand LinkedIn Profile vs. LinkedIn Page. 1.Employee advocacy:  To make the most of the features of LinkedIn page optimization, you must go for LinkedIn page optimization This facilitates employee advocacy by empowering you to share your company updates and content with personal networks This also helps you amplify the reach of your company messaging, improve brand visibility, and establish employees as visible brand advocates within professional circles. 2.Analytics & Metrics LinkedIn pages also provide you access to analytics and metrics of data, and we can also track the performance of LinkedIn profile This includes engagement impressions and follower demographics, which provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of content strategies, audience preferences, and overall page performance. You can truly make the most of page performance by going for LinkedIn page optimization and getting leads for your business or freelancing. 2.Lead generation tools: LinkedIn pages offer you lead generation tools like lead forms and call-to-action buttons, allowing you to capture valuable leads directly from your page. It helps with targeting the right target audience, via the tools. These tools like sales navigator streamline the process of collecting contact information from your interested prospects and facilitate seamless communications between businesses and potential clients Key Features of LinkedIn Optimized Profile and Page Higher Visibility: A LinkedIn profile optimization and page leads to

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LinkedIn Content Strategy

Thinking of LinkedIn to have your brand built and get visibility? One of the most widely attributed platforms for job opportunities is LinkedIn but its importance does not stick to the job! LinkedIn can be used as a platform to nurture your products, gain a wider audience and promote your brand for high traffic. Further, it allows connection with potential clients, peers, allowing you to have a strong network. LinkedIn sponsored ads and content allows you to create lead generation forms and thus get you some valuable information about the prospects and the different features allow you to streamline your sales process and progress. But how?For that, it is essential to have LinkedIn learning and plan a well-crafted content strategy for it. We will help you with a guide to make a content strategy for LinkedIn and achieve your goals. First, let’s get down to the importance of having a content strategy. Importance of content strategy on LinkedIn LinkedIn content strategy plays a very crucial role in this digital era. The platform enjoys a wide space of audience globally including professionals, CEO, CFO, COO CRO, CDO and hence it is essential to have a LinkedIn content strategy.. Reach a wide target audience – One of the LinkedIn learning is to know about your target audience. Content strategy on LinkedIn helps you reach a wide audience as it is home to around 1 billion people globally.  Drive traffic to your website – On LinkedIn you can easily post your blogs with consistency and gain the trust of  your audience, having them click the links to share, engage and interact with you driving traffic.  Build connection and network – LinkedIn serves as home to a wide audience, comprising professionals as well and hence it is the best place to connect with them and increase your networks with consistent and good content. Have organic visibility and brand growth – If you want to turn your content into conversions, LinkedIn is a good platform to start. It helps you gain organic visibility by ranking high via your content and letting your brand develop.  