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How to know if you’re ready for executive role and tips to create you resume

You arrived early and stayed late. You’ve guided others to achieve success, and your statistics speak for themselves. It may be time for you to take another step up in responsibilities to senior management. You want more accountability rather than more credit. Senior executives must have a strong feeling of accountability for personal and company outcomes. Executive positions can be hard to come by. While the majority of executive job openings are the result of someone leaving the organization, outsiders with executive expertise are frequently chosen to fill them. However, there are ways for a manager within a company to gain access to the C-suite from within. 1. Be an Inspirational Source People support those who inspire them the greatest. Become an example to your staff and leadership team by connecting authentically, going the extra mile, lending a compassionate ear, and empowering them to identify solutions via intelligent inquiry. These are some suggestions to help you stand out as an executive that employees will look up to as a leader. 2. Seek Out Opportunities to Help Others Do your best in your current position while continually looking for ways to serve others. This can involve offering to work on projects with senior executives where your contributions can supplement theirs. If you accomplish this, you will receive indirect mentoring and sponsorship. Finding opportunities to contribute allows you to receive praise in ways that are more in line with servant leadership. 3. Acquire from the Best Having the right advocate and mentor is critical for any manager trying to advance to the executive level. When it comes to moving forward, taking advice, getting help navigating the obstacles, and learning about the developmental requirements from others who have done it is quite valuable. Learn from the greatest if you want to be the best! 4. Communicate Effectively Too many professionals believe that obtaining another degree or “X years of experience” would propel them to the next level. Knowledge and titles have become commodities in a more competitive environment, making people “experts.” Those who can establish themselves as actual authorities in their fields, on the other hand, stand out. It is all about reducing things, connecting the dots, and communicating effectively. 5. Create a Success Roadmap Make a plan, so you have an objective roadmap to success. We frequently work with leaders who advance to the executive level and believe they have arrived. How can you keep your interest in improving your skill set alive? Target areas that you want to develop as you embark on this new role and establish a plan that you can assess, interacting with your stakeholders for help along the way. 6. Be aware of the role in its entirety. The transition to executive leadership is a significant step that demands courage, humility, and discipline. It is critical to first comprehend the function as a whole before conducting assessments to discover gaps in executive abilities, skills, knowledge, and expertise. You could even argue that an executive-level professional has it much worse. You’ve most certainly worked various positions throughout your career, working your way up and possibly even dabbling in completely different industries or divisions. You may not have needed to interview for a select few, gaining jobs and promotions solely through your network. The point is, at your level, the people you’ll be competing against for this position will come from a variety of backgrounds. Your CV and cover letter must be impressive. Here is a basic checklist to assist you in reviewing your executive CV and including only the most essential aspects: 1. Determine what you want and tailor your CV to those positions. This is the most critical step, and we can recommend it. Your resume can be visually appealing and well-written, but it will not deliver if it is not tailored to the position title and industry you seek. Begin by locating a few representative job postings. Then, highlight the areas that are important to you and compare your top keywords and key points to those keywords and phrases. 2. Use anchor words and phrases. These define the outer edges of your resume. They assist build your reader’s perspective of you because they get the initial view. So, what do you want them to know first? It makes no difference whether you are a fantastic turnaround executive unless your reader understands the scale and scope of the environment in which you work. 4. Highlight the area you want the viewer’s attention to first. Consider all of the resumes you’ve reviewed as an executive and how a lack of clarity and concentration caused immediate irritation. Take attention to where your eye lands on your own résumé and the perception it creates. This is your résumé for a quick scan Your resume is performing double duty because it must perform at both the superficial scan (and pass this test) and the deeper read (usually in an interview setting as the vetting process evolves). 5. Keep your summary paragraph brief and to the point. As stated at the beginning of this piece, deep paragraphs tend to lose the reader. Providing information in small bursts, call-out boxes, and even charts or graphs allows your reader to digest more information. 6. Avoid going back more than 20 years. There are exceptions, but in general, what you accomplished in 1995 will not be as significant or consequential as what you have done in the recent five years. Maintain your attention on the accomplishments and information that are most relevant to your current goals. 7. Share your story. Don’t believe that just because you worked at Microsoft, every reader of your resume will understand the specifics of your position since they are familiar with the company. At worst, it appears arrogant. Respect your reader by not making them guess. 8. Take the lead with your stats. This proves once again that you understand what your audience expects from you — results. Begin your bullet points with the eventual outcome in mind. Then you can

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What is an Executive Level Resume?