Showcasing your expertise on the platform – To gain wide reach and huge traffic it is essential to show your viewers the expertise you hold in your respective field. With a well-structured content strategy you can showcase your experience and authority in the field. Establishing relationships and connections – LinkedIn is also about building connections with experts and professionals. A perfectly executed content strategy allows you to engage with your audience and develop relationships with them getting referrals. Credibility formation and nurturing – When you have a well-planned content strategy, it helps you share high-quality content which aids you in winning the trust and credibility of the audience. They are more likely to rely on you for reliable information.   Let’s start with the LinkedIn content strategy 1.The objective of setting up LinkedIn There is always a motive behind any move or progress and if any step is taken without any goal, it is directionless and is determined to get lost. When working on LinkedIn marketing strategy, you must determine your goals on LinkedIn. Identify what you are looking for whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation or awareness for yourself. Having a goal makes you work on growing and achieving the destined purpose of content creation on LinkedIn therefore set achievable, specific, reliable, measurable goals. For example, if you aim to become a thought leader, your primary goal can be identifying your niche and gaining expertise.  2. Know your audience The LinkedIn strategy requires the understanding of who your target audience is, to direct the posts to them to make the platform provide the best content to your intended audience. Some of the strategies to understand your target audience on LinkedIn are: You can look at your present customers and determine what they have in common, be it location, job, preference or position. You can use LinkedIn analytics tools to determine which audience (location, industry, position, company, etc.) follows you and visits you. Is it employees? Company managers? Experts?  Know who you want to attend and who visits your profile as understanding your audience lets you frame your content according to what they want to see. 3. Crafting Compelling Content Next in the LinkedIn content strategy is the art of crafting compelling content. You know your goals, you have determined your target audience, you just need to engage them with your content. But how? To draft engaging content, know what your audience wants to read, see, and are looking for, engage in topics that come under your area of expertise and give deep insights about it.  Go for different forms of content displayed on LinkedIn and aid them with images and other interactive elements. For further any assistance you can also take LinkedIn profile writing services to create the optimum content for your self. Have a mixture of impactful words, data, and questions in your content and keep the headings concise and direct.  4. Types of content To level up your reach and engage with your viewers, the next step in LinkedIn content strategy is exploring the various content formats such as articles, posts, videos, polls, etc., and their effectiveness on LinkedIn. Articles: The LinkedIn platform provides the benefit of posting long articles (up to 11,000 to 15, 000 words) if you want to share blog category content. The articles or long posts help you get into more relevant, in-depth and meaningful content which gives the audience the idea of your expertise and works to promote your best content. Newsletter: You can also go for a newsletter if you post an article monthly or weekly. The subscribed users will get a notification when you post a newsletter. The subscription feature of the newsletter allows you to grow a community of subscribers, increase visibility and allows users to react and comment on it aiding user engagement. Polls: Engaging with the audience can also be done by asking them questions and creating polls. This is a great

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How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile | LinkedIn 2024 Study

At Writrox, we have helped 750+ clients optimize their LinkedIn profile and content strategy. And, the most common question they ask is “How to make a good LinkedIn profile” or “How to optimize a LinkedIn profile.” We could have shared the same repetitive thing that others were saying. Instead, we have gone a step further and analyzed the 100 top LinkedIn influencers to understand what makes a LinkedIn profile trustworthy, professional, and standout in 2024. Specifically, we studied factors like: Let’s dive into the result of the LinkedIn 2024 study of the top 100 profiles. Key findings from studying 100 LinkedIn profiles NOTE: Before we dive into the analysis of the study, check out our LinkedIn profile writing services. Our experts will help you optimize your current LinkedIn profile and customize it as per your goals. Finding 1: Should My LinkedIn Picture Be a Headshot? Yes, 95% of the analyzed top profiles use a headshot image. Your LinkedIn profile picture is the first impression your profile visitors get. Having a professional headshot with a clean background looks more credible as people would want to see the real ‘You.’ An example: We found that only 3% of these top profiles use a casual image. At the same time, 2% of them used no image at all. In 2012, the Cognition And Emotion Journal published a study on the impact of facial emotion on decision-making. This study highlights that trust judgments based on facial features occur within a mere 100 milliseconds of initial exposure— that means a first impression is important for people who want to be seen as credible and professional. These stats prove that for a good LinkedIn profile, you must have a professional-looking headshot. Finding 2: How Long should the About Section on LinkedIn be? The ideal length may vary depending on your work experience, achievements, and other important elements. However, 40% of the top LinkedIn profiles we reviewed have an About section of more than 200 words. For example, check out the About section of Pam Moore: It is a good length to explain about yourself, your qualifications, your work experience, and your field of expertise. 200+ words allow you to include CTAs and your other social media links as well. About 34% of profiles have an About section between 100-200 words. This is also a good length to overview your personal and professional achievements. However, you might not cover everything in good detail. 10% of the profiles only have between 50-100 words, and 9% have even less than 50 words. Such a short length can only give a quick snippet about your work, and it might not look personalized or even professional in certain cases.  Finding 3: CTA in LinkedIn Bio Almost 30% of LinkedIn profiles use a CTA in their About section. CTAs are useful when you want your profile visitors to take a certain action, like visiting your website or booking a call with you.  However, it was noticed that it is quite underutilized, as 66.3% of profiles are not using any kind of CTAs. It also depends on whether you want to lead the visitors to a different site or medium. In many cases, you might want them to DM you on LinkedIn. However, a good CTA always helps in the following ways: Also Read: How To Write An Effective LinkedIn Profile For Better Engagement Finding 4: What is the best headline length for LinkedIn?  The ideal length of your LinkedIn profile headline is 51-100 characters, as we found. 38% of top profiles have a headline length between 51-100 characters. 31% of profiles have a headline length of less than 50 characters, which may or may not be a good length, depending on the message you want to convey. Less is more in the world of LinkedIn. If you can deliver a message or make an impact using as few words as possible, that’s great. A LinkedIn headline must give a quick idea about what you do and why one must connect with you. As people have short attention spans, the fewer words you use, the better. 31% of profiles used headlines more than 100 characters in length. In some scenarios, you may have to use more than 100 characters, and that’s okay. However, as stated earlier, it will be much better if you can convey the message in fewer words. Finding 5: How to write a better LinkedIn header section? Here’s an example of the most popular headline format used in LinkedIn profiles: The most common headline format found in 50% of the top profiles we reviewed is – {job title} at {company name}. For instance, Neil Patel’s headline is – Co-Founder at Neil Patel Digital. It’s simple and effective. 32% of profiles use headlines where they mention their skills just like the skills mentioned in the resume and add something more to it. For instance, Susan Cain’s LinkedIn profile headline is:  She talked about her skills and achievements and also added a CTA with social proof. It’s a long headline but quite persuasive due to the social proof and accolades mentioned in it. 15% of these top profiles use a short copy in their headline. This may work really well, depending on your niche and industry. Only 3% of profiles use a generic headline. Hence, a headline mentioning your skills or current work profile may work best. Here’s a side-by-side comparison between generic and descriptive headlines: While optimizing your LinkedIn profile, consider your headline as the way to build trust, and credibility, and showcase your current role. For example, including points like the author of {book_name}, Built a SaaS to $10k MRR, etc., will build trust. Also, it differentiates your LinkedIn profile from others who are using a generic headline that doesn’t showcase any skills, work designation, or credibility. Finding 6: How many skills should I add on LinkedIn? We found that 56% of top LinkedIn profiles list more than 30 skills in their profiles. LinkedIn allows you to add up to