The executive’s resume is a piece of application information that hiring committees use to select candidates for executive-level positions. Professionals seeking to fill the following positions are frequently the ones who use them: Chief executive officer (CEO) Chief operating officer (COO) Chief information officer (CIO) Chief marketing officer (CMO) Chief financial officer (CFO) Vice president sExecutive director You must highlight your prior leadership abilities and noteworthy achievements in this document. A resume for an executive should demonstrate that you have the qualifications to lead effectively. For most of us, creating a stellar resume is challenging. We frequently undersell our abilities because we feel like braggarts when we talk about ourselves in a powerful, compelling way. The so-called structural rules confound us. We are told that “the right” keywords must be used, but what exactly are they? Who determines which phrases are absolutely correct and which are not?  In this article, you’ll find the answers to these questions. If you don’t have the time to write a great executive resume, our executive level resume writing services can undoubtedly help as well as need of resume writing service for creating a resume.   Give yourself a significant head start if you’re prepared to compete in the major leagues. Dress the part.. Although aiming for the C-suite is not an easy task, the following suggestions are comparatively straightforward and will help you position yourself well. You can follow these steps to create an executive resume.   Exеcutivе Profilе Sеnior еxеcutivе with ovеr 20 yеars of еxpеriеncе driving businеss growth, profitability, and opеrational еfficiеncy in thе tеchnology industry. Provеn еxpеrtisе in building and lеading high-pеrforming tеams, dеvеloping stratеgic vision, and еxеcuting innovativе solutions. Dеmonstratеd ability to collaboratе with cross-functional tеams, forgе stratеgic alliancеs, and dеlivеr rеsults. ## Profеssional Expеriеncе ### Chiеf Opеrating Officеr, ABC Tеch, Anytown, India (2015-Prеsеnt) *   Dеvеlop and ovеrsее stratеgic vision and opеrational planning for a global SaaS tеchnology company, with ovеr 1,000 еmployееs and INR 500 crorеs+ in rеvеnuе. *   Drivе significant rеvеnuе growth, with 30% YoY incrеasе in top-linе rеvеnuе and 20% incrеasе in EBITDA. *   Lеad cross-functional tеams to drivе еfficiеnciеs, strеamlinе opеrations, and improvе quality, rеsulting in an 80% rеduction in production costs and a 50% incrеasе in product quality. *   Build and motivatе high-pеrforming tеams, attracting top talеnt, dеvеloping еmployееs, and driving a culturе of еxcеllеncе. *   Forgе kеy stratеgic alliancеs, including partnеrships with major global tеchnology companiеs and succеssful capital raisе initiativеs, rеsulting in INR 50 crorеs in nеw invеstmеnt. ### Vicе Prеsidеnt, Opеrations, DEF Industriеs, Anytown, India (2008-2015) *   Ovеrsaw global opеrations for a lеading manufacturеr of IT products, with 500 еmployееs and INR 250 crorеs+ in rеvеnuе. *   Lеd cross-functional tеams to drivе еfficiеnciеs, rеducе costs, and improvе customеr satisfaction, rеsulting in a 50% improvеmеnt in on-timе dеlivеry and a 30% rеduction in product dеfеcts. *   Dеvеlopеd and implеmеntеd stratеgic sourcing stratеgiеs, including succеssful sеlеction and implеmеntation of nеw suppliеrs, rеsulting in a 20% rеduction in matеrial costs. *   Collaboratеd with thе еxеcutivе tеam to dеvеlop a corporatе stratеgy, lеading to succеssful acquisition and intеgration of thrее companiеs and еntry into nеw global markеts. ### Dirеctor, Supply Chain Managеmеnt, GHI Tеch, Anytown, India (2003-2008)   *   Dеvеlopеd and implеmеntеd a comprеhеnsivе supply chain managеmеnt stratеgy and procеssеs for a lеading tеch startup, with 200 еmployееs and INR 50 crorеs+ in rеvеnuе. *   Succеssfully еstablishеd supply chain partnеrships with top suppliеrs, rеsulting in a 75% rеduction in matеrial costs. *   Lеd a tеam of 20 supply chain profеssionals, providing mеntoring, training, and lеadеrship to drivе еxcеptional pеrformancе. *   Implеmеntеd lеan manufacturing and Six Sigma mеthodologiеs, achiеving significant opеrational improvеmеnts, including a 40% rеduction in cyclе timе and a 30% incrеasе in productivity. ## Skills   *   Stratеgic planning and еxеcution *   Lеadеrship dеvеlopmеnt and tеam building *   Businеss dеvеlopmеnt and rеlationship building *   Financial managеmеnt and analysis *   Opеrational еfficiеncy and procеss improvеmеnt *   Changе managеmеnt and organizational dеvеlopmеnt   ## Education and Cеrtifications   *   MBA, Indian Institutе of Managеmеnt (IIM) *   Bachеlor of Tеchnology (B.Tеch) in Computеr Sciеncе, Indian Institutе of Tеchnology (IIT) *   Lеan Six Sigma Black Bеlt Cеrtification, Indian Statistical Institutе   ## Board Mеmbеrships and Community Involvеmеnt   *   Mеmbеr, Board of Dirеctors, Tеchnology Association of India *   Voluntееr, Habitat for Humanity *   Mеntor, GivеIndia   1. List your qualifications at the top of your resume. No matter how long you’ve worked in the industry, this is a simple and effective change for everyone: Put your qualifications, especially those that are relevant to your desired position, at the top of your executive resume. Since recruiters frequently start here, putting them front and center makes sure they won’t be overlooked. 2. Write a qualified summary: A resume profile is a type of resume introduction that is used to pique the reader’s interest and persuade them to read your resume further. Your executive resume profile should give a compelling, detailed, and concise overview of your career and explain why you would make the best leader for the company to the HR directors, majority shareholders, and Board of Directors. A solid professional summary should be succinct and only contain a few sentences that highlight your achievements in your professional life and career. Concentrate on executive accomplishments and skills that are pertinent to the position you’re applying for. 3.Identify key skills Review your qualifications for the position by looking over your skills here. Executive skills can include leadership and communication abilities as well as industry-specific technical abilities. Even if they have similar soft skills, an executive at a marketing firm and an executive at a retail brand may have different industry skills. Concentrate on the qualifications that set you apart and make you stand out. 4. Clearly Display Financial and Business Impact: While qualitative results are nice and can undoubtedly help the reviewer get a sense of who