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linkedin profile

How To Write An Effective LinkedIn Profile For Better Engagement

LinkedIn profile writing services Reasons you need to increase engagement on LinkedIn Reasons you need to increase engagement on LinkedIn How can you write an effective LinkedIn profile for better engagement? How can you write an effective LinkedIn profile for better engagement? Here are some methods to help you establish great connections with the LinkedIn network: Here are some methods to help you establish great connections with the LinkedIn network: Make the most of your LinkedIn profile writing Make the most of your LinkedIn profile writing Make the most of your LinkedIn profile writing At the same time, you should always keep the description updated and optimized.You should Add all your relevant skills and experience for description so that a maximum number of people are attracted to your profile and look forward to connecting to you, especially if you meet all the needs. You should be specific about the achievements, present yourself well and use descriptive keywords to help you connect better. Consider highlighting your skills Consider highlighting your skills Consider highlighting your skills LinkedIn profile Connect with others and interact with the contacts Connect with others and interact with the contacts Connect with others and interact with the contacts One of the best ways to enhance LinkedIn engagement is by interacting with LinkedIn users and providing optimum value to them. When you connect by liking and commenting on people’s posts, they will do the same to yours. Besides that, it will help you show your expertise and make your contacts closer to you.One of the best ways to encourage engagement is to ask for feedback and respond to the users commenting on the posts. You must look for ideas and be open to communicating with your contacts. Everybody looks forward to being heard and valued, which is a wonderful way to do that by asking others for their perspective or opinion on some topic. Participate by joining some groups Participate by joining some groups Participate by joining some groups Experts offering LinkedIn profile writing services suggest that you can become a part of a LinkedIn group that will help you meet new people from your industry and create quality relationships besides building integrity and connections with people. By sharing some valuable experiences, advice, and insights, you can position yourself as a good industry leader. When you join a group on LinkedIn, you can connect with other users, monitor the competitors, and check what they are sharing and doing in other groups. You can listen to the problems the target audience faces as you are part of the group, better understand people and create good solutions for their needs. Consider creating content that is qualitative and posts consistently Consider creating content that is qualitative and posts consistently Consider creating content that is qualitative and posts consistently When it comes to creating excellent quality content, the options are numerous. It would be best if you created diverse types of content that will keep the target audience engaged, and you can enlarge your network. When creating content, you can try different formats like videos, blog articles, case studies, industry infographics, etc.Besides understanding the diverse types of content, you also must understand that it is important for you to be consistent. No doubt, you do not have to sacrifice the quality of your content for the quantity because it would drive away the connections and ruin the engagement greatly. You must check different content performances so that you can identify what is working best for your portal. Some of the most engaging content types include behind-the-scenes. LinkedIn stories are a place where you can connect in depth with your audience and where they can learn more about you and your business. discount code Optimize your posts and hashtags Optimize your posts and hashtags Optimize your posts and hashtags Like your other social media platforms, LinkedIn also has a system of hashtags that helps categorize all the posts. Adding a proper hashtag to the post would help you get in front of the target audience.With the right Linkedin profile writing services, the experts can guide you about using the right hashtags. As little do people know, but Hashtags are enough to get 10x more traction compared to any random post without hashtags.  Linkedin profile writing services, Respond to all the comments Respond to all the comments Respond to all the comments After you post on LinkedIn, you do not have to forget about it and leave it to the users. If you want to enhance your engagement on LinkedIn, you need to get back and respond to all the comments on the posts. People will also get notifications once you reply to the comment they left on your previous posts.You must try to make the comments engaging so the discussion continues and your contacts stay in touch with you. It would be best if you did not do this instantly. Instead, you must wait a few hours and reply to all the comments. You will get back replies on your replies after 12 to 24 hours. Whenever you are responding to somebody, it is always good to tag them in the comment by typing @ symbol. Conclusion: Conclusion: You need to optimize the profile and produce content that will drive engagement and interact with the contacts with the Linkedin profile writing. These strategies mentioned here work perfectly once we implement them together nicely. Linkedin profile writing. Engaging with the audience is no longer an issue with the right LinkedIn tool, so you need to choose the one which perfectly fits your needs to enhance LinkedIn engagement. You can hire experts who will make it extremely easy for you to make the most of your LinkedIn engagement. Engaging on the Linkedin profile is easier than ever before with the help of Linkedin profile writing services.  Linkedin profile writing services. 

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LinkedIn profile

How to craft a Startup founder’s LinkedIn profile?