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How to Upgrade to an Executive Resume

Do you know when it’s appropriate to upgrade from a standard resume to an executive resume? There are a few subtle differences, but when presented for certain types of positions, they will speak volumes. An objective statement is typically located at the top of a standard resume. This is where a person will describe what they are looking for in a job and any expectations they may have. An executive resume will begin with a paragraph that highlights the candidate’s strongest points, often in bullet points, as well as what that candidate can do for a company. Executive resumes should be at least two pages long and no more than four. This is because they may have extensive education, publications, or awards. Furthermore, the wording and structure will be far more sophisticated than standard resumes. When you have attained a certain level of experience, education, awards, or achievements in your career that will allow you to pursue more executive-level positions, it is time to start using an executive resume. It is pointless to submit a standard resume when the position requires a more professional applicant. Don’t forget to convert your standard resume to an executive resume. What if you have no prior executive experience? If you’re planning to take on your first executive role, don’t worry; every executive has had to do so at some point. Examine your current and previous roles to determine which skills and outcomes will translate well into executive positions. Then, construct your CV around them. If you don’t currently influence large-scale change on a daily basis, emphasize change management skills gained during a one-time project. Remember that a CV is as much about what you don’t say as it is about what you do. If 80 percent of your work did not require executive responsibilities and skills, concentrate on the remaining 20%. Because this is your personal sales document, focus on the details that will sell you. The car salesman will tell you about a car’s low operating costs but not about its faulty brakes; apply the same logic to your CV! What Recruiters Look for in a Resume • Are you a good leader with all of the necessary job skills? • Does your position remain consistent and strong throughout your resume? • Are you a good fit not only in the short term but also in the long term? • Do you have a strong personal brand that aligns with the company’s? • Can you make an impact, and do you have evidence that you can lead to success? Top 4 Sections of Your Resume 1. Properly formatted summary, 2. succinct, and impactful career history section, 3. tailored to the particular job and skills that are custom, 4. sections for your education and certifications The first step in landing an executive position is getting an interview. You must ensure that your documents speak volumes about who you are and what abilities you possess for the interview. To avoid being overlooked, this demands having a strong resume and, if at all possible, an updated LinkedIn profile. Additionally, one must make sure that the content of their work is noteworthy. Since you never know when an opportunity will come knocking, keep your skills sharp by keeping up with everything relevant—from technological developments to business standards—to ensure success at any job interview. 1. A brief executive summary It is critical for any executive resume to include a statement that provides an overall picture of how you will add value to the organisation. The best place to start is at the very top of your resume. It’s your first opportunity to highlight your best overarching qualities that are relevant to the job at hand. Because attention spans are ever-shrinking, it is critical that your statement not be overly wordy. Executives are straightforward and direct. For instance, if you are aware that the organisation to which you are applying requires new leadership, you should consider the qualities they are seeking in their new leader. Your relevant experience and how you meet the requirements with examples from prior employment that are a perfect fit for this opportunity should both be included in the executive summary. Make your executive summary a personal statement that you will feel comfortable discussing during the interview process. 2. Core Competencies and Credentials on top  It’s a good idea to list your top skills and any pertinent credentials after your summary at the top of your CV. Moving important skills to the top is a simple fix that helps you focus your strengths in one area. Placing your most important qualities at the top ensures that they are not overlooked. As mentioned in the first point, the top of your resume is a magnet for recruiters’ attention. If you’re having trouble deciding which skills to prioritise, take a look at the job description. Working backwards is sometimes the best option. Include the job description’s specific skills that correspond to your own experience. Your credentials and core competencies should support your executive summary. You should spend about 80% of your time working on and reworking the content of your resume and 20% of your time polishing the design. 3. Concentrate on Your Recent Work Experience Most resumes are organised in chronological order, beginning with the oldest. However, executive resumes differ in that you want to highlight your most recent experience. Experts advise against going back more than 15 years. Put your most recent positions first. They will be most relevant to your job search. Include details about the business and how your contributions impacted it as well. Include any statistics that have proven your ability to deliver results, such as revenue generated over the course of one year while making certain projections about future performance. These statistics will highlight your area of strength. 4. Education Should Come Last One of your best selling points early in your career is your degree. Your current experience will be more valuable in a few years. When you are

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What is the Difference Between Resume and Linkedin Profile. 

There is no need to create an official CV if you already have a LinkedIn page. Is a LinkedIn resume enough to land you a job? Even though some of their tasks may overlap, the two have contrasting purposes. You’ll probably update and publish your CV while actively chasing work. However, the main objective of LinkedIn is to create a professional network; while a new job may come, this is often not the only objective. Have you ever second-guessed a resume component when deciding whether to include it on your LinkedIn profile? Still, Confused about the supposed differences between the two? If you want to learn about the best writing practices and methods for LinkedIn and resumes, keep reading. 1. Several resumes in comparison to a single LinkedIn profile It is standard practice for creating a resume or LinkedIn profile to create many versions of the document to accommodate the various possibilities accessible in the professional world. However, you shouldn’t have more than one LinkedIn profile. People searching for you will become confused if you have multiple profiles, which will reduce the number of connections you have. Additionally, it may turn into a nightmare for managing accounts. How can you make sure you don’t forget any invitations? And when looking for a specific connection, which of your accounts should you look through first?  It is crucial to note that your LinkedIn profile, which is the only one you have, can reach more people than your CV. Strike a healthy balance between the necessity to tailor your profile to your target clientele or line of business and your capacity to connect with more people.  If not, you can attract unwelcome attention since there is a significant discrepancy between how you market yourself on LinkedIn and how you do so on your CV (or in your current position). 2. Your CV should have a formal tone, whereas LinkedIn should have a social one: Your resume should be considered one of the most formal documents you will ever need to create. Each word should be carefully chosen for its capacity to make an impact and its relevance because space on the page is scarce and expensive. The resume’s strength resides in both its organizational structure and word choice. LinkedIn, however, was built primarily as a social network. Your tone might be less professional and more conversational since the value of LinkedIn is in the connections you build with other individuals. Although it is customary for professionals to speak about themselves in the first person, as in “I established this company,” this is not something that belongs on a resume. People read differently while reading from a hard copy document as opposed to reading from a computer screen. Another important comparison is this one. The reader scans an online profile for headlines and bullet points to swiftly scan through. Consider the reader’s comfort when creating the presentation. 3. A Brief CV and a more comprehensive LinkedIn Profile In your resume, professional experience and all sections are in a single or two pages of paper. In contrast, LinkedIn gives you more space; you can use it as a longer-form CV with room for examples and even anecdotes. Keep in mind that it is easy to overdo it and create a LinkedIn resume that is too lengthy to be of any help, so try to avoid using too many words. Your CV is regarded as “final” and unchanging, whereas your LinkedIn page is dynamic and ever-evolving. You can change the headline or particular phrases in your resume by going back and making the necessary changes. Every time you hit “save” and email your resume to a recruiter, it is seen as “final” for that engagement. Your résumé should always be current. On the other hand, your LinkedIn profile is a creation that is being updated regularly and is more precise. Keeping it updated and up to date is essential for your success in online networking. Utilize the ability to post blog entries, including links to your projects and portfolios, and create blog posts to promote your expertise in your sector and portray yourself as a capable professional. 4. While it is not necessary for the CV, an optimized LinkedIn profile does require your photo: According to the professional standards currently in force in the United States and across globe, you are not required to include a photo of yourself on your resume. In actuality, refraining from doing so is advised. On the other hand, you must include a photo for your LinkedIn resume to be as effective as possible. If at all possible, try to set up a professional photographer to take your pictures. Students and aspiring photographers looking to build their portfolios are two options that won’t break the bank, and local studios are another great place to start. The idea that you are personable, competent, influential, and knowledgeable should come over in your writing. 5. When choosing an image for your LinkedIn profile, you should abide by the following rules: Put on your most professional attire (something you would wear for an important meeting at work). No particular background will be more effective than another; all that is required is that it be professional and not detract from your face (a bar is not an appropriate background unless you are a bartender). Create your CV with the help of professional resume writers that can help you land the right job. LinkedIn also allows the user to reach out socially to their connections. Both can serve your purpose of getting a job, and you need to see which one can work for improving your career scope. You should use a more complete LinkedIn Profile Writing Services to shine your present skills and experience to get more calls from top MNCs around the world. At Writrox offer end-to-end solutions to resume writing, cover letter writing, and founder profiles to help youngsters ready for future challenges.

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difference between chronological and functional resume

What is the Difference between Chronological and Functional Resumes?