A LinkedIn profile should be professional, well-written, and focused on highlighting your experience and expertise as a startup founder. It should also be regularly updated to reflect your most recent achievements and experiences. A clear and professional profile picture that shows your face. A Compelling headline that summarises your professional identity, such as your job title and the name of your startup.  Linkedin profile services in India can help you create a profile that includes keywords and phrases that will make it more likely for people to find you when they search for professionals in your field. A detailed summary that showcases your professional experience and expertise, as well as your vision for your startup. This should include information about your background, achievements, and any relevant skills or certifications you have Don’t be clichéd- When putting up your LinkedIn profile, it is very important to avoid cliches and make your profile stand out. focus on highlighting your unique experiences and skills. For example Focus on what sets your startup apart from others in your industry. What makes your product or service unique? What sets you apart from the competition? Below are a few tips to help you make your LinkedIn profile stand out Use specific and concrete examples to describe your experience and accomplishments. Instead of saying that you are “innovative” or “results-driven,” provide specific examples of times when you demonstrated these qualities. Avoid using buzzwords or jargon. These words may be overused and can make your profile sound inauthentic or unoriginal  Include links to your website, blog, or other online presence to give readers a better idea of what your startup does and what makes it special. Engage with other LinkedIn users by commenting on posts, sharing articles, and participating in group discussions. This can help you build your network and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Add an appropriate image- Adding an appropriate image for your LinkedIn profile is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, a good profile picture can help potential clients, customers, and partners recognize you and remember you more easily. This is especially important for startups, because they often have limited resources and need to make a strong impression on potential clients and partners. Additionally, a good profile picture can help to convey your personal brand and set you apart from others in your industry. Finally, a good profile picture can make your profile more visually appealing, which can help to increase the chances that people will want to connect with you or learn more about your business. Pick an industry that makes sense- LinkedIn is a professional networking platform and it is important for a startup like you to present itself in a way that is consistent with its industry and target audience. By choosing an industry that is relevant to your business, can help you connect with other professionals and potential customers who are interested in your products or services, and can also showcase their expertise and credibility in their chosen field. Additionally, LinkedIn allows users to search for companies and professionals by industry, so choosing the right industry can help a startup to be more easily discovered by potential clients and partners. Change your public LinkedIn URL- Make your profile easier to find and share with others. A custom URL can  make your profile look more professional and polished. Additionally, having a customized URL can help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) on LinkedIn, which can in turn make it more likely for your profile to appear at the top of search results. This can be especially helpful if your name is a common one or if you have a long or complex name. Overall, changing your LinkedIn profile URL can help make your profile more easily accessible and professional-looking, which can be beneficial for networking and job-seeking purposes.  Don’t add too much info- It is not necessary to add too much information in a link because it will simply make the link unnecessarily long and difficult to remember or share. Additionally, it can make it difficult for the person receiving the link to know what they will find when they click on it. It is generally best to keep links as concise and straightforward as possible, while still providing enough information to give the recipient an idea of what they will find at the other end. Lastly, no one wants to read a long informative article on you if anything. You should be smart keeping it as crisp,short, concise, and relevant as possible. However, a Professional writer would know how to present information in a clear and concise way, so they can help you organize your information in a way that is easy for others to understand. Don’t skip over the endorsements section- A startup should never skip over the endorsements section on LinkedIn because endorsements can help you to establish credibility and improve the perceived trustworthiness of the company and its employees. Endorsements from other professionals can also help to increase the visibility of the company on LinkedIn and make it more likely that other users will engage with the company’s profile. Additionally, endorsements can help you to reinforce the skills and expertise of the company’s employees, which can be particularly useful for startups that are trying to establish themselves in a competitive market. Get creative with your interests-  Being creative with interests for a startup on LinkedIn can help you to establish the company as well-rounded, expert, and interesting business, which can help you attract potential customers and clients. Having a variety of interests can help you to showcase the expertise and knowledge you have and let you establish the startup as a thought leader in their industry, which can help you build trust and credibility with potential customers or clients. Highlighting unique,niche interests or experiences, a can demonstrate a depth of knowledge and expertise in a particular area, which can help you to establish the individual or company as a thought

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What is the Difference Between Resume and Linkedin Profile. 