A Resume is a single piece of document that can help you to shine your career progressively. There are different styles, format, and writing that resume has for professionals to choose from. In this post, we will discuss the main difference between Chronological and Functional resumes. Each of these resume types has benefits, negatives, and ways to promote your career in the right direction.   The two main types of resume formats are the chronological and functional and the main difference between them is the way they present your qualifications for a job as well as the skills you list in there. Both resumes have a different style as well as different format. The most common type is chronological resume that around majority of people include. In this post we will discuss about what is the difference between chronological as well as functional resume or if any point you would need any resume writing services or not, so let’s start now. What is Chronological Resume? A Chronological resume is a method of writing that lists your work and experience in reverse order. Thus showing your recent job first and followed by the previous job experience. A Chronological resume starts with a Personal name, email ID, phone, and job title you applied for. Then a small summary or objective to highlight your career goals. Followed by sections for educational qualification, work experience, and individual sections. Many Professionals complement their resumes by writing a cover letter too. In this type of Chronological resume, professional skills and qualifications are positioned at the bottom of the resume. Chronological is the most preferred and suitable way for professional resume writing. Most job applicants follow a chronological resume. Moreover it is also beneficial  for the  people who have been out of the workforce for some time, or those who are changing careers as it covers the  gap in your employment history. Now we will explain the Functional Resume! What is a Functional Resume? A Functional Resume gives more preference towards your skills and capabilities rather than your work experience. This type of Functional resume gives the reader the viewpoint for carrying out the specific roles and responsibilities that comes with the job.   In a Functional resume, professional skills, certifications, and qualifications become the center of attention. Explaining the skills with the tasks performed and ability to deliver with times, deadlines as well as success rate. All awards, achievements, licenses, degrees, and educational certifications are mentioned with a clear objective to give recruiters more preference towards your ability. Some Functional resumes have a work experience section though it is small and listed at the bottom to compliment your job position. For example, if your hiring manager is looking for someone with experience in leading teams as a job role of “team leader” but you do not have such relevant experience, in which case a functional resume can be avoided as you will cover such issues and other skills such as project management , strategic planning or leadership, team consultant, analytical skills It will focus on many more Also Read – How to build an effective cover letter while applying for job How to Craft a Professional Resume? (Tips and Tricks) You always should  choose a proper format for your resume, which depends on the type of job you are applying for. A well-written resume can get you shortlisted for an interview, so make sure that your resume has all the relevant information about you and avoid adding wrong information. Have someone else proofread your work before sending it off. The best suggestion is to take help from professional cv writers if you are creating a resume for the first time. A good resume should be a concise summary of your key skills, experience and achievements as well as the list of your certifications as well as awards you hold. Use bullet points instead of long paragraphs as it makes it easier to read, especially if there is a lot of information to convey especially during career change or transition. Difference between Chronological and Functional Resumes  Here are the main differences between Chronological and Functional resumes to help you choose the best one for improving your career path. Structure/Format One of the main differences between Chronological and Functional resumes is found in their visual structure or format. A chronological resume will showcase the career reverse path from current to past. Then sections for education, work experiences, skills, and personal details. While Functional resumes start with contact information and then move on to skills & capabilities to give them more preference. An expert in visual resume writing services will help you distinguish and create the resume structure best suited for you. Primary Focus A chronological resume will put your skills and work experience as a catalyst for future growth. And for a Functional resume, an individual resume takes the preference of showing your skills and abilities to accomplish job responsibilities. A Chronological resume shows your career, learning curve, struggles, and ability to accomplish certain tasks laying the path for future success. A Functional resume showcases you as a more proficient skillful and competent individual to accomplish certain tasks. These Skills may or may not depend on your experience. Customization and Editing:  A functional resume can be customized to highlight the specific skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for and is easy to edit when applying for any job position, because you have the flexibility to rearrange the skills and put them as per the requirements you have. On the other hand while editing or customizing a chronological resume you have to start from the beginning i.e the work history in the reverse chronological order as you cannot skip anything, hence it is less flexible than functional resume. Conclusion  Both Chronological and Functional resume have their pros and cons. Though most employers, HR departments, and recruiters are familiar with Chronological resumes and may interpret functional resumes as incomplete or chaotic. Whereas many employers often disregard chronological resumes for

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sales resume

10 Tips for Writing a Winning Sales Resume

First impressions will have a direct impact on your sales. And resume is the presentation of your Professional and personal attributes, that gives a first glance to your future employers. So make sure you bring the best efforts in transforming your winning sales resume.  Writrox offers professional resume writing services to give youngsters a platform to enhance their scope and work potential to stay top of the competition.  List of Top 10 Tips for Writing a Winning Sales Resume Here are your top 10 tips for writing a winning sales resume to help you get more attention and earn maximum potential.  Tip 1: A Perfect Pitch Starting with a simple pitch or objective is the best way for a sales resume. You should be assertive, show confidence, and bring a summary that highlights your exceptional skills and abilities to deliver sales. You can also write a cover letter to complement your resume. Tip 2: Use Relevant Skills for Your Job Every job requires specific skills to deliver potential results in the organization. Skills are paramount in fetching you the best opportunities in the industry. You have to prioritize them in the resume and use them in bold & italic format to give recruiters attention to the skills.   Tip 3: Don’t use generic Language! You have to be professional in every step of your sales resume. Don’t limit your profile and career path by choosing simpleton language. Use trending terms, styles, and best resume formats, and show professionalism in every aspect. Tip 4: No Grammatical Mistakes One of the most common resume mistakes seen is not using the grammar precisely. You have to be smart, calculated, and avoid basic errors to give the wrong impression to the HR people. You can use free Grammarly software to check for common errors and deliver an impeccable resume to match job specifications.  Tip 5: Show your results Every job demands results and ROI (return on investment) in this competitive age. Especially in the sales industry, you need to have that extra factors and the ability to deliver under pressure. So writing about your past experience to showcase your results is a perfect tip.  Tip 6: Optimize Your LinkedIn profile  LinkedIn has become the center stage for professionals to build a strategic platform for the best job opportunity. You must have a comprehensive profile to match your career ambition and life goals. Furthermore, You can also opt for Linkedin Profile Writing Services and fill these gaps more precisely to bring more success.  Tip 7: Ask for Help from References/Friends  You can ask for references or friends to score you on particular skills and experience. These small practices will be a valuable advantage of your LinkedIn profile to take your career forward in the right direction.  Tip 8: No Exaggeration of Achievements.  Rewards and achievements are paramount to a sales resume. Still, you need to avoid putting too much exaggeration on your success. But make to give them the perfect section to keep your chances higher for selection.  Tip 9: Your Unique Qualities.  Everyone has special qualities that make them unique for that sales position. While some may take extra time to know these, sales professionals acquire these in the shortest time possible. Make sure to bring these to HR recruiters to shortlist your sales resume.  Tip 10: Use Sales Keywords in your Resume! With ATS-friendly getting the most attention in the top MNC and corporate jobs, using sales keywords is of primary importance. These resume keywords will help you in overcoming automated systems to score higher.  Conclusion Writing a winning Sales resume can be quite complex to match job specifications. You need to give proper attention to skills, experience, and relevant job specifications to take the next level Writrox is one of the top CV writing services in India offering solutions for all industry professionals to take the next step toward securing the best jobs to match their superior prospects.  To know more about resume tips for different professions like Sales Manager Resume, Supply Chain Manager Resume and many more click on the links.

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Why is a Visual Resume necessary?

What is a Visual Resume? A Visual Resume, also known as a CV, is a digital document incorporating more images and graphs than text and showcasing your most important abilities and strengths in a digital format. On a global scale, graphic and visual resumes are growing in popularity. You must have a visual resume if you want to keep one step ahead of your competitors in your field. As you progress in your profession and earn experience, you will develop different profiles and accomplishments. You should include these things on your resume professionally so that HR recruiters, consultants, and corporate employers can quickly find them. Creating a Resume with a Visual flair The Visual Resume Writer should have extensive market knowledge and research on the topic and industry in which the clients are most interested. They are ready to tackle any challenge, whether you already have a resume or need a new one or an update on the one you already have. We can also provide visually updated resume/CV samples. These samples are meant to give you an idea of the kind of information you’ll need. The writer should be skilled in creating visual CVs for any industry or area. We know what it is advantageous to present and, more importantly, whether you work in sales, information technology, engineering, finance, accounting, or any other area. Customers from India, the United States, Singapore, Dubai, the United Kingdom, England, Spain, Oman, and other countries look for resume and CV writing services. Here are a few things You should know about the importance of a Visual Resume: Procedure may be taking longer than expected! It’s a frequent misconception that if you pay money to have a resume service, they will do all the hard work for you, and everything will be done before you know it. However, creating a strong CV takes time, which is especially necessary given the large number of people looking for work in today’s market. Many resume writers require a week or more, depending on factors such as the number of changes needed, their capacity, or the quality of your previous work experience. This is something to keep in mind if you have an application deadline. Keep in mind that using a resume service implies that you value quality over haste, so keep that in mind. The authors may or may not have the same level of competence as you imagine: Many services provide unbelievably low charges because they are compelled to do so to sustain a profitable business strategy. This is, in most situations, a red flag. A low rate almost generally means you’ll be dealing with an inexperienced writer ready to accept a far lower rate than the regular rate. (You’ll be surprised to learn that some services hire a young college graduate for their first job.) The method is not as straightforward as it appears at first: One of the most common misconceptions about Visual Resume Writing Services is that they will complete all of the work for you. However, they won’t be able to start working on your resume until you’ve completed detailed information. You’ll be asked to specify relevant information about your previous work experience, talents, and professional accomplishments. You can also expect to spend significant time on the phone and via email conversing and collaborating with your writer. Remember that once they’ve delivered your initial draughts, you’ll need to give them feedback. A few iterations will probably be required before you agree on the final form. Here is an example of a Cover Letter for a bartender. In the first paragraph of the body, the candidate mentions the job board on which he/she discovered the job profile. After that, the paragraphs are connected by saying all the critical details about the applicant including skills, work experiences, etc. In the last paragraph, along with the call to action, the applicant also mentioned their contact number. You can also mention the same. Even if you are rejected, you can expect a call from the hiring team in which they will mention their reason and opportunities that may come forward.  Here using a simple Visual resume can further add more value to your profile. A Visual Resume adds your personality to the resume or a cover letter. HR recruiters will know more about your facial expressions and be able to select the right candidate to match with their business specifications such as client handling and management skills.  Writrox offers a complete Resume Writing Services for helping professionals to achieve their optimum and deliver at their potential. Connect with Visual writing experts to start your journey in the Video resume!