There is no need to create an official CV if you already have a LinkedIn page. Is a LinkedIn resume enough to land you a job? Even though some of their tasks may overlap, the two have contrasting purposes. You’ll probably update and publish your CV while actively chasing work. However, the main objective of LinkedIn is to create a professional network; while a new job may come, this is often not the only objective. Have you ever second-guessed a resume component when deciding whether to include it on your LinkedIn profile? Still, Confused about the supposed differences between the two? If you want to learn about the best writing practices and methods for LinkedIn and resumes, keep reading. 1. Several resumes in comparison to a single LinkedIn profile It is standard practice for creating a resume or LinkedIn profile to create many versions of the document to accommodate the various possibilities accessible in the professional world. However, you shouldn’t have more than one LinkedIn profile. People searching for you will become confused if you have multiple profiles, which will reduce the number of connections you have. Additionally, it may turn into a nightmare for managing accounts. How can you make sure you don’t forget any invitations? And when looking for a specific connection, which of your accounts should you look through first?  It is crucial to note that your LinkedIn profile, which is the only one you have, can reach more people than your CV. Strike a healthy balance between the necessity to tailor your profile to your target clientele or line of business and your capacity to connect with more people.  If not, you can attract unwelcome attention since there is a significant discrepancy between how you market yourself on LinkedIn and how you do so on your CV (or in your current position). 2. Your CV should have a formal tone, whereas LinkedIn should have a social one: Your resume should be considered one of the most formal documents you will ever need to create. Each word should be carefully chosen for its capacity to make an impact and its relevance because space on the page is scarce and expensive. The resume’s strength resides in both its organizational structure and word choice. LinkedIn, however, was built primarily as a social network. Your tone might be less professional and more conversational since the value of LinkedIn is in the connections you build with other individuals. Although it is customary for professionals to speak about themselves in the first person, as in “I established this company,” this is not something that belongs on a resume. People read differently while reading from a hard copy document as opposed to reading from a computer screen. Another important comparison is this one. The reader scans an online profile for headlines and bullet points to swiftly scan through. Consider the reader’s comfort when creating the presentation. 3. A Brief CV and a more comprehensive LinkedIn Profile In your resume, professional experience and all sections are in a single or two pages of paper. In contrast, LinkedIn gives you more space; you can use it as a longer-form CV with room for examples and even anecdotes. Keep in mind that it is easy to overdo it and create a LinkedIn resume that is too lengthy to be of any help, so try to avoid using too many words. Your CV is regarded as “final” and unchanging, whereas your LinkedIn page is dynamic and ever-evolving. You can change the headline or particular phrases in your resume by going back and making the necessary changes. Every time you hit “save” and email your resume to a recruiter, it is seen as “final” for that engagement. Your résumé should always be current. On the other hand, your LinkedIn profile is a creation that is being updated regularly and is more precise. Keeping it updated and up to date is essential for your success in online networking. Utilize the ability to post blog entries, including links to your projects and portfolios, and create blog posts to promote your expertise in your sector and portray yourself as a capable professional. 4. While it is not necessary for the CV, an optimized LinkedIn profile does require your photo: According to the professional standards currently in force in the United States and across globe, you are not required to include a photo of yourself on your resume. In actuality, refraining from doing so is advised. On the other hand, you must include a photo for your LinkedIn resume to be as effective as possible. If at all possible, try to set up a professional photographer to take your pictures. Students and aspiring photographers looking to build their portfolios are two options that won’t break the bank, and local studios are another great place to start. The idea that you are personable, competent, influential, and knowledgeable should come over in your writing. 5. When choosing an image for your LinkedIn profile, you should abide by the following rules: Put on your most professional attire (something you would wear for an important meeting at work). No particular background will be more effective than another; all that is required is that it be professional and not detract from your face (a bar is not an appropriate background unless you are a bartender). Create your CV with the help of professional resume writers that can help you land the right job. LinkedIn also allows the user to reach out socially to their connections. Both can serve your purpose of getting a job, and you need to see which one can work for improving your career scope. You should use a more complete LinkedIn Profile Writing Services to shine your present skills and experience to get more calls from top MNCs around the world. At Writrox offer end-to-end solutions to resume writing, cover letter writing, and founder profiles to help youngsters ready for future challenges.

What is the Difference Between Resume and Linkedin Profile.  Read More »

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