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cover letter

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application

With the growing demand for jobs, competition is also rising. Most individuals fail to fetch a job without a proper resume and cover letter despite having all the desired skills. After Covid-19, most people lost their jobs and the market went up worse than anything. Now in 2025, the situation is not much difficult and the job market is a relief now. But, job seekers have to prove themselves more potential than other clients so that the interviewer can get clarification on choosing them over other candidates. In this, a resume/CV and cover letter play a pivotal role. With the niche skills on the resume and a well-crafted cover letter, the candidate can make an impression on the interviewer and company to stand out from the crowd. Introduction Most companies ask for a cover letter along with a CV(Curriculum Vitae) but it is not a mandatory option. However, attaching an appealing cover letter along with the CV can add up the chances of being noticed by the hiring manager. Well, many folks fail to understand the correct way of drafting a cover letter. Most freshers do not know the proper meaning of a cover letter and its significance. Here, we will discuss it. A Cover Letter is a single-page letter written to summarise your resume. It need not be lengthy otherwise the hiring team will lose interest in your candidature. So, try to keep it as short as 200-400 words. Mostly, recruiters take interest in your resume after getting a spectacular cover letter. We can say that a well-written cover letter can prompt the recruiters in taking steps ahead in considering you sign for the job role. There can be thousands of applications for a single job profile and it becomes a hassle to go through each one of them. In such a case, the recruiters find it easy to distinguish between the potential candidates and inappropriate ones through cover letters. Despite adding a cover letter, one needs to be cautious with it. A not-so-well formatted cover letter can bring bad will for you. It might make recruiters throw your CV in the trash bin. So, it is advisable to follow appropriate steps while writing a cover letter, else take the help of professionals. Let us discuss its importance in the job market. Importance of a cover letter Nowadays, a cover letter is a basic requirement. Although many candidates have their cover letters handy while applying for a job. They know its benefits. Therefore, the candidates stay ready with their cover letters. Here, we will discuss how important these cover letters are. 1. Value addition Applying to any organization is the first step that you take to get the desired role in that firm. It will be the first impression on the hiring team. Try to make it outstanding. You can do it easily through a cover letter. It adds value to your profile by making you organized. Thus, value addition is a key role in a cover letter. 2. Stand out of crowd There are many applicants in a single job profile. Each company receives a ton of worthy candidates for a single position. In such a case, you need to prove yourself unique for the profile. You can highlight yourself through a well-written cover letter alongside an impressive resume. It helps you mention the key points that can benefit you in proving you are the best fit for the job role. 3. Bring a storyline out of you A cover letter mostly depicts the story that revolves around you. It gives a brief idea of your recent achievements, key skills, potentiality, strengths, and other qualifiers that can fit into the job profile. Thus, it helps in building your story and fetching a job based on it. Make sure that you do not fake anything. 4. Enthusiasm A spectacular cover letter when written properly can help showcase your enthusiasm for the job profile. It will show that you are ready to go through the ups and downs of the organization and prove yourself the best fit for the job. Overall, a cover letter shows that you value the job profile as well as the company. 5. Building relationship Since a cover letter makes everything transparent in front of the hiring team, it indeed helps in building relationship bonds with them. Through a cover letter, you are highlighting your personality and putting everything clear and concise before others. By going through a cover letter, the hiring manager will know many things about you. Do you need a cover letter in 2025? A cover letter was introduced on 23rd September 1956. After that, most companies ask for cover letters from candidates. However, this is marked as an optional field but studies have shown that the candidates with a compelling cover letter tend to get more consideration than others. Till now in 2025, many candidates prefer a cover letter along with a resume. Things have not changed yet and they will remain the same for the coming 10 years. Also, recruiters find it easy to understand the applicants through their cover letters rather than their resume. So, a cover letter is equally necessary for 2024 and the years coming so forth. 12 tips to write a cover letter in 2025 1. A professional header The header of any cover letter gives the first impression. So, try to make it as impressive as you can. In the meanwhile, you need to stay professional. Adding up necessary details about you and your hiring manager will help you create an appealing header. Some important points to keep in mind while writing a header are:- Firstly, start by adding details about you that include: Name Address Contact number Email address That’s it! You do not need to add any details about yourself other than these. Also, make sure that everything is professional, including your email address. For example, chokateboyaadi@gmail.com or angelpriya@hotmail.com are some of the red flags. Your email id should be with your first and last name. Leave

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What Hiring Managers Want to See in Your Resume?

What Hiring Managers Want to See in Your Resume?

Hiring managers do have a lot of pressure from their organization to recruit the right people for the right position. They analyze hundreds of resumes throughout the day, and a resume is the first document they go through for every candidate. It lays the first impression and allows the candidate to impress the employer in the first few seconds. In the future let’s have a look at some of the characteristics that every hiring manager looks for in a resume: Suitable Length: Suitable Length: Excellent grammatical and spelling skills Excellent grammatical and spelling skills Organize Sections Organize Sections Specific Job Relevant Skills Specific Job Relevant Skills You must be precise, measurable, and actionable when adding your experience and accomplishments; simply mentioning your past job titles and day-to-day responsibilities will not be enough. It demonstrates the candidates as they understand the value they are providing to the organization and their willingness to go beyond their abilities to help the organization in succeeding. As per the industry experts, they do not find any essence in job roles. Rather, they like to hear about your achievements, like how you can improve the department, make any project successful, and create conversions; most importantly, they are interested in knowing what you’re going to bring about. Practical skills: Practical skills: The employers are very interested in knowing how you intend to connect to your present job and how you will be interested in creating a friendly environment around and linking your job responsibilities with your skills. Usually, the employer asks their candidates to link up their skills for the situations to prove their abilities. Practical skills are talked about to showcase your successes, talent, and experience to align with the job title. Customization Customization www.pollenpetals.co.uk The days of sending out your resume in bulk are long gone, and it was never a good idea, to begin with. While companies must attempt to locate qualified candidates, you must tailor your CV for each company to which you apply. Small modifications that emphasize why you are uniquely qualified for the post at X firm and why you would like to work for them — can make a big difference. Consider it equivalent to dressing for your dream job in resume writing. Do you want to work for any company, or do you want to work for this specific company in this exact role? Hiring managers can spot a vague, generic CV a mile away. Value Proposition: Value Proposition: What are the most significant characteristics you’d bring to the job? Do some preliminary research on the position, the company, and the culture before writing your CV. Make a professional elevator pitch (a 30-second explanation of who you are, what you do, and why you’re the ideal candidate for the job) and prominently display it. Keep this in mind as you write your resume. Are you effectively communicating your potential value to both the role and the company? Are you communicating who you are and why you should be hired over the guy with the 14-page, pasted resume? Education Education Whether you’ve taken classes, are working toward another degree, or have become a regular Quora expert, take advantage of this opportunity to promote any education or certifications you’ve achieved. Many firms engage in employee continuing education. Demonstrating that you’ve already taken the effort and are committed to extending your skillset and keeping on top of your game will raise your worth to future employers and put you ahead of the competition. Hiring managers do look for certain things in their candidates, and if they can find the same in the resume, he is shortlisted. That’s why every candidate should be precise in keeping things perfect for the future employer. Writrox

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What Should Not Be Included In A Resume?

Things To Not Include In A Resume Things To Not Include In A Resume mistakes writing a fresh resume Why is it so important? Why is it so important? Elaborating the information Elaborating the information Elaborating the information A resume is not a page from a book! Yes, you have to understand that the content has to be specific. The more compact your resume writing is, the better the impact. Never give too much information on your achievements and educational performance. It is unnecessary and irrelevant for the recruiter. Only if the information is relevant for the job you are applying for, include it. But do not make it too elaborate.  Long paragraphs on your skills and job roles Long paragraphs on your skills and job roles Long paragraphs on your skills and job roles While it is important to mention your skills and experiences, it can backfire if not done wisely. Mention the skills you have, making you an eligible candidate for the job, but do not write paragraphs on it. The same goes for the job role descriptions. You can use bullets to mention the skills you have, and your on-job role in the previous company. It is unnecessary to write too much about them. It can make the resume long, leading to a rejection.  Spelling mistakes and grammar errors Spelling mistakes and grammar errors Spelling mistakes and grammar errors Spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical errors are a big no! There is nothing worse than having a misspelled word in the resume or the inept use of articles. It annoys the recruiter and creates a negative impact. Ensure to avoid it and check it with grammar-checking software or app before sending the resume to the recruiter.  False information about education and skills False information about education and skills False information about education and skills Before sending a resume, the job seeker should check if their skills match the needs. Many candidates write skills that they do not have to land the interview. It is an unwise decision on your part as putting false information on the resume to get the interview can land you in serious trouble. You may get blocked by the recruiter, or banned from sitting in the interview for the company for a period! Thus, avoid these risks and never put false information to secure an interview.  Unwanted and unnecessary information Unwanted and unnecessary information Unwanted and unnecessary information HR recruiter Negative comments on previous job or employer Negative comments on previous job or employer Negative comments on previous job or employer Putting unwanted and adverse remarks on your previous job roles or employer will not help you in any way. Many job seekers write in their resumes how their previous job role was not up to their career expectations and, they can perform better. Expressing such thoughts only reflects unprofessionalism. So, it is unethical to write such things on the resume.  A detailed note on extracurriculars and hobbies A detailed note on extracurriculars and hobbies A detailed note on extracurriculars and hobbies Extracurricular and hobbies are part of the resume content. It reflects your overall personality traits. But, discussing them in detail is not a wise thing to do! You need not write which awards you won for your singing or dancing competition unless relevant for the job you are applying for. Mention them in the resume but do not elaborate.  Salary related notes Salary related notes Salary related notes Mentioning your last drawn paycheck in the resume is among the worst mistakes! It is wrong and, you should not include it anywhere in the resume. Discussing the salary is a part of verbal discussion. It should not be mentioned in the resume or job application. So, if you have it mentioned on your resume, remove it right away!  Photographs on the resume Photographs on the resume Photographs on the resume Unless the recruiter has instructed you to attach your photo to the resume, you should not include it. Whether it is your photograph or a picture of your educational report cards, it is a big no. There are a few rules and norms to write the perfect resume and, putting a photograph in the content is against it. So, check the job advertisement to find any instructions related to including your photographs in the resume. If there is nothing mentioned, do not include any pictures.  References and requests References and requests References and requests Putting references in the resume is a sign of unprofessionalism. Most recruiters do not ask for references and, prefer not seeing them on the resume they are screening. Putting notes in the end, like, “reference on request”, can also make you look eager. Avoid this common mistake wisely. However, if the job advertisement mentions the inclusion of available references, you can write the reference.  Unprofessional email address Unprofessional email address Unprofessional email address tips Things to avoid in the resume Things to avoid in the resume All the above-discussed pointer includes what you should omit in the resume. But there are certain things that you need to look out for. There can be more than one mistake that a job seeker may make in the resume. It is better to stay wise and know about them in detail so that you are not one of them!  Passive voice usage: Using passive voice while writing about yourself or, explaining your skills is a drawback. It is not right to use it in resume content. Remember to keep it simple so the recruiter can read it easily. Passive voice sentences make the writing unnecessarily complex and thus can distract the recruiter. You cannot afford to take such risks. So, write in simple and easy-to-understand sentences with easy vocabulary.  Passive voice usage: Using passive voice while writing about yourself or, explaining your skills is a drawback. It is not right to use it in resume content. Remember to keep it simple so the recruiter can read it easily. Passive voice sentences make the

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